Chapter 136 Peerless Beauty
Li Huan waited for a while.

Then Feng Kaiji took out a purple-gold card: "Brother Yun Huan, after recognizing the Lord with blood, this card will be yours.

However, this Yunlong country cannot be used, and there is basically no trading of spirit stones here.

Therefore, this permission is not set up here.

But on the other side of the World of Warcraft forest, it can be used normally.

I have already set it up for you, and the money from selling pills will be automatically converted into spirit stones in the future. "

"Okay, thank you."

Li Huan took the elixir seeds and left with Zijinka.

Li Huan carefully stored the Zijin Card in the bedroom where Space lived. It was all money and could not be lost.

After Li Huan returned, he sprinkled all the elixir seeds in the spiritual field of space.

Some were also sprinkled on the mountain, and then began to refine the elixir.

Ten days in space, one day outside.

With this artifact, Li Huan directly refined more than a dozen boxes of pills, and asked Wang Batian and the others to send them to Linlang Pavilion.

A dozen boxes of 'Rejuvenation Pill' were also refined and placed in Yunfu on West Street, and handed over to Yuehe for safekeeping.

For the next time, Li Huan concentrated on cultivating in space.

She is attacking the second-rank pharmacist.

Li Huan's foundation was laid very solidly, and everything came naturally.

After 20 days.

After Li Huan came out of the space, it was only a rough day outside.

Li Huan looked at the five marrow washing pills in his hand with satisfaction.

Go ahead and try.

Li Huan gave each of them a pill.

The Overlord team has unreserved trust in Li Huan, and their lives are all given by Li Huan.

Several people took the pill without hesitation.

Although it is a second grade, it is also worth a lot in Yunlong country.

Li Huan waited for a while, and they all expressed signs of promotion.

Finally after three hours.

Kong Xin was the first to be promoted to the sixth-rank warrior, and then Wang Sulin was also promoted to the fifth-rank warrior.

Although Ye Xin was not promoted, she felt that she would be promoted soon.

So is Wang batian.

Li Huan thought it might be that when Kong Xin and Wang Sulin were poisoned before, Li Huan took out a high-level elixir and gave them to take.

Therefore, it is faster than Ye Xin and Wang Batian.

But it was a special case,
Right now, Ye Xin and Wang Batian don't have any physical problems, and they might not be able to bear the power of the high-level elixir.

You must be promoted to a spiritual master and become a monk before you can take high-level pills.

The second grade, for them, is an extremely suitable pill.

Li Huan saw that the effect was good, so he refined some more.

It should be of great help to cultivation.

Li Huan became a second-rank pharmacist, and after that, it became easier to refine elixirs.

Yipin elixir can be mass-produced.

After Li Huan went back, he sent a batch of Liuyang Liyao Pills to Linlang Pavilion. This pill was exclusively developed by Li Huan.

Li Huan is extremely short of spirit stones right now, so the more money he has, the better.

As soon as there are more pills, Linlang Pavilion will transport some of them to other distributors for sale.

It is also quite hot.

It took Li Huan 20 days to refine a large batch of Liuyang Liyao Pills and sent them to Linlang Pavilion.

According to the agreement, Feng Kaiji will help Li Huan exchange all the money he earns into spirit stones. Li Huan doesn't know how many spirit stones are in this card, so he can only look over there.

But the reputation of Linlang Pavilion is still there, if it is said to be inside, it is inside, and it will not be deducted.

When Li Huan was cultivating, he also found that after the level of refining medicine was higher, his spiritual power also improved a lot.

Thinking about it, this refining medicine should also be able to improve mental power,
That's right, the consumption of mental power required to refine medicine is also huge. During the process of refining medicine, one has cultivated mental power unconsciously.

However, this is just divorce.

It is impossible for other pharmacists to do it. They can practice spiritual power while refining elixir.

Otherwise, this pharmacist wouldn't be so rare.

Because Li Huan's alchemy is all in space.

In the space is the Qi of Shiyuan, and Li Huan has used the Qi of Shiyuan to refine the elixir from the beginning.

Therefore, it is possible to refine medicine and cultivate spiritual power at the same time.

Sure enough, some people are born with it turned on.

It will never be comparable to ordinary people.

However, Li Huan started too late, ten years too late!

So, still can't be lazy.

That day Li Huan was practicing, Qiuyue ran over and told Li Huan that a letter had come from the county lord's mansion.

Li Huan immediately opened it to look, and found that it was written by Zuo Moxun.

They sent people to watch Li An quietly, and found that she had contacts with a mercenary and a third-rank pharmacist.

There is speculation in Li Huan's heart.

I went there myself and found that it was exactly as I thought.

Li Huan felt cold, it was Gao Jiang and that golden pharmacist.

Gao Jiang ran away before, he only wanted the shop on West Street.

The shot severely injured Wang Batian and the others, and Wang Batian's leg was also chopped off by him.

This Qiu Lihuan hadn't found a chance to repay him, but unexpectedly colluded with Li An again.

I didn't expect Li An to be so courageous.

Even if he has contacts with the dark alchemist, he is not afraid of ending up with no bones left.

It was the golden pharmacist who thought Lian'er gave birth.

Why is that?
Why does Jin Yaoshi help Li'an with affairs for no reason.

Li Huan would not believe that Li An was capable enough to bribe a third-grade pharmacist.

Whatever the reason.

Li'an, think about my sisters, and save your life.

But if you kill yourself, then you can't blame me.

Even if Li Huan doesn't make a move, the Zuo family won't keep her.

At that time, it must be to leave the mother and keep the child.

Li An is about to give birth, and I am afraid that he will have a good life in a few days.

The grasshopper after autumn will not be able to jump for a few days.

Believe in Li Huan, Zuo Moxun will not give up if he doesn't make a move.

If Li Huan hadn't left early that day, Lian Er would have died long ago.

Li'an is going to kill people.

If Zuo Moxun could bear this tone, it would be someone who was entrusted by Lian Er.

Fortunately, that day is coming soon.

The Zuo family added an eldest grandson, held a grand banquet and invited guests from all over the world.

Li Huan was naturally among those invited.

Li Huan specially put on festive clothes and went to see Rui'er.

Since Jialan Tower came back, Li Huan became a monk, her temperament was completely different from before.

I don't know if it's because of Unsealing Pill.

Yu He said that it is not only talent that is sealed.

Appearance, bloodline and so on are sealed together.

Li Huan officially embarked on the journey of cultivating Taoism, and part of the seal was lifted.

Thinking of her own mother's peerless face, Li Huan was filled with joy.

In the future, as the cultivation base gets higher and higher, won't it become more and more beautiful?

Happy to think about it!
You can wake up with a smile in your dreams!

Qiuyue looked at her young lady and was stunned: "Miss, you have changed too much.

This guy really needs to dress up.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and they will go out.

Even the young lady of the Dashi family can't surpass you. "

Li Huan: "Well, miss, I just like to hear you tell the truth."

Qiuyue: "Praise you a few times, you still go to heaven!"

"Damn girl, see if I don't hit you! Stop!"

"Miss! If you don't leave, you will be late!"

(End of this chapter)

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