Chapter 1050
Yun Huan's speed was very fast, and in just a few hours, the affairs in the frontier were arranged.

Li Huan followed Yun Huan in the custom-made spaceship and went straight back to the imperial city.

The imperial city can obviously feel the different atmosphere.

As soon as Li Huan arrived at Zhennan Palace, Yun Ni came!
Yun Ni: "See the prince!"

Li Huan: "Fake prince!"

Yun Ni looked up in surprise, just in time to see Li Huan winking at her!
Yun Ni: "This face is too much to bear! Why did you come back together?"

Yun Huan: "I met in the frontier."

Li Huan: "How about coming back to be the emperor?"

Yun Huan: "Now you are the prince! Please pay attention to the influence when speaking!"

Li Huan: "Yes! Prince Yun!"

Yun Huan: "You should call me Brother!"

Li Huan: "It's a good brother!"

Yun Huan turned around and went out!
Before leaving the house: "Go back to my yard in a while, don't ruin my sister's reputation!"

After Yun Huan left, Li Huan complained with disgust on his face: "No wonder your brother can't get a wife, it's so long-winded!"

Yun Ni smiled: "You! How dare you go to a place like the border alone! I heard that you also suppressed bandits?"

Li Huan: It's more than that!I helped manage the lair of the snake people.

But by accident, I can't admit it!
It's just frustrating!
Li Huan: "Well, by the way."

Yun Ni: "Tell me quickly, I'm so curious!"

Li Huan: "You go to the Chen family and call my sister."

Yun Ni immediately sent someone to invite Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan: "See Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Huan: "Sister, it's me!"

Chen Yuan froze when she heard Li Huan's voice!

But looking at that face, I was a little puzzled!
Chen Yuan: "Prince Yun, stop joking!"

Yun Ni: "She is Li Huan!"

Li Huan closed the door, revealing her face.

Chen Yuan was stunned: "!!"

Li Huan: "It's me!"

Chen Yuan: "Before that, that Crown Prince Yun who caused a lot of trouble in the city was..."

Li Huan: "Me too!"

Chen Yuan: this world fantasy?Or am I just behind the times?

Li Huan: "Come on, sit down and talk slowly!"

Li Huan told Chen Yuan and Yun Ni about her experience of being away during this period.

Yun Ni: "My God! You even went to the Wuji Desert!"

Chen Yuan: "The amount of information is a bit large, I need some time to digest it!"

Yun Ni: "So, Murong's house was stolen by you?"

Cheng Yuan: "Huan'er, you are so foolish! If you get caught, you will die ten thousand times!"

Li Huan: "It's okay, they can't catch me!"

Chen Yuan: "No, you hurry up, if you are found out, you might die! Murong Xuezhi wants to marry the Fourth Prince, someone from Murong's family will definitely come!"

Yun Ni: "Are you sure they didn't find out that you did it?"

Li Huan: "Is that why you don't believe me?"

Chen Yuan: "But, that's Murong's family!"

Li Huan: It was the Murong family who stole it!More than half of the Murong family's property now belongs to my Lin family!I will definitely take them all back!There will be a meeting someday!Just collect some interest in advance!

Yun Ni: "You have to be careful, Murong Xuezhi will formally pay homage to the fourth prince before the end of the year. Murong's family will definitely come!"

Chen Yuan: "Huan'er should get out of here quickly!"

Li Huan: "The fourth prince is in my hands, who is this Murong Xuezhi married to?"

Yun Ni: "I don't know, the imperial concubine's side, I have been watching for so long, and it seems that no news has leaked out."

Chen Yuan: "What! You kidnapped the fourth prince! Huan'er, what else did you do! My heart can't take it for a while!"

Li Huan: "It's nothing, it's not kidnapping, he wants to go with me!"

Yun Ni: "I see that the Murong Mansion has been preparing for the wedding, and it has not been affected at all. Could it be that the fourth prince has been found?"

Li Huan: "Impossible! Almost no one knows about that place."

But Li Huan hasn't been to Water Mist Sect for a long time, it seems that he has to take time to go back and have a look.

After all, Yunhai has been there for a long time, it's time to come back!
With hostages in hand, the chances of winning will be even greater.

After Yun Huan came back, Li Huan discussed with Yun Huan.

Yun Huan immediately said that now is not the time.

Yun Huan: "The imperial city is already covered with the eyeliner of noble concubines. Once we go out, we will definitely leak our whereabouts. The loss outweighs the gain."

Li Huan: "If necessary, I have a way to bring Yunhai back without anyone noticing!"

Yun Huan: "Oh?"

Li Huan: "In exchange, let me ask you if Yun Ling is still in the Wuji Continent?"

Yun Huan was silent for a while: "Not here!"

Li Huan's heart sank: "Then... is he still alive?"

Yun Huan: "Live naturally!"

"That's good."

Li Huan left the yard and personally sent Chen Yuan back.

"The prince is back!"

"Ah! It's really Prince Yun!"

"Prince, prince! Prince Yun, I love you!"

Li Huan crossed the street on horseback, while Chen Yuan sat in the carriage.

After a while, Prince Yun's support team rushed over after receiving the news: "Prince Yun! Prince Yun! We miss you so much!"

Li Huan's watery eyes kept winking at the fans on both sides of the street.

"Ahhhhh!!! I'm going to pass out!"

"Prince! The prince even winked at me!"

"It was thrown for me! It was me!"

"The prince belongs to everyone! Maintain order!"

Li Huan walked around all the way, stealing the limelight.

On this day, the imperial city, which was originally in a bad atmosphere, became active again because of the prince's parade in the streets!
Li Huan did it on purpose!
If the imperial concubine wants to help Yunhai seize the throne, then first ask the prince support team in the imperial city whether they agree or not!
Murong Xuezhi, do you still like Yunhai's gift?

Murong Xuezhi naturally received the news.

Just relying on a noble concubine, she doesn't have the courage to launch a mutiny directly to seize the imperial city!

But with Murong's family behind him, it might not be necessary to add fuel to the flames!

Murong Xuezhi has already cooked rice with the fourth prince!
If the Murong family wants to get the support of the imperial city, they can only support the fourth prince!

In addition, Murong Xuezhi went back to lobby, and the entire Murong family supported Murong Xuezhi to help the imperial concubine behind her back!

After all, in comparison, the fourth prince is much easier to control than the prince!
When the crown prince ascends the throne, the imperial city must belong to the Yun family!
But when the fourth prince ascends the throne, what is the surname of this imperial city is not certain!

Murong Xuezhi: "Come here, get ready and go to the Prince's Mansion to meet the Prince!"


Li Huan's actions attracted a lot of attention. Everyone knew that the prince had returned from the frontier!

Also defeated the snake people!
There will be no more frequent wars on the frontier in the future!

"Prince Yun! Prince Yun! I'm your fan!"

"Prince, the prince is amazing! The snake man who beat him is like a fool."

"Favorite, love Prince Yun the most! You are our Prince Yun!"

Both sides of the road were surrounded by Prince Yun's support team!
Li Huan finally sent Chen Yuan to the Chen Mansion.

The mother of the Chen family, and Chen Zhentian, were stunned!
what's the situation!
Prince Yun support team:

"How could Crown Prince Yun send Miss Chen home!"

"Does he like Miss Chen's family?"

"No! Prince Yun belongs to everyone! No one can monopolize it!"

(End of this chapter)

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