Chapter 119 The Change of West Street
Li Huan did not rush back to Li Mansion, but went to West Street first.

But what Li Huan didn't expect was that West Street was deserted, with no customers at all.

She wanted to go in and see what was going on.

But he was suddenly stopped by someone: "Boy, this is not the place for you, go away!"

A fierce and strong man blocked Li Huan's way.

"Who are you!"

Li Huan said angrily.

Seeing that Li Huan didn't listen to his persuasion, the strong man directly attacked with anger.

Li Huan quickly took a few steps back, and the strong man saw that his punch had missed.

Thinking that this kid is a practicing family boy, he said to Li Huan again: "Boy, if you are sensible, go away! You are not allowed to enter here!"

When Li Huan heard this, she immediately became angry. She said that there is no one on this West Street.

It seems that this person is blocking here and no one is allowed to enter.

Without saying a word, Li Huan punched him directly, and there was a spiritual energy hidden in the punch.

The brawny man thought it was funny that he dared to attack himself when he saw this skinny boy.

Seeing that Li Huan had no cultivation, he thought it was a brat somewhere.

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger and dares to fight him.

The strong man also punched back.

But the moment the fists met, a figure flew out directly towards the rear.


The strong man fell to the ground and made a big hole.

After finally climbing out of the pit, looking at Li Huan, she was shocked and angry!
He must have been careless just now, but there was severe pain in the bone of his hand just now.


The right hand bone was directly broken!
The strong man had a ferocious face, unwilling to attack Li Huan again.

He is a sixth-order martial artist, and he specializes in being a thug.

He actually let a brat break his hand.

This breath is really hard to swallow, it must have been careless just now.

The strong man used all his strength to attack Li Huan.

Li Huan just used one-tenth of his strength, this time he used half of it, and the spirit can use spiritual power.

Spiritual power is not comparable to the vitality of a warrior.


A bigger crater was instantly smashed out by a figure.

The strong man in the pit had passed out.

Many people gathered around when they heard the movement.

Someone saw the strong man and ran over in a hurry. After a while, a group of people came here fiercely.

A total of ten strong men surrounded Li Huan directly.

Li Huan looked cold, she left for such a short time.

Some people dare to fight, her idea of ​​West Street is really emboldened!
Li Huan didn't want to waste time, so he went straight to see who was behind this.

Quick fight.

The melon-eating crowd around the side only heard it.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a loud noise, and I saw the strong man before.

In the big pit where they stayed, a group of people were thrown down.

Li Huan looked at a group of mourning people in the pit: "Tell the people behind you to come to Yunfu to find me."

Speaking of Li Huan, he went to the end of West Street.

Li Huan is dressed in men's clothes outside, and has always used the name Yun Huan.

She walked to Yunfu at the end of West Street, opened the door and entered.

Go all the way to the innermost courtyard.

A strong smell of medicine hits the nostrils.

Li Huan frowned and quickened his pace.

The moment he pushed open the door, Li Huan felt that all his internal organs were about to explode due to the scene in front of him.

Ye Xin was holding a bowl of medicine, and was startled by Li Huan's sudden sound of pushing the door open.

The medicine in his hand was scattered all over the ground because of nervousness, and the brown medicine juice stained his dress.

Ye Xin looked at Li Huan in front of the door and stood in front of it.

The sun shines on her back, and the backlight is walking towards her, like gods from the heavens.

Ye Xin was stunned for a while, until Li Huan came to her side.

"I am back!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he suddenly felt a strong force and hugged him tightly.

Ye Xin hugged Li Huan, afraid that she was dreaming.

Feel Li Huan's body temperature.

The stubborn tears in the eyes seemed to burst a bank, and they all soaked Li Huan's clothes.

Li Huan reached out to hug Ye Xin and patted her on the back.

Ye Xin seemed to feel something, and cried even more presumptuously.

The cry woke up Wang Batian who was lying on the bed.

Wang Batian turned his head.

The person who saw Ye Xin hugging was not Li Huan or anyone else.

The dignified seven-foot man was also excited, his eyes flushed.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back safely."

Li Huan quickly comforted Ye Xin and walked towards Wang Batian.

Li Huan just probed a little, and his face changed.

She lifted Wang Batian's quilt, and her feet were gone!
"who is it?"

Li Huan's voice was low and filled with restrained anger.

Wang Batian blamed himself and said: "Li Huan, it's us who are useless and didn't help you guard the West Street."

"Sister Ye, tell me who it is!"

Li Huan's complexion was frosty, and his eyes were full of anger.

Ye Xin looked at Li Huan, and finally said: "It's Gao Jiang.

After you left, he saw me on the street.

Knowing that we actually operate West Street here, we come here every two days to blackmail.

Batian fought with him several times, but he was defeated. "

Li Huan: "So, he broke your leg?"

Wang Batian no longer concealed it at this time: "No, at first he was just blackmailing.

It turned out that it was just us.

So, he contacted the previous pharmacist again, and...

They also arrested Su Lin and Kong Xin and sold them. "

Li Huan: "The warriors in front of West Street are all his people?"

Ye Xin: "Gao Jiang wants the land deed, so..."

Li Huan didn't ask any more questions, but went to the next room to make some healing elixir.

Wang Batian's feet are gone, and Li Huan's current level of refining medicine is not yet able to refine birth muscle pills.

Among her ancient alchemy formulas, there is such a formula that can regenerate a broken arm.

But it must be, only the alchemists of the sixth rank or above can refine it.

I can only go to Yaowang Valley in the future.

Li Huan dug out the elixir cheated from Su Yaoyao, and searched for a fifth-grade elixir to treat internal injuries.

Li Huan took the fifth-grade elixir to Wang Batian, and the fifth-grade elixir should heal the internal injury soon.

He also gave Ye Xin the first-grade healing elixir he had refined.

Give it to some of the other wounded guys.

Li Huan walked all the way, but didn't see a shop with a gatekeeper. Thinking about it, many people must have been injured.

After finishing these, Li Huan went out.

Ye Xin wanted to ask where Li Huan was going, but Li Huan only told her to take good care of Wang Batian.

Ye Xin was worried, but Li Huan just smiled and released the hungry spiritual power in his hand.

Ye Xin was stunned, and it wasn't until Li Huan left for a long time that Ye Xin came back to his senses.

"Spirit! 15-year-old spirit!"

Li Huan walked to the big pit at the entrance of West Street, and raised a person to wake him up: "Where is Gao Jiang?"

The man woke up from a coma and saw Li Huan.

He wanted to make a move, but was knocked out again by Li Huan's palm.

Li Huan was directly in the pit again, and brought up one: "Tell me, where is Gao Jiang, if you talk nonsense, I'll cut your tongue."


Before the man finished speaking, he felt the coercion released from Li Huan and passed out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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