Chapter 1313 Income Space
Evil capital!
Originally, Li Huan only wanted to take away some of the poison masters, so that he could give Qingshengtang a blow from the bottom. As a result, because the publicity was too good, almost the entire Poison Master Town came.

Li Huan: "Are you sure you want to follow me? Work for me?"

"Migrant workers, the soul of migrant workers, and migrant workers are masters!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan did not expect such a scene at all, as expected, the power of money is really powerful!
In front of capital, workers are as insignificant as dust, and capital can make everyone a tool person working for him.

Naturally, Li Huan didn't want to do this, but it was the only way to replace the Qingshengtang.

The only thing Li Huan can leave is after defeating the evil dragon, otherwise he will become an evil dragon.

For a whole day, people from Poison Master Town gathered in the barrier to sign a contract with Li Huan at the display stand.

Li Huan looked at the contract paper in his hand, it was getting thicker and thicker, filled with emotion.

Lingyu hurried over: "Master, there are too many people, we can't leave today!"

Li Huan: "Then wait for two more days, so that they don't get crowded. Anyone who is willing to leave can come. After signing the contract, they can receive the liquidated damages here, and the contract with Poison Master Town will be terminated."

When some poison masters came, seeing so many people, they felt that no matter how much they lined up, they would not be able to get their turn, so they went back home angrily.

As soon as the news came out, the people who had left started to come back.

Lingyu led the people to line up until late at night, and many people came after hearing the news.

Lingyu: "Master, from this point of view, Poison Master Town has almost been taken away, so what's next?"

Yuan Bo: "So many of us set off at the same time, isn't it too ostentatious?"

Li Yuan: "I also think that in the future, we will all be walking money printing machines!"

Li Huan looked at Li Yuan's arrogant appearance, if after going out, he knew that the value of the outside world was completely different from that of this place, would he lose his mind?
Poison masters have always been rare, and powerful poison masters are extremely scarce, but these people brought by Qingshengtang, Bieqingshengtang has been kept in the dark, and they don't know that they are squeezed, so tragic!

Miehuang is a dignified half-step saint, and the reward he can get is only a hundred primordial stones!

Li Huan didn't know how to explain to them.

Different from those who signed the contract, they thought that they would soon embark on a bright future and get rich, but they didn't know that the value they had created had already exceeded many times!

The reason why Qingshengtang was able to occupy Tianwaitian's right to speak in such a short period of time was because Qingshengtang kept them a secret!

Li Huan walked back and forth, Lingyu thought that Li Huan felt sorry for Yuan Shi.

Lingyu: "Master, why don't we accept so many people? This primordial stone is about to bottom out!"

Li Huan: "Take it!"

Lingyu: "If you continue to accept it, Master will go bankrupt!"

Li Huan: "No!"

What Li Huan said is true!
After all, the value of a poison pharmacist cannot be compared with ten primordial stones a month!

This is profiteering. The so-called contract is not bankruptcy at all, but sudden wealth!

But Li Huan doesn't know how to explain now.

"It's not easy, you just need to keep them all from knowing!"

Yun Ling's voice came.

Li Huan: "If so many people are taken away, how can it be impossible to hide it at all! At that time, we have to find a way to avoid the eyes and ears of the Qingsheng Church and send all these people to the East City."

Yun Ling: "Stupid bun! You've already raised a group of idlers, and it's not bad to raise another group!"

Li Huan: "What do you mean?"

Yun Ling: "I think you're pretty spacious inside!"

Li Huan: "You mean, keep them all in the space!"

Yun Ling: "Is there a more convenient place than this?"

Li Huan thought about it, and felt that what Yun Ling said made sense!
The evil ghost soldiers have adapted very well, so Li Huan just needs to open up a space next to the evil ghost soldiers for these poison masters!

With the contract in hand, Li Huan can take them in through the gate of space!
Therefore, in this way, Li Huan can take Ran away directly without being discovered.

Li Huan: "It's just..."

Space cannot be exposed after all.

Yun Ling: "Stupid bun, won't you take all of this town away? I can help you set up an enchantment around it. If they can't get out, they won't know!"

Li Huan: "Good idea! But, can such a big town hold it?"

Yun Ling: "What level are you now?"

Li Huan: "It's only one step away from the catastrophe!"

Yun Ling: "Look at your space again!"

Li Huan knew that the space would expand every time he was promoted, but because it was too big, Li Huan hadn't looked at the space carefully for a long time!
Seeing this, I was taken aback!
The space has expanded several times before!
Except for the Taiyi Palace that Li Huan isolated, as well as the Flower God Tree, the area of ​​the log cabin is basically empty!

Because the evil ghost soldiers are soul bodies, they only occupy a small area.

Such a big place, not to mention Poison Master Town, even the East City can be accommodated!

Li Huan asked Lingyu when the people in the town would go out.

Lingyu: "We hardly go out! There is no need to go out, as long as we can refine poison every day, it is enough!"

Li Huan: "You spread the news that after signing the contract, if you don't want to leave, you can stay in Poison Master Town, but you can't enter the barrier anymore."

Lingyu: "What about winter?"

Li Huan: "I have an ancient formation in my hand, which is better than that enchantment, and can also gather spiritual energy. With this formation, I can guarantee that as long as I leave the town, the seasons will be like spring!"

Li Yuan: "What! The seasons are like spring! Is there such a good place?"

Li Huan: "It's because of the formation, are you willing?"


Everyone spoke in unison.

Inside the barrier, most of the time, there is actually no one there. They all live in Poison Master Town, and they only go in to escape the severe cold during competitions and winter.

If it can be like spring all year round, and there is no need to avoid the cold, there is no need to enter this enchantment at all!

According to Li Huan's intention, Lingyu made it clear to everyone.

Lingyu: "Everyone thinks it's okay! Everyone says this formation is magical!"

Li Huan: "In the next few days, I will set up a big formation. You are here to help sign the contract. Only those who sign the contract can stay in the big formation. After everyone has signed the contract, you come to the town to find me!"

After Li Huan explained the matter to Lingyu, he left.

Yun Ling looked at Poison Master Town: "If you want to come to your opponent, you can control them by controlling this enchantment. I will separate the enchantment from the town now. After the separation is completed, you can put the town into the space."

Li Huan took out a bottle of Rejuvenation Pill: "Eat some of this!"

Yun Ling waved his hand and pointed to his cheek: "Kiss here!"

(End of this chapter)

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