Chapter 133
At this moment, Madam Zuo, Su Ruilian also became pleasing to the eye.

After all, when the eldest grandson landed on the ground, she also let go of her heart.

It's not bad to be able to enjoy the fun of grandson Chenghuan's lap in the future.

Only then did Prime Minister Zuo take a new look at Li Huan: "Thanks to Miss Li today, I didn't expect that Miss Li is also hiding her secrets!"

Prime Minister Zuo spoke politely, but Li Huan did not dare to be presumptuous.

The cultivation base of a great spiritual master is a prime minister who is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Li Huan also replied politely: "Your Excellency, you are being polite, it's just a fluke."

Prime Minister Zuo: "I didn't expect Miss Li's medical skills to be so superb?"

Li Huan: "Nurse Qin taught it well. After I came back, I read some books left by my grandfather."

"Oh? That's an extraordinary talent. Someday this old man will definitely reward Miss Li well."

"You're welcome, I hit it off with Lian'er, it should be."

Prime Minister Zuo doesn't like Li Ge, and he didn't pay attention to Li Huan before, what kind of "Rejuvenation Pill" she offered before

Attractive to women.

But for people like Prime Minister Zuo, they don't have much interest.

From today's point of view, this Li Huan's medical skills are also somewhat lacking.

However, Prime Minister Zuo thought that Li Huan also learned some women's skills, so he didn't take it too seriously.

He teased Rui'er with Mrs. Zuo for a while, and then returned home.

The prime minister's mansion is adding a baby, that is to prepare for a big banquet, so I have to go back and prepare first.

Now that this happened, Mrs. Zuo has no intention of asking her son and daughter-in-law to go back to live.

But this banquet is naturally going back to Zuo's house.

Mrs. Zuo invited Li Huan to attend the full moon feast, and Li Huan naturally agreed with a smile.

After Prime Minister Zuo and his wife left, Li Huan felt Su Ruilian's pulse again.

There is no serious problem, as long as you have a good rest, you can recover after a while.

Li Huan left some 'Rejuvenation Pill' for Su Ruilian.

A woman is too weak after giving birth, her complexion must be bad, and she will definitely age quickly after taking care of the child.

Taking some elixir for beauty can keep the appearance unchanged.

Although Lian'er said she didn't care, she was still happy in her heart, there is no woman who doesn't love beauty.

Besides, she also saw today how many people wanted to replace her.

Although Zuo Moxun would not care.

But she still hopes that she can always be beautiful in his eyes.

This is the case for women who want to please themselves.

Li Huan tossed and tossed for a whole day, and only returned to Li Mansion in the evening.

As soon as she returned to the mansion, Qiuyue told Li Huan that her wife was taken away by Mr. Tuiguan today.

It turned out that the two aunts sued the wife for intentional murder and kidnapping of civilians.

The master has already exploded with anger, and the government has not returned yet.

Both the government and the opposition are in a state of flux.

It was the first time Yunlong Country had encountered such a thing.

Right now everyone is waiting to see Li Fu's jokes, Mr. Tuiguan should not be too partial to Madam under the attention of everyone.

The biggest problem is that the second concubine and the third concubine actually presented sufficient evidence.

Madam is afraid that she won't be able to come back for a while.

Li Huan didn't expect Ye Xin and the others to move so fast.

What was agreed on last night, I did not expect to act today.

How did Li Huan know that Cang Lingling and Qiu Nannan didn't want to stay in Li Mansion any longer.

Li Huan naturally didn't know the road at this time.

But what happened to the extraordinarily delicious meal tonight.

Li Huan practiced all night, and only took a short rest in the morning when it was dawn.

The atmosphere in Li Mansion was not right for a few days in a row, and Li Huan was happy and comfortable, so he ignored it.

With no one in charge, Xiao Si's maids became lazy.

This day Li Huan just got up and had breakfast when he saw Li Ge coming to Chang Huan Pavilion alone.

Li Huan was a little surprised, this was the first time Li Ge came to Changhuan Pavilion on his own initiative since Li Huan had been back for so long.

Naturally, there are no surprises, but there are some surprises.

Li Huan saluted symbolically: "Daughter has seen Daddy."

Then he stood aside, motionless.

Li Ge originally thought that Li Huan would ask him something, so he could walk down the steps and speak out.

But now Li Huan just saluted and stood aside, not saying a word at night.

He couldn't get off the stage for a while.

Li Ge glanced at his own daughter.

It was only when I saw this that I was shocked: "You have vitality!"

Li Huan smiled, "Yes."

Li Ge: "When did you know how to practice? You have become a martial artist!"

Li Huan: "Not long ago, I was able to practice after meeting a nobleman."

Li Ge: "What nobleman?"

Li Huan: "I'm sorry, the nobleman won't let me speak."

Li Ge could only tell that Li Huan was full of energy, but he couldn't see the specific level.

Li Huan concealed part of her aura. If it was not intentional, most people would not be able to see her level.

Li Ge looked surprised: "Okay, she is my good daughter Li Ge.

Once you are able to practice, you must work harder in the future and strive to catch up with other sisters.

Don't be as lazy as before.

I heard from your mother that you were sleeping all day long before. "

Li Ge thought that Li Huan had just started to practice, so his vitality was not enough.

I thought she was just a Tier [-] warrior now.

Li Ge's surprise is not real, it's for Li Huan's joy.

He felt that Li Huan was able to cultivate, so the marriage could naturally be manipulated again.

In his eyes, all daughters are chips to consolidate his position.

Li Huan: "Yes."

Li Ge's attitude towards Li Huan became better again: "Speaking of your mother, this time she was wronged.

Hmph, it's all family misfortune. "

Li Huan: "How does father know that mother was wronged?"

Li Ge didn't expect that Li Huan, who had been keeping silent all this time, would actually ask him like this.

He said in a bad tone: "She is your mother, who is she, don't you know?"

I know, how could I not know.

Who is Lin Mumu, Li Huan knows better than anyone else.

After Li Ge scolded him a few times, Li Huan stopped talking and stood aside.

It was cold again for a while.

Li Ge's face turned red, but luckily he had the foresight to bring anyone.

Otherwise, it's not a joke again.

In the end, I couldn't help but said: "Huan'er, I know you have some misunderstandings about her, but she is still your mother."

Li Huan couldn't bear it anymore: "Father, my mother is Lin Yunshang!"

Now it was Li Ge's turn to be speechless.

After a long silence, Li Ge finally spoke again: "Since I have straightened her up, then she is your mother.

Now your mother is in trouble, if you don't help.

What do people outside think of you? "

Li Huan sneered in his heart: Are you looking at me or you?

Hmph, I have no skills, no connections, and I'm afraid of being laughed at.

At this moment, no one dares to help.

It reminds me of me.

What a good father.

Li Huan: "Father, my daughter has no strength to restrain a chicken.

If you don't go out of the gate, you don't step forward.

How can I help.

Send food to the prison? "

(End of this chapter)

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