Chapter 1045

The Queen: "Hurry up and go after her! If you can chase her back, you will come back, if you can't chase her back, you don't have to come back!"

Gardenia: "Yes!"

Aunt Hua knelt on the ground, not knowing whether to get up or not.

The Queen only took one look at her and left.

Aunt Hua knelt down for a while and saw that the queen had already left, so she didn't kneel again. After thinking about it for a while, she still went after her sister.

She wants to see what this human race is like!
How could she even change her formation!

Can a pharmacist really be a formation master?
Aunt Hua's original pride did not allow her to admit that someone was so much better than her!
Let her lose face in front of the clan.

This revenge must be reported!
Aunt Hua found her sister very quickly, but the forest is so big, it is impossible to find her all at once.

Li Huan's injuries were getting worse and worse, and the pills he ate had no effect at all.

It is necessary to have a powerful power to dissolve the power in the body that does not belong to oneself, so that it is possible to absorb the healing elixir.

Li Huan found a relatively hidden place, exhausted his last bit of strength, and set up a simple cover-up at the entrance of the cave where he was hiding.

After Li Huan hid herself, she collapsed.

I just hope that Yun Huan can find him soon.

Li Huan took a lot of healing pills, but the place hit by the queen still couldn't heal.

All elixirs are ineffective against that power.

Li Huan's consciousness stayed in the space, he could only watch his body unable to heal, but there was nothing he could do.

Baozilian: "You won't die here, will you?"

Li Huan looked at him speechlessly: "I'm dead, so do you have to die too?"

Baozilian: "It seems to be! Then you must not die!"

Li Huan: "Just see when they can find me!"

Yun Huan is too slow in doing things!
The signal flare has been sent out for so long, and even the snake-human palace Lihuan helped him find it out by the way!
Why hasn't this person come yet!

The bad thing is that Li Huan exposed the snake-human palace!

The person who came to rescue at this moment is already on the way!
But they discovered the lair of the snake people!

Now these people are excited!
After searching for so many years, I couldn't find it.

This time I found it!
The soldiers all advocated attacking the palace of the snake people first!
But Yun Huan wants to save people.

So the two sides quarreled!
"My lord, our human race has fought against the snake-human race for so many years, just to find their lair, annihilate the snake-human race in one fell swoop, and save the lives of the people on the frontier, but now the opportunity is in front of us!"

"My son! Sacrifice one person, in exchange for the lives of the people! There are countless soldiers!"

"My son! If he knows, he will understand! After all, his sacrifice is righteous!"

Yun Huan hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Everyone follow me back to dispatch troops! Separate a small team to find people in the forest."

Soon the soldiers on the frontier discovered that the forest was actually on fire!

As soon as the support army arrives, start the fire attack!
The snake people rushed to fight, but the forest didn't know what was going on, and it was on fire!

This is their greatest reliance!

there's no more!
"Where is the queen! Go and tell the queen!"

But at this moment, the snake-human queen's face was ashen.

Trembling with anger, the ancestral ice marrow is gone!

who is it!

I just saw it!
This formation is also complete!


It's Yunhuan!
The queen's face turned from black to white, and then from white to red: "Pfft!"

Angry and anxious, the snake queen vomited blood from the anger!
Yun Huan led people to attack with fire, and soon the whole forest was set ablaze.

The fire spread and soon reached the vicinity of the palace.

Snake people can't stand the heat, and their combat effectiveness is reduced!

The soldiers of the human race will call over soon!
Howls, cries, and wailing.

The entire snake-human race was covered in cuts and bruises, and corpses were strewn all over the field.

When the queen came out, she saw such a scene.

"Yun Huan! I want you to die!"

The queen was extremely angry.

When Yun Huan brought someone to call, he confronted the Queen.

The Queen's strength was far higher than Yun Huan's, and soon Yun Huan was injured and fell to the ground.

Queen: "The human race is cunning, pretending to be married to me, destroying my family protection formation, stealing my family protection treasure, everyone in my snake-human race obeys the order, anyone who escapes must take the responsibility of killing the race, if anyone violates the order , God will punish him!"

Yun Huan woke up instantly when he heard the Queen's voice!

Fake marriage!

Steal the treasure of the clan!

Destroy the guardian array!


Everything is astonishing!

Therefore, Li Huan fired the signal flare because she was hunted down by the Queen!

Therefore, the forest was able to burn because Li Huan had stolen the Ice Essence of Wannian Han.

Therefore, this clan protection formation was also destroyed by Li Huan!

The reason why they couldn't find the snake people before was because their clan protection formation had hidden the entire snake people clan!

Li Huan destroyed their formation, so they could find it so easily.

What about Li Huan?

Yun Huan: "What did you do to our prince?"

The queen looked at Yun Huan contemptuously: "What do you think?"

Yun Huan's words indirectly helped the Empress to affirm that Yun Huan was still in the forest!
Seeing the Queen's expression, Yun Huan also knew that he might have leaked something!
Li Huan escaped!

Right here in the woods!

The previous distress signal flare!

The person was still there, and Yun Huan sent out the signal in his hand without hesitation!
"Whoa! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Level [-] highest distress signal!
When the soldiers in Frontier City saw the signal, they immediately reported to the garrison elders.

This is the highest level of distress signal in Frontier City.

"The son is in trouble, prepare!"

"Everyone go to the snake people to support!"

The elders also began to prepare for departure.

When the queen saw the signal from Yun Huan, she acted immediately!

The flames of the human race have already burned.

The queen killed anyone she saw, Yun Huan was stabbed, and the queen stepped forward to make up for it again without hesitation.

The snake people couldn't stand such a high temperature. The whole forest was burning, and the branches were crackling. The snake people didn't have low temperature to keep their scales hard. If they were hit by the spirit weapons of human soldiers at will, they would bleed profusely!
Most of the snake people gave up resistance and fled outside.

The queen ordered all the clansmen to escape to the human clan as long as they can escape!
The snake-human race watched their palaces burn down for generations, with hatred in their eyes.

Damn the human race!

This is the only belief in the hearts of every snake man present.

Escape, murderers!

The snake people gave up resistance, and the human race quickly occupied the snake people's palace.

The queen's fighting power is amazing, but she can't resist, so many people from her clan are living and dying in front of her.

She needs to lead her people to retreat, and there is already a strong aura coming from the frontier city.

Coming soon!
If you don't leave at this time, the entire snake people will be destroyed!
Damn people!
Snake people are most afraid of fire, but unfortunately, the ice essence has been stolen and cannot protect the tribe.

The queen looked at Yun Huan: "Tell you prince, Yun Huan, one day, I will come back to take revenge! I will never die!"

(End of this chapter)

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