Chapter 1275 You are blind

Since the zi-lover was awakened by Li Huan, he stayed in Baimutang all the time, and many people saw it.

But the former supporters still believed what the saint said, that life and death are the panacea to help people cultivate their spiritual power. After all, every time they take it, their perception becomes particularly sensitive.

Therefore, they refused to believe what Li Huan said, and insisted on coming over to buy Life and Death Dependence every day.

And Murong Xueying was so busy that she was aging day by day that she didn't have time to go downstairs, so naturally she couldn't meet Qiao Qingyun.

Yin Jiuye finally had a few days of quiet life, no two women fighting, and the Qingshengtang was also making money every day.

But all of this is under the condition that there is no problem in life and death.

These days, people who come to buy medicines come earlier and earlier, and sometimes they even start to make trouble before dawn!
Before, they would knock on the door, but now they just barged in, clamoring for the Qingshengtang to hand over the medicine.

Several of the guys in the Qing Temple were injured.

Faced with these increasingly irritable people, Yin Jiuye had a headache.

Yin Jiuye went to Qiao Qingyun: "Is there no way to stabilize their emotions?"

Qiao Qingyun: "Look at what Hall Master Yin said, do you still remember the little mouse from before? You won't forget it so soon, right? What is this! If you stop the medicine..."

Yin Jiuye: "What will happen?"

Qiao Qingyun: "It's not easy for the six relatives to deny it! Think about the little mouse before, it's a little thing, these people are all monks! Do you think they will demolish the Qingsheng Church?"

Yin Jiuye suddenly felt that this person was really dangerous!

But I have already boarded the thief ship, there is no way but to go one way to the end!

Yin Jiuye: "They are getting impatient. You will refine this medicine more in the future."

Qiao Qingyun: "I want to too! But I'm not interested in it!"

Qiao Qingyun refused without thinking.


Yin Jiuye was a little angry, but he knew what Qiao Qingyun wanted to do!
Yin Jiuye really couldn't do it if he wanted him to submit obediently!

Qiao Qingyun looked at the back of Yin Jiuye leaving, and angrily smashed the comb in his hand to the ground.

"See how long you can hold your tongue!"

The more Yin Jiuye refused, the more Qiao Qingyun wanted to get this man!
If she had succumbed from the beginning, it would not have attracted her so much!

Now that there is a challenge like this, that's enough excitement!

Especially, it was snatched from Murong Xueying!

Excited just thinking about it!
I haven't seen that annoying person in the past few days!

Qiao Qingyun thought for a while, then suddenly sneered!

It seems to be useless!

It seems that he is not young, heh!
Without aura, I'm afraid it won't last long, right?

Qiao Qingyun stood up and ordered someone to go upstairs with a pot of tea.

After the maid knocked on the door and went in, Qiao Qingyun followed.

Murong Xueying: "What are you doing here! When did I allow you to come in!"

Qiao Qingyun: "This Qingshengtang will soon be mine. As for this place, after you die, I will stay here with your good lover? Are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

As the saying goes, the wicked will be punished by the wicked!
Murong Xueying has done all kinds of bad things, and Qiao Qingyun can't control her current situation. It's really a good show!
Murong Xueying: "How dare you! Hmph! You think you don't know. If you want to rob Brother Jiuye, you have to see if he likes you! It's better to be self-aware!"

Qiao Qingyun: "It doesn't matter if you don't like it or not, as long as the person is mine! You think I'm you! You're old enough to talk about feelings?"

Murong Xueying: "What did you say!"

On Murong Xueying's angry face, she stared straight at Qiao Qingyun, wishing to poke holes in her body!
It's an eyesore!
Qiao Qingyun: "I said you're getting old! Old woman!"

"You dare to call me old! Courting death!"

Murong Xueying tried to hit Qiao Qingyun, but Qiao Qingyun dodged it. On the contrary, Murong Xueying lost her balance due to too much force and fell to the ground.

Qiao Qingyun: "Hahaha! You still say no! You don't know yet! Your cultivation base is useless! You are useless now! Want to hit me? Are you worthy? You will never be able to do it in your life!"

Murong Xueying was trembling with anger, but there was nothing she could do!

In fact, Murong Xueying's age is nothing to monks, but ordinary people are already at the limit of their lifespan!
This is also because, when she was practicing before, she took too many treasures of heaven and earth, which allowed her body to last for such a long time!
Yin Jiuye didn't know about this, because he was not a pharmacist, but how could Qiao Qingyun not know!

So, she made up Murong Xueying, but she didn't want her life!
Because without her doing it herself, Murong Xueying would have died of old age!
You can pick yourself clean without confronting Yin Jiuye.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Qiao Qingyun naturally wouldn't say that she just wanted Murong Xueying to die!
When Li Huan was invited by Yin Jiuye to treat Murong Xueying before, he also discovered some clues, but because Li Huan was too young, he didn't know what would happen if this went on, so he didn't say anything!

Besides, even if she knew, she wouldn't say it.

They are life and death enemies, and it would be kindness not to kill her!

It is best to die yourself!
And Murong Xueying herself thought that she was aging faster just because she didn't have the nourishment of spiritual energy!
I never thought that I would kill myself!
When Lingyun left before, she asked Yin Jiuye to send Murong Xueying back immediately!

But Yin Jiuye delayed it for his own benefit!
Lingyun knew the consequences of this, so she didn't say anything, because she thought that Yin Jiuye would not go against her will!
Therefore, Murong Xueying was in tragedy!

Aging has already begun, and it will get faster and faster!

If the delay continues, the gods will be hard to save!
"Ying'er! Get up!"

When Yin Jiuye heard someone say that Qiao Qingyun had gone upstairs, he immediately came up!
Sure enough, seeing Murong Xueying on the ground, she must have been bullied by Qiao Qingyun!
As soon as Murong Xueying saw Yin Jiuye, she cried pear blossoms and rain: "Brother Jiuye! Brother Jiuye! Don't blame the saint, she may have accidentally bumped into me! I am useless, I have no repair Because, I can’t even stand still!”

Qiao Qingyun admired the speed at which Murong Xueying changed her face, but she didn't care!

She is a high-ranking saint, she doesn't bother to do such low-level methods!
"It's really useless!"

Not only did Qiao Qingyun disdain, but she also felt disgusted!
Yin Jiuye helped Murong Xueying up, and seeing Murong Xueying's weakness against Liu Fufeng, Yin Jiuye felt very distressed.

Murong Xueying was sure that Yin Jiuye would follow suit.

Sure enough, Yin Jiuye said dissatisfiedly: "Qiao Qingyun, I won't have what you want here, and it won't be possible in the future! You don't need to vent your anger on Ying'er!"

Qiao Qingyun: "I said she fell down by herself, do you believe me?"

Qiao Qingyun looked at Yin Jiuye impatiently.

Yin Jiuye: "Ying'er won't lie to me!"

This is a direct slap in the face to Qiao Qingyun.

Qiao Qingyun: "You're blind!"

(End of this chapter)

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