Chapter 1025
Li Huan waited outside for a while, but no one answered.

Li Huan waited for a while, and shouted again: "I beg Iron Lady to give me the soul-cultivating tree!"

This time someone finally came out of the cabin!
Li Huan saw an old woman, opened the door and came out.

The old woman looked at Li Huan, Li Huan only felt that she was seen through from top to bottom!

Really great!

Li Huan settled down.

Li Huan: "Meet the Iron Lady!"

Iron Lady: "I'm not!"

Li Huan: "Meet General Mu!"

The old woman trembled suddenly, this time she did not refute.

Looking at Li Huan's eyes, there was a little more kindness, not as sharp as before!

Li Huan was very nervous, she inquired about Iron Lady on the way here, Li Huan also relied on her own intuition, she didn't expect it to be possible!

Li Huan: "Ask General Wood to give this junior the Soul Cultivation Wood!"

General Mu: "Why do you want to raise soul wood?"

Li Huan: "Save people!"

General Mu: "Save people? Whom?"

Li Huan: "Save my grandfather."

General Mu: "You're lying!"

Li Huan was shocked, but immediately calmed down: "There is still a loved one!"


General Mu snorted coldly: "You go! No!"

After the old woman finished speaking, she was about to enter the door with an angry look on her face.

Li Huan: "Wait!"

The old woman dog put her arms around her body and looked at Li Huan with dissatisfaction: "Did you say it! Get out!"

Li Huan: "I beg senior to give me the soul-cultivating tree! Otherwise, this junior won't leave!"

General Mu: "Whatever you want!"

General Mu closed the door and ignored Li Huan.

To get the Soul Cultivation Wood, one must pass the level of the Iron Lady.

Li Huan sat on the ground and started to meditate!
A day passed, and there was no movement in the cabin.

Two days, three days, four days...

A month has passed, and there is still no movement in the cabin!
Li Huan sat outside the formation in front of the wooden house, motionless, already in meditation.

The rest of the evil spirits came to watch:
"Look, Iron Lady actually asked her to wait at the door!"

"Didn't he be beaten away, or killed directly?"

"I also find it strange! Could it be General Shengmu?"

"Don't General Mu and Iron Lady mean the same thing?"

"What do you know! The Iron Lady was taken by him! General Mu is her original!"

"is it?"

"that is!"

"I knew it earlier, I called it that way back then! I don't have to die here!"

"How could there be so many people who knew earlier!"

"Do you think she can do it?"

"Didn't you see people waiting? Have you seen anyone who had this opportunity before?"

"But it has not been allowed to go in! I feel like hanging!"

"What do you know! This is called a test!"

"Exactly! I think it might work! Maybe we can leave!"

"You want to be reincarnated? What's so good about being a human being!"

"I heard that life is hard! It's super unpalatable!"

"Then...then don't be a human anymore! It's not bad to be reincarnated as a demon!"

A group of evil spirits were like watching monkeys, watching Li Huan meditate, after a long time, these evil spirits really had nothing to do, so they started counting the sound of Li Huan's breathing!

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Nineteen thousand breaths today!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Twice less than yesterday!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "No! I counted [-] times! You missed a thousand times!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "I didn't! I was watching and counting!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "You forgot that you just went to the bathroom!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Oh my god! I forgot! Every time it comes to a critical moment, I lose the chain!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Hand over the earthworm (earthworm) you dug yesterday! If you lose, you have to admit it!"

Reluctantly, Evil Ghost No. [-] took out something thinner than a pin from his arms, and handed it to Evil Ghost No. [-]: "I've been looking for it for days, let me smell it again!"

Evil Ghost No. [-] snatched the earth dragon over: "What the hell! If you lose, you lose! Smell it, you'll lose a piece of meat!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "You are too bullying! Huh..."

Evil Ghost No. [-] was pissed off by Evil Ghost No. [-]!
Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Not bad! This is all right!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "What are you counting! Just a little more than when that idiot reported the number!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Then how do you know that he can go to the bathroom! What if he doesn't!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "It's none of your business! Take care of yourself!"

Evil Ghost No. [-] went forward to snatch the earth dragon in No. [-]'s hand, seeing that it was getting thinner and thinner, and it was about to disappear!

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "You cheated! You don't want me to report you! Hand over half of it!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Go away! Fight if you have the ability!"

So Evil Ghost No. [-] and No. [-] fought over a dried-up earth dragon!
Li Huan waited and watched for a full month, but there was no movement, but the movement around her successfully caught her attention!

Li Huan stood up, looked at the group of evil spirits who had seen her as an ornamental plant for a month, and asked, "Want to eat?"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "I want to eat you the most!"

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "Yes! Little girls! Be kind, let us have a bite! We will help you lure her out!"

Li Huan: "Eat me? I don't taste good! I have better food!"

Li Huan took out the chicken legs that the little milk cat kept on the side of the nest, now the little milk cat and Baozilian went to play somewhere, not here!
Otherwise, I will fight Li Huan!
Li Huan opened the box, and a strange fragrance permeated the entire Wanhun Forest in an instant!

All the evil spirits were hooked by this fragrance!
The moment Li Huan threw the box, all the evil spirits rushed towards the box!

In just one breath, a whole box of chicken legs disappeared!
This is what the little milk cat secretly saved with a steamed bun face on its back!

Li Huan: "Help me, there will be more! If you don't help, then..."

If you haven't eaten it, then say something else!

But the evil spirits who have already tasted it, how can they bear it!
Evil Ghost No. [-] looked at the dry ground dragon in his hand, which was only as thin as a strand of hair, and suddenly it didn't smell good!

Evil Ghost No. [-]: "What you say means what you say!"

Li Huan: "Of course! If you don't count, you can't beat me!"

All the evil spirits: ...Fuck!What she said turned out to be true!What a waste of being a ghost for so many years!

Li Huan took out two more boxes of chicken legs: "This is the deposit!"

The eyes of those evil spirits who asked about Xiangxiang before were straightened!
This time I have to grab it even if I die!
Sure enough, the moment Li Huan threw the chicken leg, all the ghosts in the Wanhun Forest rushed towards the box!
They have been starving for too many years!
Where are the chicken legs!

This is dragon liver and phoenix marrow!

If you eat it, you will ascend to heaven!
Can live forever!

Li Huan: "Let's do business after eating!"

In order to eat, the evil spirits desperately ran to the front of the formation one by one, and then lay down on the prohibition of the formation!


When Li Huan saw the evil spirits pounce on the formation, lightning appeared!
This is a minefield!
What a powerful formation!

"Ah ah ah..."

The evil spirits are howling!
But for that little food, death is worth it!
Li Huan couldn't bear it.

At this moment, the door of the cabin opened!
(End of this chapter)

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