marry a noble wife

Chapter 326 It's Not That Easy

Chapter 326 It's Not That Easy (1)
So Yudie and the others tidied up a bit, and then said goodbye to Master Puxian.Before leaving, Master Puxian stared at Jiuya with worrying eyes and said: "The benefactor is gone, I don't know when I will see you again. But the poor nun gave the benefactor a word, she is alone and has a very different shape. , and blessed by nature, in the future, we must do more good deeds, avoid killing evil, and worry about the people of the world."

Jiuya was puzzled, nodded and went down the mountain.

When the group returned to the Hou Mansion, everyone in the Hou Mansion heaved a sigh of relief.

Empress Ma was still sitting, and Jiuya hurriedly went up to see her. After Empress Ma asked her to get up, she stared at her unblinkingly, always looking carefully, so that even Yue'er could decide what kind of woman she wanted to marry. appearance.Looking at it, I felt that the little man in front of me was tall and graceful, with a purple embroidered skirt, a radiant complexion, and a dignified temperament. Standing there quietly, he had an aura that amazed the audience.

Empress Ma nodded secretly. If this woman was only based on her looks, she definitely wouldn't be able to get on the stage and get into Yue'er's eyes. Average people all than.Now that she has proficient in medical skills, she opened the Huachun Hall with great vigor, and she really is a little girl that people look forward to.It's a pity that Yue'er doesn't have that blessing, but it's good to have her by the side of Yu'er, a poor child.

Being stared at by her, Jiuya didn't hesitate. After a long time, Empress Ma said, "Are you Song Jiuya, the boss of Huachuntang?"

Jiuya replied respectfully, "Returning to the empress, the woman is Song Jiuya, the boss of Huachun Hall."

"A few days ago, I heard from the shopkeeper Ji over there that you know the folk remedies for curing cholera. Is there such a thing?"

"Go back to Empress Empress, there is indeed something to do."

"Then are you willing to work for the emperor and donate that folk prescription to heal the suffering and suffering people of my Great Xia?"

Jiuya hurriedly knelt down, "The women are willing to serve the emperor, and donate that folk prescription to treat the suffering people everywhere."

Empress Ma was overjoyed and said with a smile on her face: "I have waited a long time for this good news. I will go back to the palace to report to the Emperor Ming. I will reward you as the head of the county and enjoy the royal salary."

Fu Yu pulled Jiu Ya to kneel down to thank him again.After Queen Ma's guard of honor left, the news shocked everyone in the Houfu.And less than two hours later, the imperial decree that Jiuya was canonized as Hening County Lord came down, and all the people in the Hefu came out to kneel down to receive the decree.At this time the old lady had woken up, her face was not depressed, Xiao's face was livid, the eldest lady was calm, the third lady was slightly shocked, and Wen Caihe was jealous.

After receiving the decree to send the eunuch away with a lot of money, the old lady was silent for a while, then suddenly called Jiu Ya who was about to leave, and said in a vague way: "It is said that blessings depend on misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings. You got this today." Great honor, it seems to be very beautiful, but I am afraid that it will plant the seeds of disaster for the future, so you should do it yourself."

Jiuya smiled lightly, "Thank you grandma for reminding me that my daughter-in-law is not a pampered person. Whether it is a blessing or a disaster, my daughter-in-law will be careful." It's just a nice name, and he has no real position, no real power, and no fiefdom. Instead, he can get a little imperial salary, and he doesn't have to bow his knees in front of others.

The old lady nodded, and let someone help her in.Afterwards, the Imperial Palace sent Physician Hua from the Imperial Hospital, hoping that Jiu Ya would quickly write out the folk prescription for treating cholera.When Jiu Ya was talking about how to use other easy-to-find medicinal materials for cholera, and treat patients according to the severity of the infection, Fu Yu had already left the house.Because someone came back with news, they finally found the blue robe that Fu Qingyan was wearing thirty miles away from the place where Fu Qingyan's accident happened.But the robe had been hung torn, stained with a lot of blood, and hung on a sharp rock by the water. If it wasn't for the people who searched carefully, it would be difficult to see this small piece of cloth.

Aunt Xiao rushed over with Fu Yu, and when she saw the blood-stained blue cloth, she completely collapsed.Before, she was lucky and hoped that Qingyan would be smart enough to escape this catastrophe, but in the end, this piece of bloody clothing that was broken thirty miles away had completely wiped out her luck.On the side of the mountain road, everyone was in grief, An Pinghou seemed to have aged ten years suddenly, and his whole body sank.

The grief in Fu Yu's heart was even more uncontrollable. His poison had just been cured, and all his misunderstandings about Fu Qingyan had been resolved, so he wanted to treat this elder brother well in the future. regret?Thinking of the scene after scene in the past, his heart felt like a knife was being cut. He swore that he must find the murderer and cut him into pieces!
The entire sky above the Hou Mansion was shrouded in haze. The person was dead and his body had not been found, so he could only make a tomb for Fu Qingyan, hoping that his spirit in heaven could rest in peace.

Neither the old lady nor Aunt Xiao can be in charge, and Fu Qingyan's funeral can't be sloppy. Jiuya, who has never done these things before, accepted the order of Anping Hou, and the third lady helped her to take on the responsibility of taking charge of the family affairs. .Even though Jiu Ya was also grieved in her heart, she was temporarily ordered, so she had to cheer up and hold Fu Qingyan's funeral in a grand manner.

The third lady was extremely displeased with the entrustment of Anpinghou to Jiuya to take care of this matter. At this time, shouldn't she be in charge alone?How did you hand over this matter to a new daughter-in-law?I felt uncomfortable, so naturally I didn't try my best to help.Jiuya didn't care too much, and just took advantage of this time to figure out some personnel affairs in the mansion. Fortunately, Mama Pei and Mama Xiong were very experienced, and Mama Xiong was an old man in the mansion, so those who were disobedient or had trouble secretly Son, she couldn't help but sternly scolded her.

It's just that those who dare to be disobedient are naturally the old fritters in the mansion. They are obedient to their faces, and when they turn around, they have another face. Mama Pei, who is watching from the side, is afraid that they will mess up their errands. The young mistress trusted her, and when she found a bad omen, she hurried over to report to Jiuya.

"Young mistress, my servant saw that you clearly calculated that the feast was five hundred tables, and the chicken, duck and fish were all thrown away and counted 3000 taels of silver. But just now, this servant went to the kitchen to count them. There were less than 250 chickens and ducks, and less than [-] pigs. Thirty heads, not to mention that these things will not be able to make up [-] tables by then, even if they are all made up, I am afraid that the portions will be very small. In this way, people who come to express their condolences will not eat well, so they don’t know, or say It's the Houfu's stinginess, I know it, I must say that the young mistress is mean to the guests even in such a small matter, and I have to blame the young mistress again, in the future, those words will definitely not be heard well."

(End of this chapter)

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