Chapter 1311 Liquidated Damages

Mie Huang still didn't choose to be a teacher in the end, he was really reconciled, but he became Li Huan's servant.

For Mie Huang, doing odd jobs is only temporary, and he can leave once he has the opportunity, but it is not acceptable to be a teacher, because apprenticeship is a binding relationship, no matter where he goes in the future, he will be shorter when he meets a master.

Mie Huang didn't want to.

Ever since, in front of Li Huan's yard, there is a beautiful landscape!
Because the competition is over, the people who eat melons have nothing to eat, so when they have nothing to do, they come here to watch Miehuang wash the water mist and river mussels!
Because the water mist mussel has many grooves on the surface, it is very laborious to clean up the mud, and all the people in front have worshiped Li Huan as their teacher!

As an apprentice, naturally you don't need to do chores!
Therefore, all the mist and mussels were piled up in front of Mie Huang alone!
This beautiful landscape has been achieved.

A half-step sage washes mussels!
The melon-eating crowd peeled the small melon seeds, chatted while watching Miehuang washing the mussels in the water mist.

Gua No. [-]: "How many washes did you say this day?"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "Three hundred!"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "How do you know?"

Gua No. [-]: "I counted it! Yesterday it was [-]. The day before yesterday may be because it was relatively raw, so I washed one less!"

No. [-] melon eater: "I'll wipe it! You've become a master after eating melons!"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "This is called professionalism, do you understand it?"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "Admiration!"

The onlookers have always been inseparable from the people who eat melons. Here I saw that the people who eat melons moved small benches to watch Mie Huang wash the mussels every day, so they couldn't help but join in.

Onlookers: "Recently, the price of melon seeds has increased! You eat them! You say you are free, and the price of melon seeds has been raised by you! It's really irritating!"

People who eat melons: "Then don't buy it if you have the ability! Why are you here! Did you come here?"

Onlookers: "We just came here to take a rest and catch fish, not like you!"

Melon eaters: "You touch your fish, I eat my melon, you can shut up!"

Passerby A: "Oh! I envy you! Every day there are endless melons and fish!"

Passerby B: "Count me in!"

Passerby A: "No more part-time jobs?"

Passerby B: "My house has been demolished!"


Passer-by C: "Brother Gua and Brother B are sitting in the warm sun and eating melons. There is a building at home; Brother Onlooker and Brother A watch and catch fish from time to time, without worrying about food and clothing; I fish in the river and have no money. We They all have a bright future!"

Passerby A: "Brother B, what are you doing?"

Passer-by C: "Isn't this the water mist river mussel that was just salvaged and brought over? I heard that the one inside likes to pinch and play!"

Mie Huang looked at the cart of fresh water-mist river mussels sent by passer-by B, and felt bad all over.

Mie Huang threw the brush in his hand, so angry!

"I'm quitting! Just wash the mussels every day! What does it mean to be stared at by these people all day long like a monkey!"

Mie Huang pointed at the onlookers angrily, he couldn't take it anymore!
Li Huan: "It's not that you said that you can become a master through hardships. It's not that you said that being a servant is temporary, and you still have a bright future!"

Mie Huang looked at Li Huan, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness, thinking that he was always in seclusion from morning to night, and still lost at the hands of this man!
Is it really because of his own strength?Too poor talent?

For the first time since Emperor Mie called himself a Poison Master, he had doubts about himself.

Li Huan: "Do you want to be a teacher? You don't need to wash if you are a teacher? Look at them!"

Li Huan pointed to the other people who were having dinner at the side.

Compared with Miehuang, it is simply not too happy!
Mie Huang: "You guys! Did you just get bought by him like this? Have you forgotten your ideals? Don't you just want to be humble for the rest of your life?"

Miehuang was very excited, and the people who eat melons couldn't stand it.

Eat Melon No. [-]: "Young man, don't be so hostile!"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "It takes hard work to achieve success!"

Onlookers: "Suffering is the stepping stone to success!"

Passerby A: "Don't be young!"

Emperor Mie: "Then you wash it!"

Miehuang was really driven crazy by the water mist and river mussels. It is not so difficult to refine poison!

Li Huan: "Do you want to be a teacher? You don't need to wash if you are a teacher!"

Mie Huang has a lot of backbone, and has never let go.

Li Huan didn't say anything, and went in directly.

As a result, Miehuang was still washing and brushing amidst the melon-eating crowd's sound of peeling melon seeds.

After a few days.


Mie Huang really can't take it anymore!

Throwing the brush in his hand, he knocked on the door of Li Huan's room.

Li Huan: "Morning!"

Emperor Mie: "I...I..."

Li Huan: "What are you?"

Emperor Mie: "I want to be a teacher!"

Li Huan: "Why?"

Mie Huang: "I don't want to see the water mist and river mussels anymore!"

Li Huan nodded in satisfaction: "Young man, you have a future! The future is bright!"

Li Huan's young man made Miehuang affirm that this must be the incarnation of a thousand-year-old monster.

Many years later, when he knew the so-called master in front of him, but only half of him didn't have it, he might just be messed up in the wind.

So far, Li Huan has successfully recruited all the poison masters on the ranking list in Poison Master Town.

The melon-eating crowd: "I never thought that a man with such backbone as Mie Huang would not be defeated by the failure of the competition, but he would be defeated by such things as washing river mussels! Unexpected!"

Onlookers: "So, the world is unpredictable!"

But Li Huan, on the second day, planned to take all the people out of Poison Master Town.

Lingyu: "We can't leave here for less than three years!"

Yuan Bo: "Yes, Master, when we came, we promised to stay here for three years before we can leave!"

Li Huan: "Liquidated damages, I will pay for you!"

Everyone: ...

Li Yuan pulled Lingyu aside, and asked very carefully and quietly: "Master isn't talking nonsense, is he?"

Yuan Bo: "Yeah! He doesn't know the market, does he?"

Wan Qian: "It's possible, why don't we remind him in a low voice?"

Bingyi: "My deadline has already arrived, I don't need it, I can leave anytime."

Li Huan: "What are you muttering about?"

Lingyu: "Master, our liquidated damages are very expensive! Very expensive! Especially for those who have been on the rankings, the liquidated damages are doubled!"

Li Huan: "Is that so?"

Li Huan has a few boxes of primordial stones with him, because Baimutang is very profitable, when Li Huan went to the south city, he took almost half of the primordial stones from Baimutang, because Bai Zhan said that the south side should be firmly established under the hands of Qingshengtang For the root of the foot, a lot of financial support is needed.

Li Huan thought Lingyu talked a lot, a lot!
After all, a powerful poison master is really expensive outside.

Seeing that Li Huan hesitated, Lingyu wanted to give Li Huan a step: "Master, in fact, we are not in a hurry to leave, this place is not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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