Chapter 11 Potion
Li Huan climbed over the wall and entered without alarming anyone.

Li Huanxin thought: The location of Changhuan Pavilion is very satisfactory to me. I wonder if my grandfather often went out over the wall before, so he built a pharmacy here.

I have to tell the truth about Li Huan.

There was still some time before dawn, so I took out the fire spar I just bought, and some medicinal materials, and tried to refine the medicine.

Potions are not as complicated as alchemy, but the purification of various medicinal materials.

As long as there is a prescription, a source of fire and a pill furnace.

Li Huan happened to have all these, and Li Huan chose the simplest healing prescription from the ancient alchemy prescriptions.

Simplified some medicinal materials, and replaced them with existing medicinal materials with similar properties.

Take out the fire spar and start refining the medicine.

Li Huan first put the flint stone into the bottom of the cauldron, and then extracted various medicinal materials separately.

Finally, the purified medicinal materials are fused according to the previously learned pharmacology.

An hour later, Li Huan was sweating profusely, and finally concocted a bottle of healing potion.

Refining medicine consumes a lot of mental power.

Just a small bottle is so tiring.

Li Huanjian still had some flint stones left, so he continued refining.

At dawn, Li Huan finally concocted five bottles of healing potions.

Li Huan was so tired that he kicked and peeed, refining medicine was really tiring, Li Huan complained.

As everyone knows, for those who are new to refining medicine, it will take two days and two nights of sleepless nights to refine the medicinal materials alone.

Those like Li Huan who refine several bottles in a few hours are No. 1 throughout the ages.

Li Huan put away the medicine and went back to her room.

I was so tired that I fell asleep with my head covered.

The consumption of mental power can only be recovered by resting.

Li Huan didn't wake up until noon, but after a quick bite of food, he went back to the space to practice.

After refining medicine last night, Li Huan discovered that if one wants to become a pharmacist, one needs a lot of spiritual power.

Now it's just refining pharmacy, and it's so hard, it doesn't know how much mental strength is needed to become a real pharmacist.

Fortunately, Li Huan's "Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" is dedicated to cultivating spiritual power.

In the middle of the night, Li Huan woke up from his practice.

Qiuyue left long ago.

After changing her clothes, Li Huan climbed out of the fence and headed towards the underground trading market.

Li Huan didn't come to buy anything today, but to sell the potion refined last night.

Li Huan walked around, found an empty corner, took out the healing potion, put it beside her, and started selling it.

One hour passed, two hours passed, I don't know if it's the wrong location or I didn't read the almanac when I went out today.

Li Huan's booth was empty for two hours.

Just when Li Huan was about to leave.

A martial artist came over and saw Li Huan laying out several bottles of healing potions and asked, "Little brother, how do you sell this medicine?"

"50 taels a bottle."

Li Huan lowered his voice and said.

"Give me a bottle, if the effect is not good, I will return it."

Warrior said.

Just as the warrior was about to pay, another companion came over and said, "Brother Wang, this potion is too cheap, isn't it fake? You should take another look, what if you get scammed?"

Hearing what people said, the warrior began to hesitate, Li Huan said: "You can try the effect first, if it is good, you can pay later, I can wait."

Seeing what Li Huan said, the man stopped hesitating.

He urgently needs healing medicine to save his life, but he didn't find a suitable medicine tonight.

Either it's too expensive, or it's a potion that has no healing effect.

He searched for the healing potion for a long time before he saw that Li Huan was selling it here.

If I can't find it today, I'm afraid...

The man still paid 50 taels to Li Huan, and left in a hurry.

Li Huan waited for a while and still no one cared, so he put away the remaining four bottles of medicine and prepared to go back.

50 taels, just enough to buy flint stones yesterday, it's not bad.

As soon as Li Huan left, Wang Dahan, who bought the medicine just now, rushed to the place where Li Huan had stayed, but Li Huan had already left.

"Brother, where are you?"

Said a thin young man beside Wang Dahan.

"I was still here just now, I just bought his medicine, why did it disappear."

Wang Dahan said anxiously.

"Forget it, come and have a look tomorrow. If you said he still has some, then he should come again tomorrow."

said the skinny boy.

Li Huan collected the potion and did not leave immediately. The flint stones from last night have been used up.

I have to buy some more today.

Li Huan came to the place where the flint was sold, and this time he bought flint with all his money.

She was going to refine all the remaining medicinal materials into potions.

Next time, find a place with more crowded people to sell.

Li Huan returned to the General's Mansion and began to refine the medicine.

After the medicinal materials for healing were used up this time, Li Huan refined some auxiliary medicines from the remaining medicinal materials.

For example, Quchongsan can expel some low-level monsters and poisonous insects.

There is also a little energy-invigorating powder. Warriors consume a lot of force in fighting. This energy-invigorating powder can quickly replenish physical strength.

In the past, when Nanny Qin had nothing to do, she would teach Li Huan to identify various herbs.

The growth environment, as well as the properties of medicinal herbs, the precautions for mutual growth and mutual restraint.

From time to time, he also took out a lot of books for Li Huan to recite.

Therefore, simple potions are not difficult for Li Huan, as long as there are medicines that can be easily refined, Li Huan does not have a ready-made prescription, and they are all improvements of the prescriptions in "Ancient Pill Prescriptions".

These are all things that Mother Qin taught Li Huan before.

At dawn, Li Huan went back to the room and fell asleep with her head covered.

At noon, Li Huan started to enter the space to practice again after a hasty lunch.

Drink Lingquan water when you are tired, and you will never get tired.

In the middle of the night, Li Huan climbed over the wall and came to the underground trading market.

As soon as he entered, he was grabbed by someone.

Li Huan was about to resist when he heard the man say excitedly: "Little brother, you are here, we have been waiting for you all night."

Only then did Li Huan realize that it was the big man who bought medicine with him last night.

Seeing that Li Huan was silent, the big man said anxiously: "Do you still remember the potion I bought from you yesterday, little brother, yours is really a magic potion, look at my brother, after taking your potion, most of them have recovered. The doctors said he was dying, and today you have to sell me the rest of the medicine no matter what."

Li Huan followed his gaze.

I saw a thin young man in his twenties, with a pale face and a bad complexion.

The man saluted Li Huan and said, "Thank you, little brother. I was seriously injured before, and the doctor was helpless. Fortunately, the medicine my brother bought from you saved my life. My elder brother was impulsive, don't be surprised."

Li Huan pushed the big man's hand away, and said, "You're welcome, if you're here to buy medicine, I do have a little more here. In addition to collecting money, I also collect exercises, martial arts, pills, books on refining medicine, fire medicine, etc. Crystal stones, if you have any, you can use them in exchange."

Hearing what Li Huan said, the thin young man said happily: "That would be great, this is my brother Wang Batian, my name is Wang Sulin, we are mercenaries, we go in and out of the World of Warcraft Forest all the year round, little brother, we are willing to cooperate with you for a long time , if there is a suitable method such as pill formula, we will exchange it with you. I see that the little brother is not high-level, is he a pharmacist?"

A pharmacist is an introductory word for a pharmacist. A pharmacist must be a spiritual master, but a pharmacist does not need to be a first-level warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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