Chapter 1299 The Living Dead

That person was arranged by him!

Not poisoned at all!
The black on her body is nothing but herbal juice!
But this kind of herbal juice can't be washed off with just any simple water!

Yuanbo was a little unconvinced, but he did dissolve all the ink!
No matter what method is used, although this method is a bit slap in the face.

Fortunately, I was smart and didn't show my face!

If it doesn't work once, come again!
Soon, another poisoned person was sent outside the competition field.

Unlike before, the people who came this time came by themselves!
Looks like it's not poisoned!
Just like the poison Li Huan used for Yuan Bo before, there were no symptoms at first!

The more poisonous it is, the harder it is to find.

After the man came over, he even talked to Lingyu: "I'm poisoned."

After the man finished speaking, he didn't speak any more.

Then, in less than a second, he fell down!
Foaming at the mouth, unconscious.

Lingyu can only bring people in. With so many people watching outside, it is natural that he needs to be treated!

Li Huan simply took his pulse, observed it, and then took out a elixir from the corner: "Give this to him, and then he can send it out."

Lingyu did so, and when he took the man out, the man was still unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Yuanbo was very excited, and finally it was over!
This is the poison at the bottom of his box!

Let's see how arrogant you are this time!
In the end, before Yuanbo got excited for a while, the man had already woken up!
And in high spirits.

People eating melons: "Didn't you just go in?"

Onlookers: "This is detoxified? Why so fast?"

Passerby A: "In this case, there are only two kinds."

Passerby B: "Which two kinds?"

Passerby A put his hands on his hips: "The first type is that the poison is not heavy, so it can be removed in a while, but this is obviously someone who came to find fault, so it will not be a simple poison, so there is only the second type!"

People who eat melons: "What's the situation? Tell me quickly!"

Onlookers: "Don't pant when you speak, you're so anxious!"

Passerby B: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Passerby A pretended to be profound and said: "The second type is that the person who detoxifies is much stronger than the person who poisoned, so he can know the poison at a glance! Naturally, it will be soon!"

When Yuanbo heard what Passerby A said, he couldn't calm down!
How can it be!

He is on the list of poison masters!
To lose so badly!

Unwilling to be reconciled, Yuan Bo took out a small medicine bottle from his interspatial bag: "It's up to you to succeed!"

This is a poison that Yuanbo obtained by chance. He has not refined the antidote so far, and he doesn't know what the poison is!
If not, he will admit it!

I don't know the name of this poison, so let's call it Weiming Poison!
Yuanbo found a man, gave him ten primordial stones, and told him to take the medicine immediately and go find Lingyu.

"This medicine won't really poison me to death?"

Yuanbo: "How is it possible, it's just a simple competition, it won't kill you!"

When Yuanbo spoke, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

He doesn't even know the name of this poison, how could he know if it can be detoxified!
He just wanted the people who pretended to be ghosts to be convinced!

For the sake of Yuanshi, the man listened to Yuan Bo, took the poison and left.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the competition field, he became poisoned!
The poison this time was extremely overbearing, the man collapsed in an instant, and he didn't even have time to call for help.

Lingyu stepped forward to check for breath: "Dead!"

A few people standing in the front row also came forward to see: "He's already dead! The poison is so fast! Didn't he lose from the very beginning this time! This is too bad luck! It looks like we're going to lose!"

The door of the test room opened, and a masked man came out!

Li Huan approached the man on the ground, fed the elixir in his hand into the man's mouth, and then kept pressing on the man's chest with both hands.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, when Li Huan performed missions with his teammates in his previous life, he was extremely proficient in this rescue method.

Right now, Li Huan is using this first aid method.

Li Huan's spiritual energy continuously gathered in the man's heart from the palms of both hands, assisting cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Onlookers: "Is this Lingyu's master?"

People who eat melons: "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Passerby A: "What is he doing?"

Passerby B: "Everyone is dead, can you snatch people from Hades?"

Passerby A: "I don't know either, let's talk about it later!"

Li Huan rhythmically pressed the man's heart on the ground, and the elixir he had just fed melted in his mouth, and it began to work!
Cooperating with Li Huan's cardiopulmonary resuscitation, after a while, a cough came!

"Cough cough!"

The people who had been 'dead' on the ground suddenly coughed!

This short coughing sound was like a shocking thunder, and the scene of the explosion was completely silent!

However, after a few seconds of silence, there was another cough.

The scene exploded instantly!
The melon-eaters jumped on the crowd of onlookers: "The corpse is cheated! The corpse is cheated! Oh my god!"

The onlookers looked disgusted: "Come down! Come down for me!"

People who eat melons: "Old acquaintance! Don't do such a thing!"

Onlookers: "You can't get down! My neck will be strangled by you!"

People who eat melons: "I'm afraid!"

Passerby A: "Seeing how arrogant you are usually, you are so timid!"

Passerby B: "Contempt!"

Lingyu: "I'm awake, Master! You're alive!"

Lingyu's voice was trembling, because he had personally investigated before, and this person was already dead!

In their cognition, if there is no breathing, it is dead!
But right now, Li Huan has brought people back to life!

Although they couldn't understand the method of resuscitation, they did indeed revive the dead!
Lingyu only felt that Li Huan's image in his heart instantly grew taller!
The rest of the people were too surprised.

After the people on the ground got up, they looked confused, but soon found that almost everyone was looking at him!
Those eyes seem to be wonderful!
More panic!

Li Huan: "You don't know that this medicine will seal your throat with blood, and you will die if you take it in. If I hadn't happened to be here, you would have gone to see Hades today!"

Hearing Li Huan's words, the man recalled the past, and instantly understood!

Standing up and bowing to Li Huan again and again: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master!"

After the man finished speaking, he turned his head and looked around.

Then rush to a certain place in an instant.

Yuanbo was shocked!
Can even the dead be saved?
Has it reached the point of death or bones?
Before Yuanbo recovered from the shock, the person who had taken the poison had rushed over like a shell!
The level of anger can be imagined.

The man grabbed Yuanbo and shouted angrily: "Didn't you say that this poison will not kill you! You lied to me! You lied to me to die! You bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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