Chapter 1351 Debunking
"Ah! Is this the Fourth Prince?"

"I, am I not dazzled! Why did the fourth prince come in from the outside!"

"No! Look, there is another fourth prince here!"

"Ah! The fourth prince has the ability to clone?"

"You are blind! Obviously one of them is fake!"

"Yes yes yes! I was so surprised! I forgot it for a moment!"

"Why do I feel that the wedding banquet is not easy for a few days!"

"There is a play to watch!"

After hearing the news, the people who eat melons rushed over with lightning speed.

No. [-] melon eater: "The latter is the real one!"

Melon Eater No. [-]: "Maybe this is here to cause trouble! After all, the fourth prince has lived with Miss Murong for a long time!"

No. [-] of the melon-eating crowd: "I like the latter one. As for the one who worships the hall, it's not for any reason, it just has a bit of petty air!"

No. [-] melon eater: "I'm also optimistic about the latter one! I heard that the Murong Mansion obeyed Miss Murong's orders, so I thought there was something wrong at that time! How can there be such a good man!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "That's right! How can there be such a good man in the world! Even if there is, it's a lie!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "Friends! Finally found a team!"

Melon eaters No. [-] and No. [-] looked at each other, and moved their small benches together in an instant. If you meet a bosom friend for a thousand cups, you must sit and watch the show together!
Melon Eater No. [-] looked like he was watching a show, and was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

The imperial concubine's face just froze in place!

Murong Xuezhi looked at the person who came in in disbelief!

This idiot, don't come back sooner or later, come back at this time!
This is not for the whole world to see her as a joke!
In less than a day, this matter will spread throughout Wuji!

The Murong family can't afford to lose face like this!

Murong Xuezhi: "Bold! Who are you! How dare you pretend to be the prince here! This is to punish the nine clans!"

Yun Hai: "The Nine Clans? Oh! Then you, the concubine, will be punished too!"

Yun Hai walked in with a look of disdain.

In the end, instead of seeing Li Huan, he saw Yun Ling!

Yun Hai was also taken aback: "Brother Prince! You came back before me!"

Li Huan nodded, this guy, who has been hiding outside for so long, just wants to make Murong Xuezhi look ugly.

What should be taught, Li Huan has taught, and it depends on Yunhai's performance!
But so far, it looks good!

"Come here! Pull this person who pretends to be the fourth prince out and shoot him!"

Murong Xuezhi immediately ordered Yunhai to be killed.

Yun Hai: "Concubine Mu, is this the daughter-in-law you fancy? She's going to kill me!"

The imperial concubine is the one riding a tiger!

This is not debunking, and it is not debunking!
How good this is!
If it is exposed, Murong Xuezhi will naturally not give up, this fake sea of ​​clouds has lived in Murong Mansion for such a long time!
At the beginning, in order to make everyone believe it, everyone knew about it!

If it is exposed, how could this Murong Xuezhi just watch her reputation and the reputation of Murong's family become so stinky!
Do not expose!
This is his own son!
Don't you recognize it?
The imperial concubine is like an ant on a hot pot. For a while, she is very anxious, but she can't make up her mind!
Yunhai understood it!

When Li Huan told him, he didn't believe it, but at this moment, Concubine Mu hesitated!
From the looks of it, she knew about it from beginning to end!

For his own rights, he didn't even want his own son.

Yun Hai: "Concubine Mu, this person is going to kill me! Why are you still indifferent!"

Yunhai didn't give up, she was his biological mother after all.

But the concubine still didn't say anything.

If you don't say it on this occasion, you're acquiescing to Murong Xuezhi's words!
I am a fake!
Soon, the guards appeared in the hall!
However, how can we catch the two fourth princes now?
Murong Xuezhi pinched the people around her.

Fake Yunhai was stunned!
He is a servant, how could he have seen such a scene, his legs are already weak, and he is about to fall down at any time!
Being pinched by Murong Xuezhi, he fell to the ground in an instant.

Fake Yunhai was not only at a loss, but looked at Murong Xuezhi in panic: "Miss..."

Murong Xuezhi: "Shut up!"

Fake Yunhai instantly covered his mouth!

Few people heard the voice because of fear.

But the appearance of the fake cloud sea is enough to make people despise it!
Murong Xuezhi also dislikes it too much, but right now, even if it is an idiot, she has to keep it!
Murong Xuezhi: "Yunhai, what are you worried about? Even if you are not strong enough, there are still so many people here. You don't have to worry about a fake one!"

Murong Xuezhi's words instantly reminded everyone that the fourth prince, Yunhai, was an idiot from beginning to end!
So, such a reaction is normal!

Instantly resolved everyone's doubts!

Melon Eater No. [-]: "Look! This is the real one! After all, no one in the imperial city knows what the fourth prince is like!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "It makes sense, but I'm still optimistic about the latter one!"

Melon Eater No. [-]: "Me too! I always think the latter one looks better!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "We will choose whoever is pleasing to the eye!"

Melon Eater No. [-]: "Then you are destined to be wrong!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "You are the one who is wrong! We are the one who is right! We do not accept rebuttals!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "That's right! We are right!"

The people who eat melons are arguing over who is the real Yunhai!

The guards couldn't make up their minds for a while, so they had to watch from the sidelines!

From the looks of it, it would be a thankless task to catch anyone!
If you are lucky and catch the truth, then the rest of your life is over!
Or retreat to the side first!
Yunhai sneered: "Oh! Murong Xuezhi, you used various methods to climb into my bed, you will not forget this matter! You were the one who begged to marry me back then! I have only been gone for a few days , you are so impatient! I found an identical one here! It looks like you are so affectionate to me, and you have created a substitute! But, you are such a woman who is always on the go, I Yunhai, even if I am the only one in the world If only you are left, I will not marry back!"

Murong Xuezhi gritted her teeth fiercely: "You're a fake, talking nonsense here! Who gave you the guts!"

Yun Hai: "You keep saying that I'm an impostor, where's the evidence?"

Murong Xuezhi: "Evidence? Oh! The imperial concubine is the evidence! There is no biological mother in this world, who doesn't know her own son! Imperial concubine, do you think I am right?"

This is to force the imperial concubine to stand in line!
Should he stand on the side of Murong's family, enjoy the glory, riches and royal power, or have a son of his own!
The noble concubine glanced at Murong Xuezhi dissatisfied.

If she were to stand in line at this moment, wouldn't she be giving up her son!

Yun Hai also looked at the noble concubine, he wanted to see if the mother and concubine really didn't even want her own son for the sake of power!

As for the rest of the people, they were all waiting for the imperial concubine to make a final decision, and all eyes were on the imperial concubine right now.

(End of this chapter)

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