Chapter 104 Sword Mountain Sword Tree

Li Huan was silent, kept walking forward, kept walking, kept walking.

It was fast at first, but gradually slowed down.

The footsteps became heavy, and the cold air began to seep into the vitality on the body surface.

Li Huan's lips turned white.

The vitality is constantly eroded by the cold air, and the effect of resisting the cold wind is becoming less and less obvious.

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, and walking becomes more and more difficult.

Li Huan did not dare to consume too much vitality.

She was afraid that she would run out of energy before reaching the mountain gate.

In such a place, if you fall down, you will never get up again.

Can't stop, can't fall down.

Loneliness came quietly.

After walking for a long time, the mountain gate is still far away.

Li Huan kept telling herself that she couldn't stop, she had to pass.

Can't stop, if you stop, you will die.

Not only will you die here, but all the creatures in this tower will die.

Li Huan, you have to persevere!
Soon the body became stiff.

Li Huan took out a bottle of potion for restoring vitality, and there was not much left.

There are two more layers on the top, Li Huan dare not use more.

After drinking the potion, his body became a little warmer, and Li Huan continued to move forward.

Keep going, keep going.

Li Huan herself didn't know how long she had been away.

But I just couldn't get to the mountain gate.

A deep sense of powerlessness.


Must go!

Li Huan got rid of distracting thoughts and speeded up.

All in one go!
Until I was exhausted and stiff all over.

finally reached!

Li Huan approached the mountain gate, opened it and entered.

"Gurgling, gurgling..."

The moment I entered, a heat wave hit.

Extremely hot and cold alternating rapidly.

Li Huan only felt that his body was about to explode, and his whole body became numb.

The coldness on his body quickly receded, replaced by scorching heat.

Li Huan hurriedly took off his coat.

Sweat still immediately wet the clothes.

too hot!
If it was the extreme cold just now, then it is the extreme heat now.

Into the eyes, a bright red.

A two-meter-wide road leads to the distance.

On both sides of the road, there is magma, and the lava is constantly bubbling.

The heat was steaming, and even the air became distorted by the heat.

Li Huan took a rest and set out on the road without hesitation.

As soon as it touched the ground, the heat immediately passed through the soles of the shoes, scalding Li Huan's feet.

Li Huan hastily poured his vitality into his feet.

It didn't take long for the shoes to stand the high temperature and become scorched black.

Li Huan immediately changed her shoes, there were several pairs in the shoe space.

But not long after, the new shoes couldn't bear the heat and burned.

In the end, all the shoes that Li Huan had prepared were scrapped.

Li Huan had no choice but to move forward barefoot.

Every step I took, I was in great pain.

Soon there were fiery blisters on his feet.

At this moment, Li Huan felt as if he was fished out of the water.

But the heat will quickly dry out sweaty, wet clothes.

Soon drenched again, and so on.

Li Huan felt extremely uncomfortable, dizzy.

Showing signs of heat stroke, Li Huan immediately took out the spiritual spring water and poured it.

But only a drop in the bucket.

Later, Li Huan simply used a tube to connect to the Lingquan.

While walking, absorb water at the same time.

All the blisters on the soles of the feet burst, and the pain was unspeakable.

It was like walking on the edge of a knife, every step was painful.

Endless heat.

Li Huan was still alone, walking alone on this fiery road.

Li Huan didn't dare to stop to rest.

She was afraid that once she stopped, she would not have the courage to lift her feet again.

Li Huan felt like a tireless machine.

Just move forward on instinct.

Every step you take leaves a bloody footprint.

A series of bright red footprints is shocking.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way.

This layer is probably to hone the will of the warrior.

Without a strong will, it is difficult to reach a high place in practice.

Throughout the ages, those who can become strong and powerful.

Both are people with amazing willpower.

The journey of cultivating the Tao is full of difficulties, and it is always accompanied by the risk of death.

Without strong belief, it is difficult to move forward.

Although extremely uncomfortable, it is undeniable.

Li Huan's willpower has been greatly tempered.

I couldn't bear it several times, and wanted to remove the token and go out, but Li Huan held back.

Must be successful!
But what Li Huan didn't know was.

With the upper three layers of restrictions, tokens are no longer useful.

Finally, when Li Huan was about to fall, another mountain gate appeared.

Seeing hope, Li Huan quickened his pace.

At this time, Li Huan's feet had become bloody.

Every step is suffering.

However, there is hope!
Li Huan crossed the mountain gate, and what appeared in front of him was not hope.

But despair!

The towering mountain of knives stands in front of Li Huan.

Climb Knife Mountain with bare hands!
Compared with here, it is really much easier to go below the sixth floor.

Although there is no danger here, it is too exhausting.

Once you stop, you lose the will to move forward.

It is very unbearable.

Li Huan wrapped his hands in several layers of cloth.

start up.

But there is no good piece of flesh on the foot.

Enduring the severe pain, Li Huan applied a large amount of anesthetic to his feet.

The anesthesia only covers the soles of the feet, and there is still sensation in the ankles.

Li Huan stepped on the edge of the knife, all the way up.

The body that has been in a panic for a long time may collapse at any time.

If you are not careful, you will be stabbed and bloody.

The original delicate skin has been replaced by knife marks.


Can't stop!
Li Huan kept thinking silently in her heart.

Li Huan, you have no way out, this is your only hope!
We must go through, the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire are all over.

It's just a mountain of knives, you can definitely do it.

There was no feeling on his feet, but Li Huan could see the bandages on his feet, which were constantly oozing blood.

Blood left along the blade, staining the silver blade red.

All the way is bright red, strange and desolate.

Finally climbed to the top of the mountain, but still did not pass.

Li Huan walked into the mountain gate on the top of the mountain, and in front of him was a tall sword tree.

Mountain of swords and trees of swords!
Now that the sword mountain is here, the sword tree is not bad.

Li Huan started without hesitation.

In order to keep his hands flexible, Li Huan did not apply anesthetics on his hands.

The bandages that had been tied earlier were torn and riddled with holes.

Li Huan simply untied the bandage, although he could better control the strength of his palm.

But there is no doubt that the risk of injury is increased.

When Li Huan finally climbed to the top of the sword tree, he could no longer see his hands and feet.

Where is a good piece of meat.

His whole body was in tatters and bloodstained.

Li Huan didn't know whether the clothes were stained with sweat or blood.

Several times I almost fell due to loss of strength.

Falling from here, ten thousand swords will pierce the heart!
Standing on the top of the sword tree, Li Huan finally understood why there are very few warrior monks who have reached the extreme.

The difficulty was unbearable.

The road is obstructed and long, but the journey is approaching!
Don't forget the original intention, move forward!
Li Huan felt that her state of mind had undergone a great change.

His determination to practice Taoism has become more solid.

Li Huan let out a long breath of relief, and pushed open the mountain gate in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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