Chapter 1295 The system is not allowed
The two slept together until early the next morning.

Li Huan wanted to figure it out, but Yun Ling refused, after finally getting a taste of the little bun, how could he let it go so easily.

Thus, Li Huan was captured by Yun Ling again...

Li Huan repeatedly begged for mercy, but Yun Ling refused to let Li Huan go.

After a few days, Li Huan felt that she couldn't even get out of bed!

Only then did Yun Ling let Li Huan go.

Yun Ling directly entered the space and never came out again.

Li Huan: "How did you get in!"

Yun Ling: "Go in as you came out."

Li Huan: ...

Yun Ling touched Li Huan's forehead, only thinking that his bun was the cutest person.

When Li Huan came out, Lingyu's hair was already bald!

Lingyu: "Master! You finally came out!"

Lingyu only felt that as soon as she got close to Li Huan, her whole body started to feel cold.

Lingyu remembered what happened before, and quickly backed away.

Li Huan: "What are you doing?"

Lingyu: "Master! Don't come near me! Let's just talk like this!"

Li Huan: ...

Have a convulsion?
Li Huan: "How have you been these few days?"

As soon as Li Huan spoke, Lingyu cried!
Lingyu: "Master! You finally came out! I'm about to die! They beat me up! They said I invited you to fight and didn't go to the appointment! You're making fun of them! Master! I'm so pitiful! If you don't come out again, I'm going to die outside!"

Li Huan: ...

Speaking of it, Li Huan is wrong, but...

Forget it, let's not talk about this, the system master will block me again in a while!
Li Huan: "All the previous gauntlets are invalid!"

Li Huan disappeared for a few days, and the previous strategy could no longer be used.

Originally, Li Huan wanted to use Lingyu's way of going to war to create his own sense of mystery, and by the way, find out the details of the poison masters in Poison Master Town, so that it would be easier to make further arrangements.

But right now, the plan is messed up, and there is only one way to change it.

Li Huan: "Go and tell the people in the town that your master is coming to Poison Master Town!"

Lingyu: "Master, are you willing to accept me?"

Li Huan nodded, this guy has suffered an unreasonable disaster. Although Li Huan didn't take Lingyu as his disciple during this time, Lingyu has been learning how to refine poison from Li Huan.

So, it’s the same whether you take it or not.

Li Huan: "Yes! You spread the news that you suddenly became enlightened because of Master's guidance. At the same time as you released the news, there was another one. I am in the competition field every day, waiting for the challenge. If there is anyone who wants to compete , you can come to me anytime! But for a sparring session, you need twenty primordial stones!"

Lingyu: "Master, are you short of money?"

Li Huan: "What do you know!"

Lingyu: "Then why do you need to charge money? No one wants to compete with others and charge money!"

Li Huan: "The purpose of collecting money is to screen out idiots like you!"

Lingyu: ... don't bring people who hit people like this!
Lingyu quickly ran away and announced what Li Huan had ordered.

Poison Master Town is not big, so any breaking news can spread to every corner very quickly.

Soon someone will start talking!

The people who eat melons: "I knew there was someone behind Lingyu!"

Onlookers: "So, the one who came this time is the person behind it?"

People who eat melons: "It must be! Looks like a very powerful poison master!"

Onlookers: "Maybe it's just pretending!"

People who eat melons: "Impossible! It is said that anyone can challenge him, so he is not a fool! What's more, Lingyu defeated Bawei and Bingyi before. I think this master may have real skills of!"

Onlookers: "I think I can go and have a look!"

In Poison Master Town, many people came to see what kind of person Lingyu's master was.

Everyone has curiosity, and Lingyu suddenly opened up and defeated Bawei and Bingyi before.

These two people are relatively well-known figures in Poison Master Town, so there are indeed many people who want to see what happened this time!

However, 20 yuan yuan stone, this makes many people discouraged!

The poison masters in Poison Master Town almost never went out!
There are almost no primordial stones in their hands!

20 Yuan stones, almost half a year's food expenses for them!
Because they usually refine poisons, they don't need to eat at all, and they are all focused on studying poisons, basically there is no expense.

But this time, to compete with a so-called poison master, it cost 20 Yuan stones, and many people accepted it!
Passerby A: "It's sensationalism!"

Passerby B: "I think so too! It's so expensive! Why don't you go to heaven!"

Passerby C: "I don't think anyone will challenge it! Otherwise, wouldn't you look stupid?"

Passerby A: "That's right! Lingyu doesn't look very good, but he just won two games!"

Passer-by B: "I made so many challenges before, but I don't dare to fight at all!"

Passerby C: "Maybe there will be someone to compete in a while? After all, I don't think Bawei and Bingyi will miss it!"

Passerby A: "No way! If you lose like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing!"

Passer-by B: "I just want to save face, so I'm going! I lost to Lingyu before, but now I beat his master, wouldn't it be possible to win the round directly!"

Passerby A: "It makes sense!"

But everyone waited and waited, did they see Bingyi and Bawei coming to compete!
Not only did Bawei and Bingyi not come, even none of the other famous poison masters came!

Passerby A: "It seems that Lingyu's master is not good! No one is coming!"

Passer-by B: "I've already said it's a sensationalist!"

Passer-by C: "I'm happy for nothing! Waste of time! Let's go!"

Soon, the spectators outside almost left!

In contrast to the lively scene before!

Lingyu: "Master, everyone is leaving!"

Li Huan: "It wasn't them who were waiting for them, who can't afford even a single primordial stone, who has the right to compete with me! The poison masters in Poison Master Town are nothing more than that!"

Li Huan's voice was not concealed at all, everyone who hadn't left outside heard it!
Passerby A: "What! Did I hear correctly?"

Passerby B: "You are not alone!"

Passerby C: "What a big tone! Does he want to challenge the whole town?"

As soon as Li Huan's words were spoken, he left and came back!

Start the crusade against Li Huan outside!

Lingyu was in a hurry, but Li Huan didn't care.

Not long after, Poison Master Town ranked in the top ten, and the tenth Poison Master Yuanbo was extremely dissatisfied with Li Huan's approach and came to compete!
Yuan Bo: "To make a sensation, I'll let you expose you! If you lose, you will pay me double the primordial stone!"

Lingyu was a little nervous, after all, she was profound, and her ability to make poison was much stronger than that of Bawei and Bingyi!
But after Lingyu entered and asked Li Huan, Li Huan agreed!
Waiting for such a famous person!
With so many famous people, naturally some arrogant people are not convinced and come to compete!

This is what Li Huan wanted!
(small theater)

A certain month: After staying up all night, I asked A Huan to consummate our marriage with Xiao Lingling, but was blocked by the master of the system!He vomited blood and died!

System Master: Without my permission, they can never consummate the house!

A certain month: ...I tried my best!All night!Ugh……

A certain rhyme: hum!What did you do behind our backs!Dare to complain!

A certain night: A stepmother is a stepmother, how unkind!

A pill: Fuck!Xiao Yueyue, you don't want to live!
Mouyu: We rebel!Little Huanhuan is ours!

Moorui: God!Xiaoyue, you deserve it!
Little cutie: No way!We're going to see the consummation room!

A certain month: The system is locked, and the previous chapter cannot be released. I uploaded it to the group. If you want to read it, you can watch it in the group. If you don’t want to bother, you can skip it directly.

Penguin code (Douzhuanxinghui: [-])

Note: Only for readers to communicate, no charge!No charge!Please don't go to the wrong place and be scammed!Xiaoyue will not charge any fees from any readers in private!

(End of this chapter)

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