Chapter 1325 Soul Chasing Drum

The Divine Phoenix Sword's sword energy was like a rainbow, and it pierced Immortal Ding's newly grown arm.

Immortal Ding was imprisoned by Li Huan's domain and moved slowly, unable to dodge in time, one of his arms was chopped off by Li Huan.

Blood splattered all over the place, and the thick smell of blood was scattered in the air.

Immortal Ding was furious: "Shuzi dare you!"


Immediately a drumstick appeared in Immortal Ding's remaining hand, as hard as a stone.

Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword was blocked by Immortal Ding's drumstick, making a sound of gold and stone.

Immortal Ding looked at his newly grown arm, which was cut off again, and was furious.

There is only one elixir!
It is extremely precious, just this one, and now his arm has been cut again, which means that if he can't get another such pill in the future, he will lose a hand for the rest of his life!

With one hand missing, how can he transform into a god!

For Immortal Ding, the greatest wish in this life is to transform into a god, but now the person in front of him shattered his dream so easily!

Immortal Ding's aura suddenly became terrifying!
Immortal Ding looked at Li Huan as if he was looking at a dead person: "It doesn't matter whether you are a human or a ghost today! I will make you die!"

A waist drum appeared around Immortal Ding's waist.

The remaining hand held the drumstick tightly, and when Li Huan came over, he slammed it down: "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three drumbeats resounded throughout the field.

An extremely strong mental impact rushed straight into Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness.


Li Huan didn't check for a moment, was hit and had a splitting headache.

Li Huan instantly blocked her sense of hearing.

Immortal Ding: "It's your honor to die under the soul chasing drum! Go die!"

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of the drum burst into my ears.

Li Huan suddenly fell from the sky, and the sea of ​​consciousness was shaken by the impact of this sound, and it was useless to close the hearing.

Seeing that Li Huan was about to hit the ground hard, suddenly his waist lightened, and he was hugged by a force: "Little Baozi, don't be brave! It's a magic weapon!"

Li Huan let go of his hand, opened his eyes and looked at the sea of ​​stars in front of him.

It is cloud orders.

Yun Ling landed on the ground smoothly with Li Huan in his arms.

Immortal Ding looked at the person who appeared suddenly, hesitated for a moment, and was very vigilant. This person could appear here quietly, but he still knocked down the drumstick in his hand without hesitation: "It's the same for anyone who comes, you will die!" ! No one can help you today!"

In order to avenge the broken arm, Ding Xianren hated Li Huan to the bone, and wanted to use the soul-chasing drum to completely obliterate Li Huan's consciousness.

"Dong dong dong..."

Immortal Ding kept beating the drum at his waist, and looked at the two people on the ground confidently.

Yun Ling shrouded Li Huan in his spiritual energy: "Wait for me here!"

Li Huan: "Wait, I need a chance to exercise!"

Yun Ling rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "Then we won't beat him to death."

As soon as Yun Ling finished speaking, the person disappeared.

Immortal Ding is still immersed in the artifact in his hand, this is his biggest secret, if he hadn't killed the person in front of him today, he would not have revealed that he has the artifact.

Immortal Ding's cultivation is not as strong as Nie Jin's. He has been a man with his tail clamped here for so many years. If someone knows that he has a complete artifact in his hand, he will either be disarmed or killed.

Therefore, Immortal Ding has been carefully hiding his precious soul chasing drum, even in the most difficult time, he never used it, but he was so angry by Li Huan that he wanted to kill him quickly.

However, the sudden appearance of this person did not seem to be easy to deal with.

Immortal Ding: "Who are you! If you pass by, this is not the time for you to be a hero."

Immortal Ding looked at this person who was as beautiful as an exiled immortal in front of him, and felt that the hairs on his delicate face stood on end.

Although he also knew that the possibility of passing by was very low, he still wanted to try and see if he could be persuaded to leave!

When he faced the masked boy, he didn't feel such a trembling feeling.

Li Huan watched Yun Ling standing in mid-air with his clothes fluttering. He hadn't seen Yun Ling like this for a long time.

It was as if the gods had descended, with mountains of swords and seas of fire, protecting themselves behind them.

Yun Ling's strength has not yet fully recovered, Li Huan was very worried and did not dare to miss any details, Li Huan was ready at any time, and if she found anything wrong, she would immediately stop it, she could not bear Yun Ling and die for herself.

Immortal Ding looked at Yun Ling without giving in, and rang the soul-chasing drum on his waist!
But Yun Ling didn't panic at all.

"Dong dong dong..."

Yun Ling: "It's useless to me!"

Immortal Ding looked in surprise at the man who was smiling at him with an evil spirit in front of him, and felt goose bumps all over his body.

Immortal Ding: "You are a human or a ghost!"

His soul chasing drum, anyone with spiritual consciousness will be attacked.

But the person in front of him didn't change at all in the face of the drumbeat.

Looking at the people on the ground, they are still such masked boys, but there is nothing wrong.

How is this going!

"Dong dong dong..."

Immortal Ding was very anxious and kept hitting the drumstick in his hand.

Yun Ling: "Be careful, don't knock it down, it will hurt the little bun!"

Yun Ling's words were evil and contemptuous. Facing the thing in his hand, it was as if he was talking about the most common thing!
Immortal Ding: "Who are you!"

Immortal Ding panicked and stared at Yun Ling, trying to use his special skills.

But the person in front of him still didn't seem to have changed at all!
The soul chasing drum will only work against people who have no spiritual knowledge!

This kind of artifact, which only targets the attack of spiritual consciousness, is also the best among artifacts.

If it's not a ghost, what's going on!
When people face something that they are not ignorant of, they will always have an inexplicable sense of fear.

Yun Ling saw the timing and shot instantly.

Li Huan didn't even see clearly what Yunling did, and saw that the soul-chasing drum in Dingxianren's hand appeared in Yunling's hand in a second.

Yun Ling hit Immortal Ding in the chest with a palm.

Immortal Ding was like a kite that fell from a broken string, falling towards Li Huan.

Immortal Ding looked in disbelief at the thing that was still in his hand just now, it disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the hand of the opposite person, as if he had seen a ghost!
Faced with this kind of person who is so beautiful that he is not human, Ding Xianren only feels that he has bumped into a ghost!
Before thinking about it, this person also appeared out of thin air!
The more flustered Immortal Ding was, the more flawed he was.

Before landing on the ground, Li Huan's attack came up instantly.

Immortal Ding had to guard against the people in the sky while dealing with Li Huan's attack.

Coupled with the loss of an arm, it was very difficult to cope.

Li Huan: "I have a secret to tell you! Do you want to know!"

Immortal Ding: "What a secret!"

Li Huan: "It seems that I really want to know!"

Immortal Ding replied subconsciously, but when he realized it, he realized that he had been fooled!

Too nervous, causing myself to be led by the nose by the person in front of me!
Immortal Ding: "Think you can defeat me like this! Don't even think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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