Chapter 1359

Yin Jiuye went to Qiao Qingyun: "You are the one who released the news? Did you? You want to use this to gain power? Dreaming!"

Qiao Qingyun smiled coldly: "Yin Jiuye, don't be like a mad dog barking like a mad dog. After I come out with you, you send people to watch me every day, eat and wear, which one is through my own hands? Yes! If you can't find the person who plotted against you, why take it out on me!"

Yin Jiuye stared at Qiao Qingyun: "It's better not! Otherwise!"

Qiao Qingyun was about to be laughed at by Yin Jiuye: "What! Kill me? Then your Yin family will be extinct! Hahaha..."

Qiao Qingyun's appearance made Yin Jiuye's teeth itch, but he couldn't do anything to her!

One wrong step, one wrong step!

Qiao Qingyun: "Why doesn't your virtuous and virtuous wife come to see you? She is married and lives in her mother's house all day long. This is not intentional to embarrass you, otherwise the rumors would have dissipated long ago, and these things What nonsense! You Wujitian, don't you also have three wives and four concubines, I heard that there is more than one in your good father-in-law's house, why doesn't Murong Xueying follow her mother's example, be more reasonable!"

"Shut up! Everything Ying'er has done for me is unmatched by other people! What are you! How dare you talk about Ying'er behind my back!"

Yin Jiuye was so angry that he scolded Qiao Qingyun.

Qiao Qingyun only finds it ironic, a man with a duplicity!
Qiao Qingyun: "I don't know if I am qualified, but you keep saying sorry to Murong Xueying, he is your true love, but you have climbed into my bed! Yin Jiuye, compared to me, you are not Stuff! Oh!"

Qiao Qingyun's words were like a slap on Yin Jiuye's face, causing burning pain!
Yin Jiuye stepped forward and mentioned Qiao Qingyun's skirt: "If you didn't force me! How could I!"

Qiao Qingyun: "I forced you? It's a joke! A slap can't be heard. If it's really my problem, then how can you get tough? After all, you are also a scumbag! We are all the same, so don't be proud!"

Yin Jiuye's raised hand still failed in the end!

Therefore, he himself is the one that everyone despises!
Yin Jiuye pushed Qiao Qingyun away.

"Patriarch, someone from the Murong family has arrived!"

Yin Jiuye was overwhelmed with surprise, and hurried out.

Qiao Qingyun sneered and swallowed a contraceptive pill.

Qiao Qingyun did it on purpose!

If Yin Jiuye treats her well, it's fine, if not, then let him die!
Right now, Yin Jiuye didn't treat her well!
This is simple, Yin Jiuye was the one who was charmed by lovesickness, not Qiao Qingyun.

Qiao Qingyun only wants to get Yin Jiuye's family property now, and then find another way out for herself!
Qiao Qingyun: "Come here! I've been frightened and need some elixir for Ansheng!"

Although Yin Jiuye looked down on Qiao Qingyun, in the Yin family, there was never a shortage of food and clothing.

Qiao Qingyun bought countless good things a day.

Sometimes they say that they are hungry and need to eat, and sometimes they say that their cultivation base is not high, and it will be too difficult to give birth to a child. In short, they just need things.

Qiao Qingyun hid everything that was coming, and continued to do so every day.

Yin Jiuye is such a scumbag, he is not worthy!

Yin Jiuye thought that if she raised Qiao Qingyun with delicious food and drink, she would let her have a baby obediently, but she didn't know that Qiao Qingyun was already ready to leave!
After Yin Jiuye came out, she thought Murong Xueying was here!

It turned out to be the mistress of the Murong family!
Yin Jiuye was a little disappointed, but still said politely: "Mother!"

Mistress Murong: "No need! I can't bear your begging!"

Yin Jiuye: "What did mother say! I and Ying'er are one body, you are Ying'er's mother, and naturally you are also my mother."

Mistress Murong: "You speak so nicely, can you listen to what mother says?"

Yin Jiuye: "Of course I listen!"

Mistress Murong: "Well, hand over the vixen, and I will treat this matter as never happened! Otherwise!"

Yin Jiuye: "Mother, these are rumors from the outside world! It's just a non-existent thing. Ying'er and I got separated in Tianwaitian, that's why we came back separately! Where's Yinger? Why didn't Yinger come?"

Mistress Murong was really angry when she saw Yin Jiuye talking nonsense with her eyes open in front of her.

Mistress Murong: "Ying'er? Do you know Ying'er's current situation? You got promoted and got rich and your wife died. Your men are as black as crows!"

Yin Jiuye: "Mother! You have wronged me so much! Can't you see how I treat Ying'er?"

Mistress Murong: "Oh! You think I'm Ying'er, and I'm dead set on you? Yin Jiuye, since you've already done it, don't try to hide it. I didn't come here today to listen to what you said. Just tell me, little Where is the bitch, that's it!"

Yin Jiuye: "Mother, I really don't know what you are talking about. I, Yin Jiuye, will only treat Yinger well in my life! There will be no other women!"

Mistress Murong: "You swear!"

Yin Jiuye: ...

How could he swear!
Once the heaven and earth vows are completed, they can only be together with Murong Xueying. However, if there is no cure for such an unsolvable poison like Xiangsimei, the Yin family will be extinct for a lifetime!

Mistress Murong looked at Yin Jiuye's hesitation and was very disappointed. Although she was not happy to watch Ying'er hanged on a tree, Yin Jiuye was indeed a rare talent.

In addition, the Yin family has become such a big force, a big family, if the Murong family really breaks out, it will only make Yinger's painstaking efforts for so many years go to others in vain!

Mistress Murong is naturally not reconciled!
Mistress Murong: "Didn't you say that you only have Ying'er? Why, don't you dare to swear?"

Yin Jiuye was speechless, how to explain.

In the final analysis, it was because she didn't investigate for a while and fell into the trap of Xiangsimei.

But the facts are hard to change.

But if you don't swear, it is impossible for the Murong family to let it go!
The Yin family must not tear themselves apart from the Murong family!
Back then, in order to expand their influence, they offended many people. Once the Yin family broke with the Murong family, the revenge the Yin family would have to accept would be enough to eat a pot!
Yin Jiuye took a deep breath: "Mother, I forgot to tell you, I am in the sky outside the sky, and I have already transformed into a god!"

As soon as Yin Jiuye finished speaking, Mistress Murong looked at Yin Jiuye in surprise.

Yin Jiuye's words were obviously intended to divert attention. With his own cultivation, he hoped that Madam Murong would expose this matter.

After all, it is not easy to become a god!

This kind of strength is already the top group in the Wuji Continent!

What's more, Yin Jiuye is still so young!
Sure enough, Mistress Murong was silent for a while after listening, and did not speak for the time being.

Yin Jiuye chased after the victory, hoping to reconcile this matter: "Mother, I was just confused for a while, but don't worry, no matter what, Ying'er is the mistress of my Yin family. No one can shake this position. As for other matters, I will personally deal with it. Explained to Yinger, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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