Chapter 1066 Miracles
Li Huan was taken to an unknown place by the lamp.

It was pitch black all around, only the lamp in her hand had a little light.

Li Huan: "What place is this?"

A beam of light suddenly appeared from the lamp in his hand, pointing to a certain place!
Li Huan walked in the direction indicated, except for this light beam, the surrounding area was pitch black.

No wind, no waves, no sound.

There is nothing, as if the whole world has disappeared, only Li Huan exists alone.

Li Huan followed the guiding light and kept walking forward.


After a while, the indicator light suddenly flickered, and Li Huan sped up.

Chase in the direction of the light.

Finally at the end, there is a quaint bronze gate.

Li Huan stood in front of this door, as if he had become a grain of sand in the ocean.

Li Huan stretched out his hand and touched the bronze door, and a dull voice sounded.

The door is open!
Li Huan walked inside the bronze door.

Inside the door is a long tunnel.

After Li Huan passed through the tunnel, he entered a cave.

Li Huan: "Where is this place?"

Baozilian: "It should be inside the miracle!"

Little milk cat: "Look for the exit. Generally, miracles will have traces of previous people's lives, and will leave some things behind."

Li Huan searched around the cave for a while, and finally found an exit in a corner.

Because of the angle of this exit, you won't find it unless you get close.

After Li Huan entered from here, he kept going forward, and finally arrived at a place that seemed to be inhabited by people!

Here is a stone bed, a stone table, and a jade pot on the table.

There is also a lamp beside the jade pot.

The lamp was still on, and it looked like the lamp oil was the same as the divine oil when I came in!

Because Li Huan could already hear the little milk cat's saliva!

On one side of the cave, there is a clear spring water, which flows to a low-lying place, forming a small pond, and there are actually several lotus plants in the pond.

Li Huan smelled a burst of fragrance and wanted to pick lotus flowers.

But after stepping into the cave, I found that there was a powerful restriction blocking it!
Every step Li Huan took was under a lot of pressure.

Seeing that the lotus is not far away, but just can't get close.

Baozilian: "It's a miracle, that's right. It's divine power. This flower must be at least a thousand years old."

Little milk cat: "It looks delicious! There is also a lotus pod, I want to eat lotus seeds."

Li Huan: "I want to eat myself!"

Little milk cat: "We are here to cheer you on!"

Baozilian: "Come on! Come on!"

Li Huan: ...

I really want to beat these two to death!
Li Huan felt unprecedented pressure, and every movement required all the strength of her whole body!

Some seemingly simple things have become out of reach.

It's right in front of you, but you just can't get it!
It seems like a few steps away, but Li Huan has been walking for several months and still hasn't arrived!
This is divine power?
Human aura is really insignificant compared to divine power.

Maybe for the people who lived here back then, these were just simple daily utensils, but after so many years of evolution, these simple daily utensils have become fine!
Li Huan couldn't move even the restraints he had evolved alone.

It took several months for Li Huan to finally reach the stone table.

The little milk cat jumped out immediately and poured out the wine in the jade pot to drink.

Li Huan immediately snatched it over, and then took a big gulp into his own mouth!

hot!The fire-spicy-spicy stimulation-stimulation burns the throat.

The burning sensation went all the way down the throat and reached Li Huan's stomach.

Li Huan felt like his whole body was going to burn up!

Li Huan: "What's going on!"

Li Huan thought he was poisoned, but it didn't look like he was poisoned!
Baozilian: "Oops, you are too reckless, you don't have a divine body, you will explode and die if you drink this fine nectar! Hurry up and absorb these essences! Hurry up and run around!"

Li Huan didn't dare to push her too hard, because the scorching heat all over her body became more and more obvious!

It was like taking Jiefeng Pill for the first time, the burning feeling made my whole body tremble!
Li Huan immediately sat down and meditated on the ground.

After Steamed Bun's face came out, he picked up the jade pot and returned to the space. The restraint pressure here is too great, and staying outside is exhausting.

It took Li Huan several months to get to the stone table, they didn't dare to seek death.

Baozilian and the little milk cat took a bite each, and started drinking in the space.

Passed out quickly.

As for Li Huan, his whole body was red at this time, his face changed into his original appearance, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

Li Huan revolves around the sky, guiding the power in his body that does not belong to him to circulate in the veins.

Li Huan watched as his tendons were about to burst due to the impact of this spiritual essence, and his whole body was shaking with pain.

If I knew this wine was so strong, I was in a hurry to drink it!

Li Huan didn't have a divine body, so he couldn't absorb such a powerful spiritual essence.

The whole veins were stretched by the essence, blood oozes from the veins, Li Huan gritted his teeth, and guided the essence to swim through the whole body.


But not long after, part of the essence was absorbed by Li Huan's tendons, and Li Huan could clearly feel that his tendons had widened!
Really good stuff!

It's just that the process is too hard!
Sweat dripped from Li Huan's forehead.

The whole body was soaked, as if it had just been fished out of the water.

But in the body, as the absorption of the spiritual essence accelerated, Li Huan could clearly feel that his cultivation was rapidly improving!

Intermediate Spiritual Realm!
Spirit Saint Realm advanced!
Only one step away from the spiritual realm!
Li Huan was pleasantly surprised, but at this time the spiritual essence has been almost absorbed by Li Huan!
Li Huan opened his eyes, only one step away from reaching the spiritual state!

unexpected surprise!

Li Huan looked at the two who were still sleeping in the space, and couldn't complain anymore, but the aura of the little milk cat was quietly changing.

Li Huan could clearly feel that after it woke up this time, it should be able to improve.

The little milk cat has never grown up, which may have something to do with Li Huan. Even though Li Huan knew that the little milk cat might be a divine beast, he didn't have enough resources to cultivate it.

The biggest reason why kittens have never grown up may be... malnutrition.

Li Huan looked at the lotus seeds not far away. These are also sacred objects, and they should help the little milk cat to be promoted.

Li Huan stood up and walked towards the pond.

Fragrance bursts, refreshing.

Really good stuff!

This time it took Li Huan several months to reach the pond.

Li Huan didn't pick off the lotus seeds, but was going to transplant the whole lotus into her own space!
The water was icy cold, and the moment Li Huan stepped into the pool, he felt like he was about to freeze!
It took a long time before he regained his composure.

It's freezing cold, and the lotus is right in front of you!

(End of this chapter)

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