Chapter 110 Search
The fourth level of soul devouring is to directly use the spiritual consciousness to annihilate the enemy's spiritual soul. The spiritual consciousness kills people silently.

Li Huan watched the introduction of "Soul Eater", especially after refining to the last level.

It is as powerful as the gods in the legend.

This "Soul Eater Art" is really a legendary martial skill.

Compared with "Soul Eater Art", Tianyuan Continent's martial arts were reduced to scum in seconds.

Li Huan eats the marrow to know the taste, and practice "Soul Eater" tirelessly in the space.

There is everything in the space, and Li Huan is not in a hurry to go back now, let's talk about it after completing the first level of "Soul Eater".

Finally, after half a year, Li Huan was able to cultivate "Soul Eater" to the first level.

"Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" has also been cultivated to the third level.

Sure enough, good exercises are extremely difficult to advance.

Li Huan thought her talent was not bad, but it took half a year for just one level.

"Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" strengthens the spiritual consciousness, and Li Huan uses "Soul Eater Art" to be more handy.

However, with Li Huan's current cultivation base, "Soul Eater Art" has been refined to the first level, which is already the limit.

When "Soul Eater Art" is used, the energy of origin is consumed enormously.

It is necessary to improve the state as soon as possible in order to make more progress.

At this time, the outside world has only passed a month.

Fortunately, there is this Space Bead from Taiyi Palace.

Compared with the speed of outsiders, Li Huan's current cultivation speed is like cheating!
The little milk cat woke up once, but Li Huan made it continue to eat the second light curtain bubble.

So the poor little milk cat just woke up and was full again.

I fell asleep and haven't woken up until now.

Li Huan flipped through the footwork "Broken Cloud Walk" in his hand.

This "Broken Cloud Step" is also driven by the energy of origin.

Li Huan guessed that all the martial arts here use Shiyuan Qi, not aura.

"Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" is for cultivating the qi of origin.

Therefore, if Li Huan didn't have this exercise left by his mother, then all the martial arts here would not be able to practice.

Li Huan suddenly became curious about what kind of person her mother was.

Leaving behind such powerful martial arts and martial arts, but not by Li Huan's side, why?
It seems that we still have to find Mother Qin first.

The Shiyuan Qi in Taiyi Palace is sufficient, and Li Huan practiced "Broken Cloud Step" relatively smoothly.

However, it still took a month to get started.

But just getting started, Li Huan's speed is a hundred times faster than the "Snow Steps" that he practiced before!
A full hundred times!
What kind of fairy footwork is this.

Li Huan is confident that his speed is absolutely unique among the spirits.

Even higher than his own, a whole level of healer speed.

You may not be able to go faster than yourself.

If he could have obtained such a high-level footwork earlier, he would not have escaped so embarrassingly if he had escaped many times before.

Li Huan finally came out of cultivation. At this time, she had been in this tree hole for more than a month.

Li Huan discovered that someone had been stationed not far from her hiding place.

But obviously, the long-extinguished arched fire indicated that the people stationed here had left long ago.

But he said that a month ago, Kavana brought people to hunt down Li Huan, and he could have caught Li Huan.

Kavanagh's speed is already extremely fast.

But no one could have imagined that Li Huan would start practicing on the way.

And, stay for one month.

Kavana ambushed all the places near the water source.

But after searching for almost a month, he still couldn't catch Li Huan.

No wonder.

Who let Li Huan have a portable space, so she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing.

Therefore, when Li Huan came out of the tree hole, most of the people from Sixiang Kingdom had withdrawn.

If only Kavanagh knew.

Li Huan hid in a place so close to him and 'sleeped' for a month, afraid that he would vomit blood from anger.

Although Kavana evacuated most of the people a few days ago, there were still a few patrol teams left behind.

And sent heavy troops on the border, because Kavana is confident, Li Huan is definitely not as fast as him.

The escaped person must be hiding somewhere in the Warcraft Forest, and has not returned to Yunlong Country.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the intelligence office on the side of Yunlong Kingdom to find out nothing.

After walking for a while, Li Huan found out that there were people patrolling, both on the edge and in the middle.

But there are not many people, a team of three.

The highest cultivation level in the team is the sixth rank.

Because before, when Kavana saw Li Huan, she was at the sixth level.

The captain of each team carried a flare.

As long as the target is found, the captain can immediately transmit the signal.

With the same level of cultivation, they will not be killed by one move, and they will not waste personnel.

In the border town of Sixiang Kingdom, there are high-ranking people who keep an eye on the movements here, and will immediately support them if they find a signal.

Jialan Tower is really important.

Sixiang Kingdom watched helplessly as its own spirit maker machine disappeared inexplicably, it was really not reconciled.

They must get the mysterious treasure inside the Jialan Tower.

Li Huan didn't know at first that their captain had a flare in his hand.

However, I didn't know until I passed by and overheard the conversation of a small team.

The Four Elephant Kingdoms care so much about Jialan Tower.

So many people were sent to search for so many days.

But these sixth- and fourth-tier warriors are really not enough for Li Huan to look at.

Originally, Li Huan didn't want to cause more complications.

But on the way, I overheard a team leader bragging.

A treasure map in the City Lord's Mansion, handed down from the ancestors.

The uncle of his second brother-in-law, when he was young, he served in the city lord's mansion.

I accidentally heard the lady in the mansion mention it to someone.

It is said that the treasure map is marked with a mine vein in the Warcraft Forest.

Legend has it that it is a spirit stone mine, but it is deep in the forest of monsters.

So no one has dared to mine it.

Everyone else said their captain was bragging.

But the captain made a vow, and even swore an oath to heaven and earth.

Even Li Huan became curious.

Annotated map of Lingshi veins!
Li Huan originally wanted to go back, but...

But this foot became more and more disobedient.

Li Huan wanted it to go east, but it chose to go west.

Then... go and see?

It was only this month when Li Huan entered the Taiyi Palace that she discovered that the little milk cat has an amazing appetite. If she doesn't stop her, she can eat half a box of spirit stones in a day.
Kind of like jelly beans.

The kind that can be chewed directly without cracking teeth.

Li Huan's heart was about to bleed.

Although the practice has been smooth this month, there is a sufficient supply of spirit stones.

But seeing the two boxes of spirit stones, it was about to bottom out.

Li Huan couldn't get into the rest of Taiyi Palace even after trying.

The level is not high enough to break the restriction, and the palace behind can't even chew the teeth of the little milk cat.

The little milk cat is too small, and it is powerless to face too strong a restriction.

Several times, I almost knocked my teeth out.

(End of this chapter)

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