Chapter 1332
The teleportation system on the display stand showed that all the poison masters in Poison Master Town have terminated their contracts!
As long as someone terminates the contract, the primordial stones turned in here will be sent to the Nie Mansion!

And this enchantment has always been taken care of by Xiaoyao Sanxian!
Xiaoyao Sanxian is dead!

who is it!

This is a long-planned conspiracy!

Nie Jin looked ruthless, someone actually picked peaches in his hands, if this person is found out, he will definitely be torn to pieces!

Nie Jin patrolled the entire area, and there was no sign of Poison Master Town!

This looks like a deserted place!
How could a town disappear so cleanly?

Nie Jin had a guess in his mind, but he couldn't believe it. There have been space legends since ancient times, but there has always been only a space bag, but he has never heard of anyone with such a big space bag that can carry the entire town.

Therefore, Tianwaitian hid the space mage!

Nie Jin couldn't believe it either, but he had thought about all the possibilities and still couldn't find any other possibilities.

Eliminate all the impossible, and the remaining, impossible becomes possible!

Nie Jin's eyes suddenly became greedy. If there really is a space mage, he must be arrested.

What poison customization, what poison master town, weak in front of space mages!
As long as this space mage can be caught, he will definitely skyrocket from now on!
Maybe even the Upper Realm can break through!

Infinite greed appeared in Nie Jin's eyes, the more he observed, the more he felt it was possible!

After all, whether it is big or small, with so many people and such a large area, interspatial bags are absolutely not acceptable, and interspatial bags can only hold dead objects!

Only the space that the space mage comes with can transfer so many people away without knowing it.

Nie Jin once heard that the space can be transferred when the owner is taken away!

If you can find a way to seize the body, it doesn't matter even if you change your body!
Just be able to get the space!

Crazy flashes kept flashing in Nie Jin's eyes.

The original anger turned into anticipation!

Nie Jin found a little breath in the barrier, and Nie Jin carefully put away this faint breath. As long as he can find someone, everything will be easy!

Nie Jin decided not to go back, but to follow the aura to find the space mage.

But Li Huan took advantage of Nie Jin's absence to expand the Baimu Hall to surpass the Qingsheng Hall.

The treasurer of the Qingshengtang asked some troublemakers to go to the Baimutang to make trouble.

It's a pity that Baimutang has already prepared for it. Dingyuan has done these things before, so he is very familiar with Qingshengtang's methods.

Early on, many high-ranking monks were hired to guard every Baimu Hall, just to prevent the Qingsheng Hall from going out of their way.

Clerk: "Shopkeeper, hasn't the hall master come back yet?"

The shopkeeper: "You shouldn't care, what are you asking so much for! Do your job well!"

Guy: "If that's the case, I won't be here tomorrow!"

Shopkeeper: "What did you say!"

Guy: "Bai Mutang offers twice the monthly salary, recruiting buddies! We're going to find another job!"

The shopkeeper: "You dare! You are not afraid that the hall master will kill you!"

Buddy No. [-]: "Who are you lying to? The Qingsheng Church is like this, it hasn't opened for almost a month, and the hall master hasn't even appeared!"

Guy No. [-]: "Exactly! The hall master may be dead! He won't be coming back."

Guy No. [-]: "Now people are saying that the Qingsheng Church is going to close down! Let's take advantage of the great opportunity to go to the White Wood Hall to get a seat!"

The shopkeeper: "You are not allowed to leave! The hall master will be back soon! You are not allowed to leave! If you leave, you know the hall master's temper!"

Guy No. [-]: "Who are you kidding! You said it yourself just now, the hall master is not here!"

Guy [-]: "That's it!"

Shopkeeper: "When did I say that!"

Guy No. [-]: "The reason why you are so angry is because you can't solve this kind of thing and you can't find the hall master, so you vent your anger on us! We quit!"

Buddy No. [-]: "I've advised you before! It's you who didn't report it in time! The reason why Qingsheng Church closed down is because of you!"

Dude #[-]: "That's right! We're going to quit!"

The guys scolded the shopkeeper and left.

The shopkeeper of Qingshengtang saw that these guys were really going to leave, his face changed drastically, and he persuaded them with a smile.

It's a pity that before calling them, they would come and go, and they had lost their hearts long ago.

How could Baimutang still want to stay here with such generous conditions!
Not only did Qingshengtang lose its customers, but even all the staff who worked in it moved to Baimutang.

It has to be said that Ding Yuan is worthy of being the shopkeeper who stayed in Qingshengtang, and he knows all these things like the back of his hand, which is why Li Huan sent Ding Yuan to the south city, while Bai Zhan stayed in the east city.

The one who is most familiar with Qingshengtang is Dingyuan!

If it is said that Li Huan's continuous dredging made the Qingshengtang crumbling, but Ding Yuan's action hastened the demise of the Qingshengtang!

It's just that Nie Jin is still an unknown number.

What is Nie Jin's strength, Li Huan is not clear, no one knows Nie Jin's cultivation level.

All I know is that he is great.

Li Huan kept frowning.

Yun Ling: "There is a promising husband, don't be afraid, little bun!"

Li Huan: "What if neither of us can beat it?"

Yun Ling: "I don't want to be born in the same year and the same month, but I want to die in the same year and the same month!"

Li Huan: "Bah, bah, what are you talking about! I don't want to die! We all have to live well!"

Yun Ling scratched Li Huan's nose: "Okay! The little bun is right in everything he says! Then get rid of him!"

Li Huan: "Is your injury healed? Do you still have a headache?"

Yun Ling held the little hand on his head: "Don't worry, I heard that there is a kind of thing that is specially used to help the fusion of soul and soul. When we go out, you can come and find it with me."

Li Huan looked at Yun Ling distressedly. Ever since Yun Ling woke up, he always had a headache from time to time, probably because he was interrupted to recover before, and he was the one who caused Yun Ling to suffer.

Li Huan: "Okay! Let's go together!"

The treasurer of Qingshengtang went to Nie's mansion to guard every day, but Nie Jin never came back.

However, news of the death of Nie Jin, the head of the Qingsheng Church, began to spread in Nancheng.

The people who eat melons: "Do you know? I heard that the last time there was a big shock, it was a deity who blew himself up!"

Onlookers: "Really?"

People who eat melons: "I heard it, I don't know yet, I think it should be true!"

Passerby A: "Why?"

The melon-eaters: "You can see that the Qingshengtang is like this, but the hall master has not appeared for a long time. I think the shopkeeper of the Qingshengtang goes to Nie's mansion every day to wait for news, and he is almost a stone of hope!"

Onlookers: "Judging from the size of the movement, it does look a bit like a self-destruct! Is it true?"

Passer-by B: "The God Transformation Realm was beaten to the point of self-explosion? Then how high is this opponent's cultivation?"

Passerby A: "Why is it also in the realm of gods!"

"Hiss... so strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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