Chapter 1345: Breathing Technique

When Li Huan came out, there was a lot of noise in the government office.

"Where is Huan'er! Where did you hide her! Hand it over!"

It was Lingling'er's voice.

Li Huan: "I'm here!"

Pharmacist Meng and Master Qin breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Li Huan come out.

Pharmacist Meng: "Look, we didn't hide people!"

Master Qin: "That's it!"

Ling Ling'er hurried over and took a closer look at Li Huan: "Are you okay? Wasn't it you who made the noise before?"

Li Huan was surprised, couldn't he see it?
Pharmacist Meng: "You..."

Pharmacist Meng hesitated to speak, and exchanged a glance with Master Qin.

Master Qin came over and looked at Li Huan himself: "There's no reason!"

Pharmacist Meng quickly checked Li Huan's pulse: "What's going on!"

Li Huan: "Why are you looking at me so strangely!"

Master Qin: "Cultivation we can't see!"

Pharmacist Meng nodded: "However, you succeeded in crossing the tribulation!"

Lingling'er: "Huan'er! You have passed the catastrophe! Is it done?"

Li Huan looked at himself, and there was indeed no aura left.

Presumably it was because of Shiyuan Qi, from now on I will practice Shiyuan Qi by myself.

In this way, everyone can't see their own cultivation?

Li Huan: "I don't know what's going on, it's like this after crossing the catastrophe!"

Li Huan didn't want them to know the existence of Shiyuan Qi, so he chose to conceal it.

It's not that I don't trust them, but that it's safer not to know than to know about such things!

Pharmacist Meng: "It's really strange, but it's good, at least, you can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, which is suitable for you girl!"

Master Qin: "Girl, let me ask you, do you know who your father is?"

Li Huan shook his head: "I also want to know, why?"

Pharmacist Meng: "The movement of you crossing the catastrophe is a bit loud! I don't think you are human!"

Li Huan: ...

Master Qin: "I also think you may not be human!"

Li Huan: ...

You are not human!

All of you are not human!

Li Huan looked speechless, really didn't know how to answer.

Pharmacist Meng: "I mean, maybe your father is not human!"

Master Qin: "Yes, yes, that's not what it means, it means that your father is not human!"

Li Huan: ...

Your father is not human!

The more Yaoshi Meng explained to Master Qin, the more speechless Li Huan became.

Li Huan: "What do you know?"

Pharmacist Meng: "It's possible that your father came from above!"

Master Qin: "Yes, we two old men have never seen such a robbery in so many years."

Pharmacist Meng: "So, your father is very likely to be a protoss! As for which one, I don't know, you can ask your mother."

Li Huan: So... Dad might be in the God Realm?

What about my mother?

Baozilian: "Congratulations!"

Li Huan: "Do you know where my mother is?"

There was a moment of stiffness on Baozilian's face, but it was quickly hidden.

Baozilian: "I don't know."

Li Huan discussed with Ling Ling'er.

Lingling'er wants to go out with Li Huan.

Before Li Huan left, he gave all of his manuscripts to Bai Zhan.

Li Huan: "Let Ding Yuan take care of the Qingshengtang over there in the south city, and tell him that Nie Jin is dead."

Bai Zhan: "Is the hall master leaving?"

Li Huan nodded.

Although Bai Zhan was reluctant, he didn't dare to ask: "Are you coming back?"

Li Huan shook his head.

Bai Zhan sighed: "From the first moment I saw you, I knew that you are not an ordinary person, and the world cannot keep you!"

Li Huan: "Do you know how to read faces?"

Bai Zhan: "I learned a little bit from others before, but the expert only gave some pointers, and then disappeared. He said it was called the art of hope."

Li Huan: "Looking at Qi?"

Bai Zhan nodded: "Hall Master's great kindness and virtue are unforgettable, and this hope of qi technique should be regarded as my thank you gift from Bai Zhan! Don't refuse!"

As Bai Zhan said, he gave Li Huan one of his cultivation bases.

Li Huan only felt that there was an extra spell in his consciousness.

Li Huan bid farewell to Bai Zhan, and came back to bid farewell to Master Qin, the Mongolian pharmacist.


Pharmacist Meng: "Oh, I can't move anymore!"

Master Qin: "I can't walk with my feet for a long time! Poor!"

Pharmacist Meng: "Do you think that girl will leave us alone?"

Master Qin: "If that's the case, then it's too heartless! At least we have a life-and-death friendship with her that has warded off a thunder disaster! We can't be so ruthless!"

Pharmacist Meng: "That's right! You must have a conscience!"

Looking at these two guys, Li Huan found it funny that they wrote, directed, and acted.

Li Huan: "The wine is here!"

Pharmacist Meng and Master Qin jumped up from their seats in an instant, and hurried to Li Huan's side.

Pharmacist Meng: "Where is the wine?"

Master Qin: "How many? Let me see!"

Li Huan: "Isn't it pain in your feet? Pain all over? Doesn't it hurt now?"

Pharmacist Meng and Master Qin didn't even feel embarrassed: "This girl!"

Li Huan took out a jar of wine: "I'm leaving, you just remember the wine? There must be some farewell gifts!"

The meaning of Li Huan is very obvious, this wine is not a free gift!

Pharmacist Meng: "You little heartless!"

Master Qin: "That's right! That's right! Little white-eyed wolf!"

Li Huan: "Tell me how many benefits you have received from my grandfather!"

Pharmacist Meng chatted with Master Qin, nagging, just to get the wine in Li Huan's hands.

But he still took Li Huan to the warehouse.

Pharmacist Meng: "All the valuables are on you! You don't have any of the God Transforming Liquid left, that's all here."

Master Qin: "The government office doesn't charge money, so we don't have much money!"

Li Huan looked at the two old men, and chuckled softly: "Oh, it's a good thing I prepared a hundred jugs of wine for each of them, just for the farewell gift! What a pity! No one appreciates it! I keep it for myself, slowly drink."

Li Huan made a gesture to leave.

Pharmacist Meng hurriedly stopped her: "Say it earlier! This girl!"

Master Qin: "It's money! Grandpa has plenty here!"

So, Li Huan looted all the elixir that Meng Yaoshi had treasured for hundreds of years!

Li Huan ransacked all the primordial stones that Master Qin had collected in Dongcheng over the years.

When Li Huan left, Yaoshi Meng told Master Qin that he couldn't live anymore!

But as soon as he drank the wine left by Li Huan, he shut up instantly.

Pharmacist Meng: "This girl has a conscience."

Master Qin: "If I'm not mistaken, there is Xuezhi Yunlian in this wine!"

Pharmacist Meng nodded: "One cup is worth half a year's cultivation, she left us a hundred altars!"

Master Qin: "I'm a little jealous of that old fox Lin Yuxian!"

Pharmacist Meng: "Me too! Why didn't you act aggressively and chase your junior sister! This little cunning must have inherited Wanrou's good genes!"

Master Qin: "Come on! You still want to chase after Wanrou because of the mess caused by your junior sister Lingyun!"

Pharmacist Meng: "What do you think Wanrou is looking for in old man Lin! Stubborn and cunning!"

Master Qin: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's so sour!"

(End of this chapter)

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