Chapter 1212
Dreams come true, even if it is expensive!

It's not even the rarest!
Because Apothecary Meng is still refining it, that means it can be bought!
But if you are drunk, you will buy a little and you will get a little less!
Because Qiao Qingyun, the saintess of the Qing Temple who made this, has already washed her hands!

Therefore, Drunk Life Dream Death is out of print!

Now Bai Mutang actually said that their new master, Meng Yaoshi, had developed an advanced version of Drunk Life Dream Death!

What is the advanced version!
That means better than before!
All of a sudden everyone started to grab the medicine!
Li Huan is getting ready early!

Drunken and dreamy, she also prepared a few big tanks!

Yes, it was installed in a tank higher than her!
Enough pipe!

Didn't Qingshengtang say that theirs is out of print?

Then their Bai Mutang will make this drunken dreamer become a rotten street product!

What do you want to monopolize!

Li Huan's move is simply drawing salary from the bottom of the pot!

Drunkenness, dreams and death have turned into a bad street, and Bai Mutang will be there after her dream comes true!

In addition, Bai Zhan originally ran a pharmacy!
The rest of the supply medicine pills were prepared in an orderly manner.

Baimutang reopened for a long time before someone stepped through the gate!
At first, the people on the side of Qingshengtang didn't believe it!

After all, only the saintesses of their Green Sacred Church can refine this drunken life and dream of death!
The rest of the people can't have it!

"It's strange that the old man was able to exchange such a large sum of money!"

"Back then, the hall master spent a lot of effort to defeat that old bastard in Baimutang!"

"What now? Do you want to report?"

"You people listen to the wind and rain! They believe what they say? Why don't you think about it yourself?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"It's all about building momentum! Do you understand the momentum! Although we don't have many drunks, we can buy them in other cities!"


"They won't buy it from other cities at a high price, and then sell it in their own name. Then say they own it?"

"But I heard that the price of their drunkenness is not expensive! It's cheaper than our Qingshengtang!"

"Say you're stupid, you're really stupid! Don't you pay something to create momentum! Our drunkenness must be that they bought it back at a high price to create momentum and sell it at a loss, pretending to be their own! Do you understand?"

"Oh, so that's the case! Isn't this white old man about to go bankrupt? I heard that their drunk life is half the price of ours!"


Qingshengtang doesn't care at all, waiting for the news of the price increase of Baimutang's drunkenness in a few days!
But wait and wait!
It was only when there were no customers on my side that I realized something was wrong!
"What's the matter, why has no one disappeared in the past few days?"

"Boss, everyone has gone to Baimutang!"

"What! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"It wasn't you who said before that they were losing money and couldn't last for a few days, so don't worry about it?"

"Idiot! You believe everything I say! Don't you have any brains yourself?"

"That is now..."

"Don't get out and find out the news! Report it to the hall master, and let him come back from the house of the twelve aunts as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes! By the way, where is Mrs. Shisan's house?"

"……I'll ask!"

In just a few days, the business of Qingshengtang was taken away by the reopened Baimutang!

The main reason is that Li Huan's opening method is really too rich!

Dreams come true, the top [-] give away for free!
It's been like this for a month before opening!

Drunk life dream dead half price sale!
It will be like this from now on!

In just a few days, people from the entire Dongcheng crowded to Baimutang to queue up to buy medicine!
Bai Zhan never dreamed of such a hot scene!
Even in the heyday of Baimutang, there was no such scene!

Moreover, because the price is cheap, many people have started to become second-hand dealers!
After buying these two explosive models from here, I went directly to the other three cities to resell them!

As these people went out, people in other cities soon learned that there were a lot of drunken people in Dongcheng!

Still half price!

There is also a kind that allows people to see dead people in their sleep!

If you're lucky, you'll be promoted!

For a while, everyone was talking about this Baimutang!
Many people are rushing towards Dongcheng!

Bai Zhan was too busy from morning till night!

Keep recruiting manpower!
In stark contrast is the Blue Holy Church!
The Qingsheng Church in Dongcheng was originally on the busiest street!

But now, the situation is completely reversed!

Qingshengtang is not even as deserted as the former Baimutang!

Looking at the current appearance of the Qingshengtang, Bai Zhan felt unspeakably excited!
Qingshengtang tricked him into gambling with Qingshengtang in a low-handed way. As a result, not only was he forced to lose his entire life's effort, but he was even forced to sell the drug store and run away!
But now, in just a few days, the predicament that he couldn't get out of for several years has been changed!

And it was just a little girl who changed everything!

Naturally, Bai Zhan could see it!
These are all refined by Li Huan!
But I don’t know why, it’s said to be from the Mongolian pharmacist.

Bai Zhan is not stupid, he naturally knows what Li Huan wants to hide, since he doesn't want to reveal it, Bai Zhan won't say anything nonsense!
It is declared to the outside world that these are all from the pharmacist!

Li Huan is very satisfied with Bai Zhan's performance!
She had heard about Bai Zhan at the agency before, and immediately decided to buy this place!
After all, the fastest way to replace the Blue Holy Church is to create another opponent!
Opponents that make Qing Shengtang helpless!
The reason why Qingshengtang rises so fast is because of the drunk life in Li Huan's hands!
Stepping on the top of his own head to get rich, but also to kill people!
This world is not the world of your Qingshengtang!

Drunkenness, Life, Dream and Death was originally made by Li Huan!
As long as Qingshengtang's biggest source of income is cut off, it will be very difficult for Qingshengtang to fight back!
What's more, Li Huan's dream has come true through one of the ten ancient poison prescriptions improved!
It is impossible for someone to make it in the Qingshengtang!

I don't know where Zi Yuan gave these prescriptions from!
These ten poisonous prescriptions are no more important than the "Ancient Pill Prescriptions" left by my mother.

There are also ten ancient prescriptions.

And both have a lot in common!

Li Huan always feels that these twenty prescriptions are of the same origin!
Of course, this idea is just Li Huan's guess, this idea is too bold, Li Huan doesn't know if it's right!

Although it is said that Yaodu belongs to the family, the ten prescriptions in the ancient alchemy formulas can only be written by the top alchemist!

So are these ten poison prescriptions!
Judging from Li Huan's research on this poisonous prescription, these ten prescriptions are not simple!
It's just that Zi Yuan is dead, so there's no way to verify it!

Behind Zi Yuan is Nie Jin!

Maybe Nie Jin knows!
It seems that if you want to know the source of these ten poison prescriptions, you still have to start with Nie Jin!
In fact, Nie Jin himself didn't know the importance of these prescriptions!
In order to cultivate his own dark power, Nie Jin spread people everywhere.

The poison Zi Yuan handed over met Nie Jin's requirements. In order to be able to cultivate more powerful poisons, Nie Jin gave Zi Yuan all the prescriptions he had collected!
Zi Yuan didn't know anything about drug making, so he threw everything to Li Huan!

So, in fact, these poisonous prescriptions, except for Li Huan, the rest of the people don't know the power of them!
(End of this chapter)

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