Chapter 1327
Immortal Ding's eyes still stayed where Li Huan was standing before!

There is also what Li Huanpao said before, that sentence: "The antidote is in my uncle's hands. If you can see him alive, it depends on whether you have the ability to persuade him not to kill you!"

The antidote is in Nie Jin's hands!
This is what Li Huan told Immortal Ding when he ran away for the last time.

It's Nie Jin!
The person behind it turned out to be Nie Jin!
Therefore, it was also because of Qiao Qingyun's calculations that Xiaoyao Sanxian was born before!

That's why they used the method of self-destruction to die together!
But Nie Jin ordered it, so it's none of your business!

Why, Xiaoyao Sanxian wants to do that!

Immortal Ding only felt that he was being teased!

He wanted to catch the man who had already run away and confront him, but he was at the end of his battle at the moment!

When Nie Jin came, he felt that the air in this space was not stable. The movement he heard before should be here!

Nie Jin looked around and found Immortal Ding on the ground.

Nie Jin hurried down: "Why are you here?"

Immortal Ding looked at Nie Jin expressionlessly, trying to find out the flaws in his face, but Nie Jin's acting skills are really too strong, or is this Qiao Qingyun's conspiracy?
Nie Jin found that Immortal Ding had been staring at him, but didn't speak. It seemed that it was not very good.

Nie Jin: "Are you poisoned?"

Immortal Ding: "Bring the antidote!"

Facing Immortal Ding's tone, Nie Jin was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say much, thinking that his mood changed drastically because he was poisoned.

Nie Jin squatted down and checked the Immortal: "You don't have any hands either?"

Nie Jin was very surprised: "What's going on! This poison..."

This poison seems to be something he has never seen before!

Nie Jin: "What happened?"

Immortal Ding: "Why don't you give me the antidote!"

Nie Jin was a little annoyed by Immortal Ding's attitude. Normally, Immortal Ding was respectful when facing him, but now, he actually yelled at him!

Nie Jin was used to the attitude of immortals towards him, and suddenly his mood changed drastically, and he was a little unhappy.

This is some kind of desire for control by the superiors over the subordinates.

But Immortal Ding knew that he was dying. If what Qiao Qingyun said before was true, then Nie Jin was deliberately delaying the world!
The more Immortal Ding thought about it, the more he felt that Nie Jin was the one behind it!
Finally why, Xiaoyao Sanxian is a ready-made example!
In order to monopolize the benefits!

Immortal Ding: "I really didn't expect you to be so cruel!"

Nie Jin was simply baffled: "What are you talking about! This is your attitude when speaking to me!"

Nie Jin has never been dissatisfied and a little angry.

Immortal Ding couldn't live anymore, but fortunately he was polite: "Heh! What a good way!"

Nie Jin: "What do you mean!"

Immortal Ding: "What do I mean, what about the antidote? You wouldn't say that there is no cure for this poison!"

Nie Jin: "There is really no antidote to this poison!"

Immortal Ding: "I knew it! If Xiaoyao Sanxian dies, and I die now, Poison Master Town will belong to you alone!"

Nie Jin: "What do you mean! I was looking for you, there is a problem in Poison Master Town! I'm going to have a look."

Immortal Ding: "Oh!"

Sure enough, what Qiao Qingyun said was right, Nie Jin had long thought of killing them, even though the antidote was on him, he didn't detoxify himself!
Even if there is an antidote at this time, it is too late, the poison has invaded the internal organs, and there is no room for maneuver.

Nie Jin: "I see, you mean that you were poisoned because of me!"

Immortal Ding: "Isn't it? At this time, I still don't admit it!"

Nie Jin: "No! I, Nie Jin, do things and talk about everything, not me!"

Immortal Ding was alienated by Li Huan a long time ago, and he decided that Nie Jin was the one who ordered him: "Of course you didn't do the poison, but you let your niece poison us and pick yourself off, it's really insidious!"

Nie Jin: "My niece? Which one is my niece?"

In Nie Jin's eyes, Qiao Qingyun was not his niece at all, but a tool that he could throw away at will when he was done using it.

Qiao Qingyu also understood this, so she tied herself tightly to Yin Jiuye and left Tianwaitian.

Can't get along here anymore.

Yin Jiuye is the top dignitary in the Wuji Continent, following Yin Jiuye is naturally better than being here.

Qiao Qingyun left, so naturally she wouldn't say hello to Nie Jin.

Immortal Ding looked at Nie Jin's appearance and thought it was funny.

How many nieces does Nie Jin have?
It's just Qiao Qingyun alone!
But Nie Jin asked himself back!
In the eyes of Immortal Ding, this is no doubt sophistry!
Immortal Ding: "I'm dead, don't even think about it!"

With the lessons learned from the past, Ding Xianren also wants to imitate Xiaoyao Sanxian and explode himself to attack his enemies!
It's a pity that Nie Jin's cultivation is much higher than Immortal Ding's.

When he sensed something was wrong with Immortal Ding, he crushed Immortal Ding's dantian with a palm: "You're crazy!"

Immortal Ding looked at his broken dantian in disbelief: "You!"

Nie Jin: "Madman! What are you talking about? Qiao Qingyun? Did she poison you?"

Immortal Ding's mouth is full of blood, hate!
Immortal Ding: "If it wasn't for you, who else would instigate her! You killed both of us, and you don't have to think about it. Without us in Poison Master Town to maintain the barrier, your foundation is at an end!"

Nie Jin: "What do you mean!"

Nie Jin only felt that something was wrong, but what was wrong had not been connected yet.

Taking advantage of Nie Jin's stunned moment, Immortal Ding rushed over with a dagger.

Nie Jin dodged, but was still injured a little.

The position of the abdomen was pierced, and blood gushed out.

Nie Jin hit Immortal Ding's Tianling Gai with his palm.

Immortal Ding's head instantly looked like a smashed watermelon, with blood and brains mixed all over Nie Jin's body.

Dissatisfied, Nie Jin took off his outer robe and headed towards Poison Master Town.

Nie Jin told himself directly that something happened in Poison Master Town!

Xiaoyao Sanxian and Dingxian were plotted successively.

Someone must have discovered the matter in Poison Master Town!
These two are helpers who have been protecting Poison Master Town.

Xiaoyao Sanxian blew himself up!

Nie Jin sensed it the first time he came.

Immortal Ding, Nie Jin knew at a glance that he was hopeless, and wanted to extract useful information from him, but this idiot seemed to be used by someone without knowing it!
Nie Jin could only go to Poison Master Town to check it out.

The poison pharmacist in Poison Master Town is the foundation of Qingshengtang, and it has been well hidden all the time, and almost no one can find out the power of Tianwaitian.

However, Nie Jin felt that the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Poison Master Town is far away, Nie Jin used his fastest speed for peace of mind.

After Li Huan ran out, he ran all the way to the south city.

But at the gate of the city, they met Yin Jiuye and Qiao Qingyun who had rushed back from Dongcheng.

Li Huan originally wanted to avoid them, but Yin Jiuye saw Li Huan immediately.

To be precise, it was Li Huan's face!

Yin Jiuye exclaimed: "Huan'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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