Chapter 123 Leapfrog Battle
"God Thunder Shield!"


Li Huan's Divine Phoenix sword slashed at the defensive skill of the spirit man.

The thick aura defense shield, with purple light shining, enveloped the spirit person completely.

Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword was blocked from the defense and couldn't get any closer.

The difference in aura is too great.

Li Huan poured spiritual energy into the Divine Phoenix Sword, and slashed out again.

"One leaf knows the autumn, the autumn wind is crazy!"

The autumn wind is rustling, and the wind is surging.

The Divine Thunder Shield was blown by the autumn wind.

Dissipates quickly and at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thunder Star Fist!"

There was a thunderous sound in the air.

A powerful air wave hit Li Huan fiercely.

With thunder, the meteor is majestic and powerful.

Li Huan draws his sword to resist.

But the aura was too strong, and part of it still hit him.

"King Kong bodyguard!"

The meteor hit Li Huan's body, but most of it was removed by King Kong's power.

Li Huan only felt some churning in his body and his breathing was unstable.

But no real harm.

The warrior was astonished that he could become a spirit at such a young age.

He can also remain invincible under his special martial arts attacks.

Killing heart instantly!
He looked at Li Huan with a gloomy look.

Since such a young genius has been offended, he must be killed at a young age.

If he escapes once, it will be a disaster.

He was also willing to be used by Golden Pharmacist in order to get more cultivation resources, and promised to protect him well.

Although the gold pharmacist was cruel, he was able to provide resources.

Far more than the general big family, even the royal family is comparable.

At his age, he has only cultivated to be a spiritual being, and the sect is hopeless.

If you want to get enough resources to go further, Dark Alchemist is indeed a good choice.

If it is said that Li Huan was not taken seriously before.

So now, this spirit will go all out to kill Li Huan.

"Thunder Star shines!"

Li Huan only felt a dazzling white light in front of him.

With the power of the stars, he quickly attacked himself.

The wind of the fist surged, and the thunder roared.

Li Huan didn't dare to touch her head-on, and hastily retreated with Broken Cloud Step.

The spirit came after him.

Li Huan also quickly left.

The Broken Cloud Step is an extremely high-level footwork, even for beginners, the speed is extremely fast.

Moreover, Li Huan has been practicing and never misses any opportunity to practice.

The spirit man couldn't catch up for a long time, and his heart was restless.

This stinky boy is like a loach, slippery and steadfast.

Li Huan dodged left and right.

Every time the spirit person launched an attack, Li Huan avoided it in advance with his spiritual perception and dodged it.

Out of ten attacks only one or two hit.

He exhausted his spiritual energy in vain, but he couldn't catch people, and he was furious.

"Stinky boy, I will peel off your skin in a while!"

Li Huan sneered, let's talk about that fate.


Li Huan was attacked by a spiritual energy, hitting her body at the same time.

It flew far away, smashed against the wall, and lay motionless on the ground.


Seeing that Li Huan was finally hit by him, the spirit man fell to the ground and snorted coldly.

Step forward.

He decided that there must be something good about Li Huan.

Even the footwork just used, even he couldn't catch up.

And that sword is worth a fortune!
The spirit man turned Li Huan over and prepared to search her.

At this moment, a cold arrow suddenly flew in front of his eyes, galloping towards the brow of the spirit man.

The spirit man instinctively wanted to block it.

However, he couldn't move!
"call out!"

Headshot with one arrow!
By the time he was able to move, the arrow had passed between his eyebrows and pierced his head.


His heavy body hit the ground straight.

Li Huan got up, hurriedly took out the healing pill and took it

so close!

Li Huan was shot on purpose just now.

Even though he defended, he still suffered a lot of injuries.

If the spirit person is more cautious, make up a few attacks, and come again.

Li Huan might not be able to retreat completely today.

But this "Soul Eater" is a good thing.

It's just too much energy, and it was too much before, so it's better to recover at a critical time.

He could only hold the spirit for a second.

Li Huan seized the crucial second, using the silver frost attack technique, transformed into a short arrow, and headshot with one arrow.

This is the narrow victory.

Li Huan recovered for a while.

The battle between the spirits is still too difficult for Li Huan.

The gap in spiritual power was too great, and Li Huan didn't dare to use Shiyuan Qi lightly.

Spiritual support is needed in battle.

And the consumption of "Soul Eater" is astonishing.

If you exhaust the source of energy in the battle, you must not leapfrog the battle with only martial skills.

You can't stop practicing!
Li Huan found out again.

This Danhe Villa is already empty.

Thinking that the poison master had already left, Gao Jiang must have taken advantage of the previous chaos to leave.

Gao Jiang didn't have enough evidence, but the poison pharmacist was in some trouble.

Today is almost offended, completely torn face.

If you can't win it in one fell swoop, you will definitely cause trouble in the future.

After all, ordinary dark pharmacists are extremely narrow-minded people, and revenge is their endorsement.

Be more careful in the future, that is, if there is a chance, it is better to cut the weeds and root them out.

Li Huan carried Kong Xin on his back, but he still didn't wake up, it seemed that the poison was too deep, so I'd better go back first.

Li Huan carried him back to where Wang Sulin was.

At this time, Wang Sulin had recovered more than half of his body.

The antidote elixir given by Li Huan was of extremely high grade.

Although there are many types of poisoning, the poison master is only a third rank.

Facing the detoxification pill of the fifth grade, the recovery effect is still very good.

Li Huan brought the two of them to Yun Mansion, Wang Batian and Ye Xin looked at Li Huan and rescued them back.

For a moment, they looked at each other, not so surprised that they could say anything.

Li Huan didn't think too much about it, in her eyes, everyone in Bawang's team was her friend.

Li Huan has always been not stingy with his own people.

Li Huan will definitely help those who can be saved with certainty.

Li Huan checked Kong Xin's body again, the poison was too deep and the internal organs were severely damaged.

Li Huan took out another detoxification pill, fed it to him, and used spiritual energy to help him refine the medicine.

After a while, Kong Xin finally showed signs of waking up.

"Shh~ If you don't wake up, I can only let them send you to a mass grave."

Li Huan joked to Kong Xin.

Kong Xin heard Li Huan's voice and opened his eyes.

Looking at the people in the room, I was a little stunned for a while.

Ye Xin: "Thank you, Li Huan. After she came back, she heard that the two of you were taken away, so she went to rescue you without further ado."

Kong Xin seemed to be unbelievable: "Then...then...there are no spirits in that village!"

Li Huan released a spirit energy on his hand: "What do you think this is?"

Kong Xin opened his mouth wide, as if he had been frozen.

"You! You have become a spirit person!!!"

Li Huan smiled: "Of course!"

Li Huan checked Kong Xin's situation and went back to his room.

She needs to refine medicine specifically for Kong Xin's recovery according to Kong Xin's current physical condition.

Since I was with Yu He, I have studied for a while.

Li Huan now has a deeper understanding of refining pills.

Even if you are a first-rank pharmacist, if you refine a certain kind of elixir in a targeted manner, the effect will be better than that of a second-rank one.

Many pharmacists only refine medicines with different functions according to the prescriptions.

However, Li Huan was able to refine the most suitable elixir by virtue of its powerful pharmacology, combined with pathology.

According to the prescription, you can modify, configure, and refine a more suitable pill.

There are almost no alchemists in Tianyuan Continent who can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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