Chapter 1210 Bai Mutang

Li Huan: "Have you heard of this medicine before?"

Pharmacist Meng shook his head.

Li Huan: "Then can someone else refine this medicine?"

Pharmacist Meng shook his head.

Li Huan: "Then do you think someone broke in here?"

Pharmacist Meng looked at the inner three floors that Li Huan specially asked Master Qin to arrange, and the forbidden medicine refining room on the outer three floors and shook his head again.

Li Huan: "That's it! What's wrong with me selling it so expensive?"

Pharmacist Meng: I can't even refute it!
Li Huan: "This medicine, he should be so expensive!"

Li Huan looked at Pharmacist Meng very firmly.

Pharmacist Meng didn't know why Li Huan sold the medicine so expensive, because every time he saw Li Huan, he just put the purified elixir together and fiddled with it, and it was done!
This pot of medicine was also used by him to store grain for the winter!

This is the largest tank in the government office!
When Li Huan told him before, he wanted to find the biggest medicine vat, but Pharmacist Meng couldn't even find his favorite wine vat.

In the end, Li Huan said it was too young.

It was said several times in a row that it was too small.

In order to meet Li Huan's request, Meng Yaoshi found the biggest fermentation tank from the cook in the kitchen!

The tank was piled up in the corner of the kitchen with worthless rags the day before, and it was full of all kinds of messy fruits and vegetables.

But today, it has changed suddenly, and it has become the most valuable place in the entire East City, where everyone competes for the storage of elixir.

It's just that Li Huan's way of storage is too rough, that's why Pharmacist Meng always thought that the medicine Li Huan refined was not worth the money!

But when asked by Li Huan, Pharmacist Meng felt that this was the reason!
Rare is precious!

This thing is only available in their government office!
Li Huan: "Pharmacist Meng, how does it feel to be famous?"

Pharmacist Meng: "You stinky girl, did you expect it a long time ago! That's why I'm like this! How can I go out now! Those people outside are going to eat me up! I used to be able to walk around, I can't count on it anymore I said girl, I have sacrificed a lot this time! Are you trying to be mean?"

Li Huan: "Tsk tsk tsk! Yours!"

Pharmacist Meng happily took what was in Li Huan's hand, he loved this wine!

It doesn't matter if there is nothing else, so she still complained a second ago, but now she changed her face immediately.

After Li Huan went out, she went to the Qingshengtang, as she expected, because this place is not usually deserted.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a new medicine in Qingshengtang, there will be a scene of empty streets.

But now such a scene appeared in front of the government office, and the Qingshengtang in Dongcheng was deserted, but because Li Huan only released one kind of elixir, there were still some people who bought pills in Qingshengtang.

Li Huan took a look and left!
If this situation can continue, the Qingsheng Church will be closed down!

At that time, Nie Jin will definitely come to check!
Li Huan walked around the city, then went to the agency, Li Huan wanted to buy a shop!
Originally, Li Huan just wanted to lure Nie Jin out and asked Master Qin to help him deal with it!
But now the task is to replace the Qingshengtang, so a new store is needed, which is more lively than the Qingshengtang, and a pharmacy with complete medicines and home supplies. Li Huan is confident that this pharmacy will be able to make this pharmacy better in one fell swoop before winter comes. The Blue Temple is huge!

Li Huan went to the agency.

This building is just behind the Green Sacred Church!
Originally, this was also a pharmacy. Before the opening of the Qingshengtang, it was the largest pharmacy in Dongcheng, but it was worshiped in the hands of the Qingshengtang!

Because the Qingshengtang is in front, this street became more and more deserted, until the business could not continue, and it was forced to resell it!
Looking at this excellent location, Li Huan is so kind!

Li Huan: "Can I meet the owner of this building?"

Agent: "I can contact you, but I don't know if I see you or not!"

Li Huan: "Tell him, I am willing to keep the name of this building!"

After the agent left, Li Huan climbed to the top of the building. There was no more and no less on the roof. You could just see the roof of Qingshengtang. The two buildings were actually on the same level!
But because the Qingsheng Church is in front and this building is behind, when walking through the street, you can only see the Qingsheng Church, but not the Baimutang!

Soon the intermediary came, bringing an old man with him.

Li Huan: "Are you the owner of this building?"

Old man: "Yes, I heard that you are willing to keep the name of this building?"

Li Huan: "If you want, you can also stay, I am short of a steward here!"

The old man was a little surprised when he heard Li Huan's words!
Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to hire the original boss to work in the newly bought building, not for other reasons, just because it is unlucky!

So, he was ready to pack up and leave, but he didn't expect this person to be willing to hire him!
The old man: "What do you want? As you can see, I have nothing left except for this building! I still had some elixir before, which was used to pay off the debt! I'm sorry if you mean anything! The price of this building I won't miss it!"

Li Huan: "No need, what is your relationship with the landlord opposite?"

As soon as Li Huan finished asking, the old man's expression changed instantly, and he was a little angry!
He looked at Li Huan with a straight face: "If you don't buy it, just leave! Don't waste my time!"

Li Huan: "Buy! This is Yuanshi! One-time payment, you are optimistic!"

Li Huan casually threw a bag of primordial stones over.

The old man took a look and saw that there was not much at all!

With so many polystones, it can be taken out at will!

What is the background of this young man?
Li Huan gave the agent some primordial stones and sent him away.

Li Huan: "I don't have time to manage, so I need someone in charge! If you are willing, I will hire you! You don't want to waste all your hard work and lose sight of it, do you?"

The old man looked at Li Huan suspiciously, although his expression relaxed a lot, he still looked at Li Huan with some vigilance.

Li Huan: "I'm just like you, I have a grudge against the opposite party, so I'm not blackmailing you!"

Old man: "You mean the opposite side?"

Li Huan pointed to the roof of the opposite building with affirmative tone: "Yes! Qingshengtang!"

The old man: "In this case, I am willing!"

Li Huan laughed: "If you need anything, make a list and send it to Fu Ya Meng Pharmacist!"

The old man: "Meng Pharmacist? Are you from Meng Pharmacist?"

Looking at Li Huan's young age, the old man doesn't really believe that she can buy this building!
Now when Li Huan mentioned Medicine Master Meng, the old man instantly thought that the person behind him was Medicine Master Meng!

The previous doubts were once again dispelled!

Li Huan didn't explain, Meng Yaoshi's card is really easy to use!

After all, Li Huan will leave after completing the task and getting news from his grandfather. Tianwaitian is not a place for Li Huan to stay for a long time, so if he uses the name of Mongolian pharmacist to act outside, after he leaves, the hard work here will not be wasted!
Seek Pharmacist Meng if you need something!

(End of this chapter)

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