Chapter 1287
But this town is not big or small, and it is still a bit difficult to find a place for letters.

After Yun Huan entered the town, because of her appearance, she attracted a lot of attention.

Yun Huan could only cover her face with a veil.

Yun Huan doesn't have his own consciousness yet, so he can only act with the spiritual force attached to Li Huan.

Therefore, it is connected with Li Huan.

After Yun Huan settled down in the town, he couldn't find where the letter belonged, and waited for another three days, but still nothing!

But the breath disappeared here before.

Li Huan's mental strength can only last three days, which is already the limit of recent practice.

Before Yun Huan disappeared, Li Huan had to come out of Nie's Mansion.

Go to the town that Yun Huan found before.

The town is not big, but there are many people.

Li Huan found it strange that there were so many people in this town just after winter!
It's just unreasonable!
Because of the weather outside the sky, people here who have a slightly lower cultivation level will freeze to death in winter.

The severe cold will take away most people with weak cultivation, but there are many elderly people in this town.

That's weird!

In a town without a protective formation, there are still so many old and weak people after the winter.

Li Huan observed quietly for a while, and found that the people in this town knew a little about medicine and poison.

So, the whole town is full of pharmacists?

so much?
No way?
Li Huan was amazed.

After waiting for another month, I finally discovered the clue on a dark and stormy night!
These people all gathered towards a certain place.

Li Huan mixed in the crowd.

These people didn't speak, just walked towards, somewhere.

So many people didn't make a sound at all, which showed that it wasn't the first time they gathered like this.

Li Huan followed them to the center of the town.

Passing through a hidden enchantment, there is actually a hidden hole in it!

It is a huge and wide place. Before opening here, Li Huan didn't realize that there is such a place in this town!
Just this one place is more than double the size of the entire town!

There is also a big display stand in the center!
After arriving at the center, this place is completely different from the way we came here!

The voice is full of people!

There are refining furnaces on the display stand!

Standing in the crowd, Li Huan saw the host come up surrounded by the crowd.

Host: "The quarterly competition starts today! Anyone who has a new work, come up and try it! This time No.1, you can get an imperial elixir!"

As soon as the host said it, the people in the audience became excited!

In order not to look different, Li Huan also cheered together.

It seems that they will hold such competitions every once in a while.

Moreover, this enchantment is similar to the function of a large defensive formation.

Therefore, so many people, living here, can go through the whole winter without freezing to death!
You can survive the winter in it!
I don't know who arranged this enchantment, but it's so powerful!
What's even more powerful is that the entire town is full of pharmacists!
According to Li Huan's observation, to be precise, they are poison masters!

They are all masters of poison making!
and so……

There was already a guess in Li Huan's mind.

But it still needs to be confirmed.

This place is too hidden, if Yun Huan hadn't followed the sound transmission talisman, there would be no place like this at all.

Therefore, the people here, probably not many people in Tianwaitian know about it.

After all, there is no such place on the map of Nancheng.

This is the hidden town!

Before that, the people here were not much different from ordinary people.

Li Huan also stayed for a long time before realizing the difference here.

Li Huan mixed in, and soon someone took the stage.

He is a spirit-level poison master.

"I have recently developed a human poison that can make people sleep when they smell it!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, the audience shouted: "Cut!~",

"This thing didn't exist 800 years ago!"

"Yeah! What a novelty!"

"Stunning! Come down! Come down!"

The man was knocked down by the dissatisfaction of the crowd before he even started!

Soon, the second person went up: "I recently developed a poison that can erase people's memory for seven seconds!"

"What kind of innovation is this!"

"Exactly! Seven seconds! Thanks to your words!"

"Get down! No idea!"

"Stop wasting everyone's time! Come down!"

Soon, the second person was knocked down too!
The next few people were bombarded down like this.

There was one person who was not knocked down, but when it was displayed in public, the pill furnace exploded!
Anyone who was close to wanting to see clearly before was affected.

There was a lot of scolding!
Finally, in the disgust of a group of people, he was driven down!

When Li Huan saw this place, he thought it was a place for poison masters to communicate, and it was considered a good place.

Because there are few poison masters, it is difficult to find like-minded people when communicating with colleagues.

But here broke Li Huan's impression of Poison Master!

But soon, Li Huan was slapped in the face!
The flip was too fast, and it was completely different from the harmonious atmosphere of the discussion before!
Because some poison masters took living people and began to test their new medicines to show off their results!

Li Huan looked at the people on the stage struggling to be poisoned, and felt that they were all devils in human skin!
After the man was poisoned, he struggled a few times and died soon!

Then the body was thrown into the back of the central display stand like a torn rag!
Li Huan made a detour and looked behind the display stand.

A huge pothole.

There are so many bones!

Some corpses are still fresh, and some have been rotted, but because they are soaked in unknown poison, there is neither an unpleasant stench nor carrion insects in them.

On the other side of the display stand, it is completely impossible to see what is going on behind this!
The display stand is like a moat, one side is heaven, the other side is hell!

The cheers are in stark contrast to the white bones here bounded by the display stand!
Li Huan turned around to look at these people again, without any appreciation from before!

In their eyes, human life is just an experimental item, which is used to show their own achievements. After it is used up, there is no big difference between life and death. The only value is to show whether their poison is the most powerful !
It's downright frightening!

When Li Huan was about to leave, he found that the person thrown down just now was still alive!

He is calling for help!

Although the voice was weak and weak, but with Li Huan's mental strength, he still heard it!

Li Huan jumped down without hesitation, pulled the man up from the other side, and immediately gave him a detox pill.

Then check his pulse.

Li Huan: "Don't move, you almost entered your heart and lungs. Fortunately, there is still time. I can save you, but in exchange, you have to tell me the whole situation here! If you can, just blink twice Eye."

(End of this chapter)

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