Chapter 1336

Li Huan: "By the way, how old are you?"

Qinglong: "I'm still young, only two thousand years old."

Li Huan: ...

still small!

Two thousand years old!
God damn is still young!

Two thousand years old and still pretending to be young!

Qinglong was suddenly looked down upon by Li Huan, with a puzzled look on his face.

Yun Ling: "Dragon people have a long lifespan, reaching adulthood at [-] years old."

Li Huan: ...

Ten thousand years of adulthood... Ten thousand years of adulthood...

Calculated in this way, the two thousand years are rounded up, isn't it just born?
In this way, being cheated is justifiable!

After the contract, Li Huan doesn't have to worry about Qinglong going back on his word.

"Divine Phoenix!"

Li Huan summons the Divine Phoenix, once the Divine Phoenix comes out, who will fight for the front!


With two crisp sounds, the chain thicker than Li Huan's waist was cut off.


Seeing that the chains that locked him for so many years were cut off, Qinglong let out a dragon cry, which echoed in this cave for a long time!

Li Huan has already made an appointment with Qinglong, and can feel Qinglong's joy.

The hundreds of meters long green dragon, after swimming around in the cave a few times, its body kept shrinking.

In the end, it shrinks into a green dragon that is only the size of Li Huan's palm, and sits on Li Huan's shoulder.

Li Huan was very surprised: "Are you only this old?"

Qinglong: "It was the main body before. After being locked by the chain, you can only transform the main body, otherwise it will consume too much."

Li Huan remembered that the Titan was also like this before, after being cut off the chain, it shrank.

Therefore, this chain should contain some kind of confinement power.

Li Huan: "Do you know where this chain came from?"

Qinglong: "I don't know, when I woke up, I was already here, poor and helpless!"

Li Huan: ...

Before Qinglong finished speaking, someone suddenly grabbed his tail and threw it towards the cave wall.

Qinglong turned over in mid-air, stabilized his figure, and almost hit the wall!

When Qinglong turned around, it was the man who had just fought with him!


Qinglong just said a word, and after seeing Yun Ling's eyes, he suddenly shut up!
This man's eyes are so scary!
Why should I be afraid of him?

Qinglong felt very strange, he was a divine beast!
How can you be afraid of mortals!
Yun Ling: "Not even public ones!"

Li Huan: "What?"

Unfortunately, Yun Ling had already picked up Li Huan and flew towards the exit of the cave.

Li Huan came to his senses this time, the Great Demon King was jealous!
Can this be jealous?
Xiao Qinglong followed behind in a grievance, neither daring to get too close nor too far away.

In an instant, I verified that I was pitiful, weak and helpless!
Li Huan: "Come in!"

Li Huan opened the door of space and took Xiao Qinglong in.

When Xiao Qinglong looked at the door of space, his eyeballs fell off!

Space Mage!

After only taking a breath of the Shiyuan Qi of space, Xiao Qinglong begged Li Huan to change the three-year contract to be permanent!
Li Huan: "No! Your Dragon Clan is not the most trustworthy! Three years is three years!"

Qinglong: "Am I regretting it? This is the Qi of the Origin! The Qi of the Origin! My God! I actually live in the space of a space mage who has the Qi of the Origin! This is a legendary thing! "

Li Huan: "Did you sneak down from above?"

Qinglong nodded: "Hush! Don't say it! You will be struck by lightning!"

Li Huan: "That depends on your performance!"

Qinglong: "You and I have made a contract. If I was struck by lightning, wouldn't you be struck by lightning too?"

Li Huan: ...

So, who said just now that this guy's IQ is not good!
It seems to be me!

A talent who digs a hole for himself!

Li Huan took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure: "What's your name?"

Qinglong: "Yan Qing, you can also call me Qingyan."

Li Huan: "Why?"

Yan Qing: "My mother's surname is Yan, and my father's surname is Qing. I was called Qingyan when I was in my father's family, and Yan Qing when I was in my mother's family."

Li Huan: ...

So, can all the names of the dragon clan be reversed like this?
Yan Qing: "Only me! Because I am different!"

Li Huan: "Please look in the mirror the next time you feel narcissistic!"

Yan Qing: "You! Let me tell you! When I transform into an adult, I will be no worse than your Xiaobai!"

Li Huan: "Oh? Then I won't be able to see either! After [-], I'll be dead!"

Yan Qing: "It's not 1 years! It's 8000 years!"

Li Huan: "Is there a difference? I haven't died yet!"

Yan Qing: "I must let you live until I change form! Open your eyes!"

Li Huan: "That's thanks to you! By the way, do you have any treasure hidden under this lake? I rescued you, so you have to show it anyway?"

Yan Qing looked at Li Huan: "Is that what you said?"

Yan Qing opened his mouth, and then spit out countless things, such as talismans, treasures, magic weapons...

Li Huan: "Did you eat Nie Jin's treasure house?"

Yan Qing: "No! It's because he has too much confidence in himself and hides all valuables in my stomach."

Li Huan: "What if it's needed? Break the belly and take the baby?"

Yan Qing glanced at Li Huan speechlessly: "What do you think?"

Li Huan: "Oh, pull it out! Nie Jin's taste is really strong! You too! Eat it in, then pull it out, then eat it in, pull it out again... tsk tsk tsk..."

The more Li Huan disliked Yan Qing, the more he disliked Yan Qing.


Yan Qing was really going to be pissed off by Li Huan!

"no no!"

Yan Qing almost yelled out these words!

But Li Huan had already run away with her baby in her arms.

Coming out of Nie Jin's courtyard, Yun Ling took Li Huan with him, and took care of all the medicine houses while Nie Jin was not in the mansion.

As long as Nie Jin comes back and sees his medicine building and Yan Qing's disappearance, he will definitely die of anger!

Li Huan also hid something in the lake, as long as Nie Jin enters the water to check, he will meet Li Huan's gift!

In time, Nie Jin will be back!
I don't know what happened in Poison Master Town, whether he was mad enough to go crazy, if this is the case, it will be even better!
However, Nie Jin's strength is impossible even after thinking about it!
He could only hope that when he came back, he would spit blood out of his anger, and then Li Huan would strike again.

Fortunately, Li Huan took Yan Qing away, and with Yan Qing's help in the battle, the odds of winning were greater!

It's just that after discovering Yan Qing, Li Huan was also a little worried. Yan Qing belonged to the Dragon Clan, and Nie Jin had always used the blood of the Dragon Clan to cultivate, so he didn't know what level his cultivation was.

Moreover, the cultivation base of the Dragon Clan is in the blood. Nie Jin absorbed Yan Qing's blood, which is equivalent to absorbing Yan Qing's cultivation base. From this point of view, Nie Jin still has the cultivation base of the Dragon Clan!
This is the hardest part!
Li Huan: "Yan Qing, what are you dragons most afraid of?"

Yan Qing: "Our Dragon Clan is omnipotent! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

Li Huan: "Speak human words!"

Yan Qing: "I'm not human!"

Li Huan: ...

Yan Qing: "If you want to deal with Nie Jin, I will be happy to help. Let me tell you quietly, our Dragon Clan is afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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