1237 Get Out

Murong Xueying had just taken off her clothes, and before she had time to hide, Yin Jiuye broke in!
The moment Yin Jiuye came in, a strong and discordant smell rushed straight into his nose!

Yin Jiuye retched subconsciously.

Murong Xueying was the most broken one!
Murong Xueying: "Get out!!"

With a terrifying roar, Yin Jiuye finally came to his senses, and Yin Jiuye, who discovered the truth, would not leave, nor would he not leave.

This TM is too embarrassing!
Yin Jiuye only felt that tens of thousands of mud horses roared past above his head!

However, based on his personality as a good husband, Yin Jiuye still asked, "Did something happen to Ying'er?"


Just as Yin Jiuye finished speaking, a long voice came from Murong Xueying again.

This long sound made the smell in the room even more aggravated.

It was in an empty place before, but now here, Murong Xueying didn't open the window in order to change clothes, so this place is like a closed and small space!

Yin Jiuye: ...

Murong Xueying: ...

I want to die!
Murong Xueying felt that even if there was a ready-made ground seam, it would not be enough for her to drill through!

She is the dignified Miss of the Murong family!
Never been so embarrassed!
But seeing Yin Jiuye's concerned appearance, Murong Xueying was still a little happy in her heart!

Brother Jiuye doesn't dislike her!

It was just because...because...

Murong Xueying couldn't find any excuses to convince herself.

When Murong Xueying spoke, Yin Jiuye spoke first.

Yin Jiuye: "Ying'er, don't be angry, I'll go out right away."

Yin Jiuye turned around and walked out quickly without even looking back.

Murong Xueying stiffened her body, watching Yin Jiuye go downstairs without hesitation, the joy that had risen in the first place disappeared without a trace.


The table next to Murong Xueying was smashed into pieces by a heavy blow.


This sound was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.


Murong Xueying burst into tears.

What is this called!
It was even worse than killing her!

Murong Xueying's pride for many years, fell to the ground fiercely at this moment, shattered into countless glass shards, stuck in her heart, blood flowed like a river!
Murong Xueying's emotional ups and downs were so intense that she cried and passed out!

Qingsheng Hall is not far from Baimu Hall, Li Huan naturally heard Murong Xueying's roar before!
The best policy is to kill people without nodding their heads!

The pride of the Murong family?

A gifted genius?
The eldest miss of the Murong family who is sought after by everyone?
After this battle, Murong Xueying, what face do you have to be proud in front of me!

Back then, you pretended to approach me in order to ruin my Lin family!
Behind my back and Yin Jiuye secretly kept Chencang, and finally drove me into a desperate situation, now I will let you taste what it means to fall from the clouds to the dust!
This is just the beginning!

Murong Xueying, I want you to taste everything you did to me back then!
Li Huan called Niu Dali over and asked a few words.

Not long after, a piece of news began to spread in every corner of the city in unison in the entire east city.

"Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"It's the wife of the new head of the Qingsheng Church, who went to see the head of the Baimu Hall for medical treatment today."

"You talk about her! I know, it's the one who keeps releasing..."

"Shh! I heard that I have a strange disease, so I will always be like this in the future!"

"Isn't the Green Sacred Church going to stink?"

"It's possible! Do you think the head of the Qingsheng Church can bear it?"

"I don't know, I'm a little curious, what should I do?"

"Should we go take a look?"

"I want to go too!"

So many people started to walk in the direction of the Qingshengtang after dinner!

At first Yin Jiuye thought they were coming to Qingshengtang to buy medicine or something!

I came to do business with him!

But soon, he realized that something was wrong, because these people were counting in their mouths!

Yes, counting!
"Do you think you will save a thousand?"

"Why not, at this speed, it is possible!"

"What! There are already 390 and eight! Tonight will definitely break the thousand!"

"It makes sense!"

"Impossible, how can it be so slow, I guess 1!"

"Ten thousand? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"Then how about we make a bet?"

"Just bet, I'll give out ten coupons! Bet a thousand before dawn!"

"I bet [-] that I can reach tens of thousands tomorrow morning!"

As soon as the gambling game started here, a lot of people gathered quickly, and they all came to bet on how much Murong Xueying could fart tonight.

With money to earn and gossip to watch, people who eat melons like it the most!

Therefore, more and more people gathered at the gate of Qingshengtang.

Li Huan is very satisfied with the effect, what will Murong Xueying look like when she finds out that the whole city is participating in such a gamble.

Murong Xueying woke up very quickly, and after cleaning herself, she even burned all her previous clothes!

But as soon as she woke up, the side effects were still there!

Is it going to be like this in the future!
Before Murong Xueying got out of the collapse, she found that many people had gathered downstairs.

These people were all looking at her room, seeming to be discussing something.

Murong Xueying lived on the roof of the building, so if she didn't use her spiritual sense, she wouldn't be able to hear what they were talking about!
But because of too much emotional ups and downs before, now my mental strength is a little weak.

So, she didn't care about things downstairs.

But after Yin Jiuye listened carefully downstairs, he discovered the truth!

These people, simply!

Yin Jiuye: "The Qingsheng Church is closed, please leave!"

In order not to offend the residents of the city, Yin Jiuye spoke in a very tactful way!

However, he is a new hall master with no power and power, and the Qingsheng Hall has long been emptied!
He is a polished commander, and the people who eat melons are the best at watching people order food!

Such a so-called hall master has nothing to do with them!

Therefore, Yin Jiuye repeated it, but no one paid any attention to it.

This is very embarrassing, Yin Jiuye has never been ignored like this before!

Yin Jiuye: "Everyone, please leave!"

People who eat melons: "What's the matter with you! We stand on this street, and it's none of your business!"

Onlookers: "That's right! Whether the Qingshengtang is closed or not is none of our business!"

The people who eat melons: "You all have to pack up and leave, and you still care about us?"

Onlookers: "Don't be silly! We won't leave tonight!"

Yin Jiuye wanted to teach these unreasonable people a lesson, but this would make everyone angry. If the Qingsheng Church still wants to reopen, it can't offend these people!

Therefore, under consideration, Yin Jiuye let go of the clenched fist in his hand!
Li Huan sees everything downstairs, is this what you call love?

(End of this chapter)

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