Chapter 1277
"No! Didn't you need bloodletting or something before?"

"Yeah! I saw a lot of programs last time!"

"Yes, did Bai Mutang start to perfunctory the various treatments last time?"

"Then can we survive in the future?"

Hearing these people's comments, Bai Zhan couldn't help but want to speak: "Our hall master has always had a clear conscience! If you have any doubts, just wait and see the results!"

"makes sense!"

"Then shall we wait?"

"Maybe it's because of their different constitutions, so the treatment methods are different?"

"You know this as well?"

"My guess!"

So everyone began to wait, and Li Huan was also paying attention to observation, everyone's medicine was different, to see who could detoxify the fastest, you would know which one was the best!
These types were developed by Li Huan during this period of time, so they are basically useful.

On the other side of Qingshengtang, Yin Jiuye and Qiao Qingyun quarreled again.

Qiao Qingyun: "Why, do you want fame, primordial stone, and chastity? Is it really good to be so greedy?"

Yin Jiuye: "Your goal is the entire Qingsheng Church! No, two-thirds of the entire East City is already under your control!"

Qiao Qingyun: "Of course! It's not too late for you to know, and you're still smart. So, have you thought it through?"

Yin Jiuye: "I will carefully select a few young men from the city for your use, how about it?"

"Hmph! No way! What I want is you! Can't you see people's hearts clearly?"

Qiao Qingyun looked at Yin Jiuye arrogantly and complainingly.

Looking at such a person, Yin Jiuye just felt disgusted, and he really couldn't move his heart towards her.

Yin Jiuye left without saying anything.

But Qiao Qingyun didn't want to wait any longer!

Qiao Qingyun: "Order, from tomorrow, life and death depend on each other, only one hundred copies will be provided! Anyone who wants to come to see me directly!"

As soon as the news came out, many people began to curse the Qingshengtang, but the next day, there were still huge crowds of people queuing up.

Qiao Qingyun once again returned to the saint who was sought after by everyone.

"This is how people live! Very good! I will reward that dog for being obedient!"

If this goes on, it won't take a few days.

She is the lord of the East City!

I heard that the two old things in the government office have gone somewhere, so it's better to go this way!
When they come back, this Qingshengtang will be a government office!
Being a landlord is not as good as a city lord!

These people continued to send all their savings over the years to the Qingshengtang, and their cultivation base also plummeted.

He even fought with his family in order to come to Qingshengtang to buy life and death dependence!

The original good-natured young man has become an existence more terrifying than a local ruffian!

Dongcheng, which was originally peaceful and happy for a while, became a purgatory on earth in less than half a month!

It is even more common to rob houses.

People in Dongcheng hated Qingshengtang deeply, but there was nothing they could do.

There are countless people running around in the city every day, just to grab some more primeval stones, and then go to change life and death with the saint.

The price of life and death is getting more and more expensive.

Yin Jiuye saw that his primordial stones were getting more and more, knowing that there was chaos in the city because of them, but he turned a blind eye.

And Murong Xueying felt that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore.

These days when Yin Jiuye came up, she always avoided her, because her hair not only started to fall out, but also gradually turned white!
In order not to be obvious, Murong Xueying dyed her hair back to black with ink.

But these are just self-consolation.

Murong Xueying secretly wanted Yin Jiuye to take her back.

But Yin Jiuye didn't want to!

Seeing that it is about to succeed, leaving at this time will definitely waste all previous efforts!
Murong Xueying's heart was cold from head to toe.

At the beginning, there were still people who spontaneously came to the gate of the Qingsheng Hall to crusade, but now there is no one!

The poisonous hair, the hiding one is hiding.

Once he came out and was seen by others, he would take away all his belongings, and then go to the Green Sacred Hall to buy things!

What the Qing Temple did was simply insane!
To be precise, what Qiao Qingyun did was chilling!

Stepping on the corpses of a whole city, achieve yourself!

Although the reputation is completely bad, the wealth accumulated is really considerable.

Since Li Huan has treated people twice, as long as someone faints, someone will be sent to Baimutang!

But they are all penniless people!

Even if Li Huan tried his best to treat him, he still couldn't get a single primordial stone!
Seeing the chaos in the city, Li Huan wanted to find Master Qin, but he didn't know where they went.

Li Huan: "The old man didn't know where he went at the critical moment!"

Bai Zhan: "Master, if this continues, there will be no more elixir!"

Li Huan: "Contact the elixir dealer to see if we can exchange with them."

Bai Zhan: "In exchange for what?"

Li Huan: "The antidote to the interdependence of life and death! Don't let the wind leak, find someone reliable!"

Bai Zhan looked at Li Huan in surprise: "Master, what did you say! Antidote?"

Li Huan: "If there are no accidents, it will be developed tonight!"

After treating so many people, Li Huan finally tested the antidote to the most suitable one.

The dependence of life and death is mainly to erode people's spiritual power, and spiritual power is the most difficult, but it is not unsolvable!
Lihuan Zhongyun developed this thing!
However, it can only detoxify, and the damaged cultivation base and body need to be maintained by the patients themselves.

However, if the dependence can be brought into contact, the Qingshengtang will have no bargaining chip to threaten!

Qiao Qingyun looked at Yin Jiuye: "I don't know how long Hall Master Yin will have to think about it?"

Yin Jiuye: "You must do this?"

Qiao Qingyun: "Joke! Do you think I've been joking with you? I've lost my patience with you! If you don't come to me tonight, everyone in the city will be dependent on life and death tomorrow! You can figure it out!"

In order to force Yin Jiuye, Qiao Qingyun reduced the one hundred shares per day to twenty shares per day!

The highest bidder gets it!

Once Yin Jiuye appeared, he was chased and intercepted, and asked him to surrender his life and death. Although his cultivation level could handle it, he was also given a lot of headaches.

Coupled with the fact that Murong Xueying has always lost her temper at him for no reason recently, Yin Jiuye was determined to compromise!

late at night!

Qiao Qingyun's door was knocked open!
Qiao Qingyun looked at Yin Jiuye, handsome and stern, it was really touching!
Yin Jiuye: "I'm coming!"

Qiao Qingyun was very satisfied with Yin Jiuye's choice.

In order to be discovered by others, Yin Jiuye set up a ban on the door when he entered.

Right now it's just the two of them in the room.

Qiao Qingyun: "Since you're here, why are you still standing still?"

Yin Jiuye: "Only this once!"

Qiao Qingyun sneered: Naive!

But she won't say it now!

Yin Jiuye hugged Qiao Qingyun to the bed expressionlessly.

The atmosphere in the room became ambiguous. Qiao Qingyun knew that Yin Jiuye was unwilling, so he used incense to add to the fun.

Sure enough, Yin Jiuye's complexion became abnormal, and when he looked at Qiao Qingyun's eyes, he also began to salivate a little.

(End of this chapter)

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