Chapter 1226
Seeing the front, many people gathered together, because Yin Jiuye just came to Dongcheng, and no one here knew him.

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and some said it was a gangster from outside.

Some said it was spies who got in from other cities!

Anyhow, guesses.

When Bai Zhan and Ding Yuan came, they saw Yin Jiuye surrounded by people like giant pandas.

With ropes tied to his body, and the smell of various mixed leftovers, it was like pork belly that was tied up and stinky in the summer.

Personable that is not at all!
Except for those sharp eyes, Yin Jiuye could no longer see Lanzhi's beauty.

Li Huan said that people cannot be beaten to death, so Niu Dali and the others knew how to measure.

But because Yin Jiuye didn't have any strength in his body, he hit him with a real fist, which caused indescribable pain!
Shopkeeper Bai glanced at Ding Yuan.

The two had reached the back of the crowd.

Ding Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted knowingly: "Hey, isn't this Hall Master Yin? Hall Master Yin is so late, what are you doing here!"

I have to say that Ding Yuan's acting is not inferior to the old drama at all!
This effect!
This sound effect!
Ding Yuan: "Master Yin, Qingshengtang is still available, you are here to stay so late?"

Ding Yuan's words directly ignited the already arguing crowd!
"What! Is this the head of the Qingsheng Church?"

"Isn't Hu Yuan the head of Qingshengtang?"

"Hu Yuan was arrested, how could the person who was convicted by the government government appear here!"

"Then this is new?"

"The Qingsheng Hall is really failing! The new hall master actually let such a person come over!"

"Sneaked into Baimutang to be a thief when you first came here, so you might do something in the future!"

"Let's just say that Qingshengtang is not a good place! It's better to avoid it in the future!"

"That's right!"

Yin Jiuye met everyone's disdainful and disgusted gazes, but he didn't make a sound, he was trying to release the medicine on his body.

Today is really planted!
Yin Jiuye swears that he has never been so embarrassing in his life!

Ding Yuan had already walked over, looking at Yin Jiuye with regret.

Ding Yuan: "Master Yin, didn't I tell you when I left that Baimutang will give you a few days, and you can still live in Qingshengtang for the time being, you are... oh!"

Ding Yuan looked helpless and seemed to be helping, but in fact he was confirming Yin Jiuye's character in front of everyone!
Bai Zhan would naturally step forward appropriately: "Ding Yuan, is this the head of the Qingsheng Church? You won't recognize the wrong person, right?"

Ding Yuan: "No! I stayed in Qingshengtang before to wait for the people from the headquarters to come. When I came, Hall Master Yin said that he would replace Hu Yuan as the new Hall Master here! I looked at this young man before. It looks pretty good! I didn't expect..."

Bai Zhan: "Come here! Since you are the head of the Qingsheng Church, how can you treat him like this! Let him go!"

Niu Dali quit!Here's what they caught!
Niu Dali: "What bullshit hall master! This person broke into our Baimu hall late at night and was discovered by the hall master. We managed to catch him! Why let him go! Qingsheng hall is amazing!"

They can remember how Qingshengtang treated them before!
Now, with a hall master in his hands, this is not the best chance for revenge!
Niu Dali refused, so Bai Zhan naturally wanted to come out and sing a song about his bad face!

Bai Zhan: "Nonsense, this is the majestic master of the church. If you are like this, let others lose face! How will Qingshengtang do business in the future!"

Niu Dali: "Treasurer, don't help them speak good words! Who doesn't know that Hu Yuan was arrested! The entire debt of Qingshengtang was given to us by Baimutang. I will go to take over the building in a few days, but they are so ignorant, come to steal things in the middle of the night, and even covet the beauty of our hall master! We will not agree! What new hall master! We don’t know each other!"

Niu Dali sang with a black face, rubbing Yin Jiuye's deeds directly on the ground, as if Yin Jiuye was a tenth-level flower picker, even inferior to Hu Yuan!

Bai Zhan: "He's a newcomer, maybe he doesn't understand the rules of our East City, and made some mistakes, so let's forget about it!"

Niu Dali and the others just refused to belittle them!
Ding Yuan: "All of you, give me a favor! Thinking back when we were in Qingshengtang, I treated you well, so I put Master Yin back for my own sake. I believe that after all this After learning the lesson from this time, Hall Master Yin will never do such a thing again!"

After Ding Yuan spoke, Niu Dali and the others reluctantly prepared to release him.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out from the crowd.

"Brother Jiuye!"

Murong Xueying let out an exclamation, directly pushed the crowd away and ran to the middle.

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye's current appearance in disbelief!

His whole body was covered in sticky and unknown liquid, and there were some rotten vegetable leaves hanging on the rope. He was in such a mess as if he had just escaped from a refugee camp!
Yin Jiuye looked at Murong Xueying and then said, "Why is Ying'er here?"

When he left before, he couldn't find anyone anywhere, so he left a letter for her and left.

Murong Xueying: "I rushed over when I saw your letter! What's wrong with you?!"

Niu Dali was going to untie the rope, but Murong Xueying suddenly rushed out and pushed him aside.

Niu Dali: "Do you want to untie it?"

Murong Xueying: "Get lost!"

Niu Dali was suddenly kicked out by Murong Xueying!

The scene suddenly became chaotic!
Bai Zhan: "Bold! Dare to attack our people in front of my Baimutang people! Court death!"

Bai Zhan immediately beckoned people to come forward, and started fighting with Murong Xueying!
Li Huan covered her face with a face towel, and then got down.


Murong Xueying looked at the people upstairs and downstairs, those eyes were very annoying!

Li Huan: "You beat me up in front of my building, and you ask who I am?"

Murong Xueying looked at Li Huan, she wanted to see this man's face clearly, but was blocked by the scarf.

But this person's aura is somewhat familiar.

Murong Xueying: "Are you the shopkeeper here?"

Before Li Huan could speak, Murong Xueying came forward!
Li Huan easily dodged Murong Xueying's attack, but just lightly touched her hand, and blocked her away!
Murong Xueying took advantage of the victory and pursued her, but she couldn't get close to Li Huan when she disappeared.

Li Huan's Broken Cloud Walk is already perfect, and he has been using the power of faith to bless his cultivation recently, so his cultivation level is not low!
Murong Xueying: "Don't hide if you have the ability!"

Li Huan: "You can't even touch the corners of my clothes, so save your energy!"

Murong Xueying was slapped in the face by Li Huan in public, how could Murong Xueying swallow this pain.

But Li Huan didn't get close to her at all, like a cat playing with a mouse, constantly dodging.

(End of this chapter)

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