Chapter 112 Killing Formation

He clearly saw it when he went to worship before the banquet started.

Therefore, he was sure that the person who stole the treasure map was here.

However, this matter cannot be exposed yet, and the city gate can only be temporarily closed in the name of losing treasures.

In the heart of the city lord here, don't mention the fire at this time.

He managed to get to this point, and the distinguished guests had already arrived.

As a result, the entire treasure building was evacuated!

The mayor of the border town was furious on the spot, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

However, after being the city lord for so many years.

Still ambitious.

How could it be easily defeated.

Regardless of his injuries, he hurried to seal the city gate.

If he is allowed to catch that thief, he must be torn to pieces!

So he blocked the border town as quickly as possible.

Li Huan couldn't see it anymore, and hurried back to the previous beggar's nest.

As soon as Li Huan arrived, someone came to arrest him.

Li Huan mixed in the crowd and was taken away with everyone.

The reason why Li Huan wanted to come back was naturally because he knew that the city would strictly investigate.

If the whole city is investigating, Li Huan suddenly going to other places at this time is definitely the most suspicious.

The beggar's nest is the best place to hide at this time.

Li Huan and the others were taken to the interrogation place.

But the interrogator didn't know that it was a treasure map, so he didn't pay attention.

Besides, these beggars have always been in the back kitchen.

It is impossible to get close to the main courtyard.

So, I just asked a few words and left.

But it still didn't mean to let them go.

If you like, just stay with them in the interrogation place.

Of course, there is a little porridge to eat, and only some straw to live in.

There was no movement for several days, and Li Huan also mixed in, pretending to be practicing while sleeping.

When I followed them to worship, I also did well.

But Li Huan doesn't have that kind of free time, and really spends a lot of time praying every day.

Every time she put on a good look, she went directly to the space to practice.

But in everyone's eyes, Li Huan is the most pious one, and he is the last one to finish his prayers every time.

Today, someone finally came.

It was Lei Haotian who came! ! !

The city lord who wanted to come to this side of the city just picked up Lei Haotian, the chief disciple of Leiyinmen, and went to mine this spirit stone vein together.

Li Huan immediately recovered from the shock.

Hastily took out some ointment and spread it on his face.

These are some medicinal liquid essences that have been prepared before, and have not been refined into pills yet.

Although this Tiger Tiger Dragon Tongue Grass is a good medicine.

However, its liquid essence, Huhulongyusuan, is a good dyer.

The kind that can't be washed off, but when applied on the face, the complexion will become extremely sallow.

It is necessary to prepare a corresponding potion to wash it off.

Li Huan took out a little and smeared it all over her face.

In order to be realistic, the neck and arms, and the places that can be exposed are all rubbed.

Soon Li Huan turned into a really thin beggar with a sallow complexion and messy hair.

Standing in the pile of beggars before, you can still see the delicate little white face at a glance.

Now I can't feel anything wrong at all.

Lei Haotian glanced at the crowd with disdain.

His mind is more delicate than that of the city lord, the more inconspicuous the place, the more able to hide people.

But there are too many beggars!

Lei Haotian didn't want to waste time looking for them one by one, so he directly set up a formation in an open space.

He ordered people to drive everyone into the formation.

Li Huan, who was in the crowd, naturally also followed in.

After waiting for everyone to enter the formation, Lei Haotian began to use spiritual power to activate the formation.

Killing array!
Li Huan soon discovered that this was actually a killing array!
What a Lei Haotian, to kill so many innocent people directly for the treasure map!
Lei Haotian is sure that the person who stole the treasure map is a monk, and it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the protective formation outside the treasure building.

It is impossible for warriors to break open.

Lei Haotian had inspected that formation, and it was difficult for him to even break the formation.

He is at the pinnacle of spirituality, and he is only one step away from becoming a spiritualist.

This time he was sent by an elder from Leiyinmen, and he also knew the preciousness of this spirit stone vein.

So dare not pretend to others, come here in person.

But just after arriving here, the treasure map was stolen.

Lei Haotian was also depressed, at first he suspected that the lord of the border town of Sixiang Country was deceiving him.

But thinking about it later, it shouldn't be possible.

If he really didn't want to hand over the treasure map, he could just hide it.

There is no need to spend a lot of money to get online with Leiyinmen and stop mining.

Therefore, this treasure map was really stolen.

And just before he came.

If he dared to do something under his nose, he would make this person pay the price in blood.

As soon as the killing formation was activated, some people could not stand it any longer.

Beads of blood ooze from the skin, and soon everyone in the formation will turn into blood.

Lei Haotian just to be on the safe side.

He blessed his most precious magic weapon, the Silver Frost Taiji Ring, on top of the formation.

The Silver Frost Tai Chi Ring was given to him by his master when he was just starting out.

It can not only defend, but also bless one's own attack. It is a rare spiritual weapon.

Lei Haotian is confident that he will get the result early tomorrow morning.

He has confidence in his formation, that person will not be able to escape.

At this time, the city lord of the city over there came over and saw Lei Haotian activate the killing array.

Before he said that there is a way, the city lord is busy reviewing other places.

There were no other places, and he began to believe Lei Haotian's guess.

Then came over in a hurry.

But he was also shocked by Lei Haotian's handwriting: "Brother Lei, isn't this...too cruel?
These are my townspeople after all. "

Lei Haotian looked disapproving: "Cardan, these are not all untouchables.

If that person is really mixed in, how can you ensure that he won't run away during the review. "


Cardan looked hesitant, he had been lying in wait for so long.

To pay so much is to mine the spirit ore.

Then let his family enter the super family in one fell swoop.

But now the map is gone.

He thought about it again and again, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

What he wants is great strength.

Sacrifice a few people can be exchanged for safety, he bet.

It's just that there are so many people, and there are thousands of people in the dark.

All the beggars in the border town are basically here.

It's really cruel to wipe them all out in one fell swoop.

Cardan has been the city lord for so many years, and he can't bear it.

Lei Haotian confidently took his people and prepared to leave.

Cardanger hurried forward: "Going like this, is there no problem here?"

Lei Haotian said proudly: "See that silver ring, can you break through it, a mysterious spiritual weapon?"

Cardan shook his head.

As for the mysterious spirit weapon, Lei Yinmen was really good at writing it, and he was able to produce the mysterious spirit weapon.

Cardaner believed more and more that as long as he could successfully cooperate with Leiyinmen, the Lingshi Mine would definitely be mined.

(End of this chapter)

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