Chapter 130
Therefore, Li Huan naturally hoped that she could understand.

There are many people in this Zuo family who are eyeing them.

Whether her eldest grandson can grow up safely depends on her grandmother's decision-making.

"I'll go out with you!"

Madam Zuo naturally understood that she just wanted to put on some mother-in-law airs before.

But now, this daughter-in-law is struggling.

The eldest grandson landed on the ground, and he looks so pleasing, and he is aura at first glance.

Of course she wouldn't say anything more.

She only has Zuo Moxun as a child, so she naturally hopes that he will have a good life.

Li Huan came out with Mrs. Zuo.

All eyes were on them.

Li An was even more surprised.

The people who had been bribed before reported that the midwives had all been kicked out.

But she never expected that this person turned out to be her deadly enemy, Li Huan!
The midwives were all recruited later.

Li Huan has been to Sixiang Kingdom for so long and has not been to the county lord's mansion.

Therefore, none of them knew Li Huan.

All I know is that she is my wife's best friend in the boudoir, and she is a girl who has not left the cabinet.

Just heard the crying coming from the house.

Loud and powerful, clearly a healthy child.

This Li Huan not only hides her cultivation, could it be...

Will he still be able to perform medical skills?

Li An became a little flustered, but quickly calmed down again.

So what, the medicine was not given by ordinary people, and she was confident that she would not be able to find it out.

Besides, she still has a life-saving talisman in her stomach.

The man said that as long as he took the medicine he prepared, he would definitely be able to get a man in one fell swoop.

When the time comes, this will also be the grandson of the Zuo family in her stomach.

Li Huan motioned for the little stool, and the little stool escorted all the people up.

They were all the midwives and maids who were in Su Ruilian's delivery room before.

The loud midwife saw so many people.

In an instant, he gained confidence and shouted at Prime Minister Zuo: "Master Zuo, I don't know what we did wrong.

The county lord actually allowed a girl who hadn't left the cabinet to deliver the baby and drove us out.

Afterwards, the Eldest Young Master also imprisoned us, what is the reason for this?
Could it be that the young master is dying, and we have to blame it all on us.

The lady before we went out was fine! "

"You want to know?"

Li Huan asked back.

"I believe that the prime minister will not wrong innocent people."

The midwife with a loud voice said with determination on her face, she praised Prime Minister Zuo very high.

To prevent him from favoring his own family, they are officials who value their reputation the most.

She had already buried the dregs of the medicine, although the county lord's mansion couldn't get out.

But only she knew where the medicine residue was buried, and she was confident that no one would find it.

As long as she does this vote, she will be able to leave here with that large sum of money.

At that time, no one will be able to find out about her.

Li Huan: "Then you tell me first, who told you that the young master is dead?"

The midwife with a loud voice was asked by Li Huan, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Nobody told her, so...

No, that person said, take the medicine.

Powerless, look at these people standing here.

To mobilize so many teachers, the young master must be dead.

The girl wanted to take them as a scapegoat: "I heard what others said."

"Oh? Who?"

Li Huan asked curiously.

"That's what the people in the mansion said!"

The midwife with a loud voice dodged with an unnatural expression on her face.

"Is it her?"

Li Huan pointed to the nanny who brought the crowd.

The midwife with a loud voice answered simply: "No."

Li Huan walked up to that nanny: "Then how did this nanny know that the young master is dying?"

The loud midwife wasn't here before, but she didn't hear the cry.

But this nanny has been here all this time, she knew that the young master must be alive: "It's the servant who got it wrong."

Li Huan: "Then do you know this midwife?"

Mammy: "I don't know."

"Since you two don't know each other, why do you both have the fragrance of flying frost flowers?"

Li Huan looked at the two of them and asked pretending to be puzzled.

The two were startled.

The medicine was brought by the mother from outside the house and given to the midwife.

They've all met before!

"It's a coincidence."

"Yes, it was a coincidence."

Li Huan: "The expenses in the mansion are all arranged.

So, did the two of you buy this Feishuang flower by yourself? "

Mammy: "Yes."

The midwife with a loud voice also nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, I bought it myself."

Li Huan: "Just admit it, Feishuanghua, a fifth-grade elixir, is very valuable.

The income of the two of you may not be able to afford it for the rest of your life.

Tell me where the medicine came from.

Now that I admit it, I can still suffer less flesh and blood.

I advise you to speak earlier. "

Sister: "Miss Li Huan, you are a frequent visitor to the house, and I respect your friendship with Madam.

But what do you want me to admit?
What should I admit? "

Li Huan: "It seems that you will stop crying when you see the coffin."

Li Huan threw out a few packs of medicine dregs: "It's buried deep."

Seeing Li Huan, the loud midwife actually found out the medicine residue.

His face changed drastically, but he still forcibly calmed down.

If the truth is revealed at this moment, it will be charged with murdering the eldest grandson of the prime minister's mansion, and he will be beheaded.

Li Huan: "This is the medicine I prescribed for Lian Er before, and the latter one is from this morning.

There are more blindly flying frost flowers in it.

You both admitted just now that you bought the medicine yourself, so there is nothing else to say. "

Momo was shocked, she didn't expect Miss Li Huan to be so powerful.

Mammy: "Miss Li, it's in the medicine residue, but it doesn't mean we put it in."

"Then take the Feishuang flowers you bought and have a look."

Li Huan asked.

The midwife with a loud voice: "I took it, I took it myself! I bought the medicine myself and took it myself, isn't it okay?

Isn't this Feishuang flower a common medicine for women?
Can I buy it to replenish my body? "

Li Huan: "The anti-fetal medicine I prescribed to Lian'er has conflicting properties with Feishuanghua.

The county magistrate's mansion has long banned the purchase of this medicinal material.

Why did the two of you buy this medicine at the same time?
Could it be that she scored twice and got pregnant again? "

The nanny and the loud midwife blushed when Li Huan questioned them.

Watching everyone's mocking gazes, I wish I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

But now, he must not admit that this matter has something to do with him, that would be decapitated!

Mammy: "Miss Li Huan, you can't wrong someone just by guessing.

We are servants, we don't understand medicine and bought the wrong medicine for our body.

nothing? "

Loud midwife: "Yes, that's right.

Could it be that servants are not human anymore, and servants have no right to make up for themselves. "

Li Huan: "So, the two of you did buy Feishuanghua, but you didn't put the Feishuanghua in Lianer's medicine?"



Li Huan: "It's very easy to find out who it is, I also have Zidiancao in my birth control pill.

This purple electric grass is quite interesting, it will help me investigate the case.

At the same time contact people who have been in contact with Zidiancao and Feishuanghua.

The hands will turn black within five hours, let's wait and see. "

The nanny heard Li Huan's words, but it was nothing. She had only touched Feishuanghua, and had never touched Madam's anti-fetal medicine at all.

But the loud midwife felt uneasy after hearing Li Huan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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