Chapter 1361 The Power of Resentment
The elder sister who has been jealous of her all the time, said she was stupid, and made Murong Xuezhi blow up than anything else.

Murong Xuezhi: "Who are you calling stupid! You are stupid! There is no one in this world who is more stupid than you! Look at your ugly appearance now! It's disgusting!"

Murong Xueying sneered, but did not speak.

Feeling the resentment from my sister, it kept gathering on me.

Sure enough, this is the case, although I don't know what the consequences of doing this are, but I can keep myself alive!

As long as you can live, you can do anything.

Murong Xuezhi looked at her sister and was so angry: "What are you laughing at! You are going to die, so what's so funny! From now on, I will be the eldest lady of the Murong family! I am the only girl in the Murong family. Girl! It is enough to have me, you are not going to die soon!"

Murong Xuezhi didn't know why, as soon as she got close to her sister, she couldn't help cursing, and Murong Xueying's eyes were really scary!

But the more this happened, the more she couldn't leave her. She only felt that there was something about her sister that attracted her to stay here.

Murong Xueying: "Speak up! Why don't you continue?"

Murong Xuezhi: "Why aren't you angry?"

Murong Xueying: "Angry? Why should I be angry? It's too late for me to thank you!"

Murong Xuezhi looked at her sister's appearance, her haggard face became visibly plump, as if a white bone suddenly came back to life in front of her!

Murong Xuezhi exclaimed, and ran away without stopping.

After Murong Xuezhi left, the person who was lying on the bed and couldn't move suddenly sat up.

Murong Xueying looked at her restored skin and herself in the mirror, very good!

Fully restored!
The power in that body is amazing!

But it needs to absorb all kinds of negative forces to become stronger and stronger.

Murong Xueying walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror at the head of her bed, admiring her long-lost face.

I have to say that this face of mine is so beautiful that it looks even better after it was lost and recovered!

Murong Xueying touched her face: "It's really beautiful. How can there be someone as beautiful as me in this world? Yin Jiuye, you are not reconciled to growing up like me. It seems that men are really not good things! Hehe !"

The exquisite face in the mirror was constantly distorted and delicate, but it couldn't hide the frightening eyes at all.

When Mistress Murong came, she saw Murong Xueying standing up!


The moment Murong Xueying turned her head, Mistress Murong froze in shock.

"Mom, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Murong Xueying's voice, like a ghost, made people tremble all over.

But Mistress Murong was so immersed in the surprise of her daughter's waking up that she didn't think anything was wrong at all.

Mistress Murong: "Ying'er, why did you recover so quickly? Lie down quickly, or you will definitely not recover!"

Mistress Murong was worried, she hurriedly supported her daughter and asked Murong Xueying to sit down.

The pharmacist from Murong Mansion was quickly called over.

Mistress Murong: "What's the matter? Miss, is there something wrong?"

Pharmacist: "Ma'am, Miss seems to have recovered, and there is nothing wrong with it, but isn't the recovery speed a bit fast?"

When he came to check this morning, he was still about to die!

To put it bluntly, half a foot has stepped into the coffin!

How long has it been, why is he like a normal person, look at this ruddy complexion, and smooth skin, this is not a person who is going to die.

Mistress Murong: "Recover quickly, that's because our Ying'er is highly talented, God can't bear to let her suffer!"

"Yes, yes, what Madam said is true! Little one, let's prepare some elixir to restore vitality, and give it to the young lady to strengthen it."

The pharmacist left in a hurry, afraid of saying something wrong.

Mistress Murong: "Ying'er, you are..."

It was inconvenient for the pharmacist to ask before, but now there are only their mother and daughter left, Mistress Murong is naturally worried, and naturally she has to ask clearly what happened!
Murong Xueying: "Didn't my mother just say that it's because of my talent that God is reluctant to accept me!"

Murong Xueying didn't even move her eyelids, what she said was so impressive that those who didn't know it thought it was true!
But just now, these words were obviously compiled by Mistress Murong herself in order to perfuse the pharmacist.

But Murong Xueying looked impatient, obviously she didn't want to talk any more.

Mistress Murong didn't want to ask any more, seeing her daughter go through these horrible things made her heart ache.

Mistress Murong: "Then I'll go down and urge the pharmacist to refine the elixir for you, and you should have a good rest."

"Has the letter of divorce been issued?"

Mistress Murong had just walked to the door when she heard an uncomfortable voice from her daughter.

Only this time Mistress Murong realized that Murong Xueying's voice seemed to be different!

Mistress Murong thought it was because she hadn't recovered well, after all the pharmacist said it was hopeless for her previous state.

But Mistress Murong didn't think too much about it, it was already a blessing from heaven that the child she had carefully raised could come back to life.

Mistress Murong: "It's about to be sent out, and it's still being prepared, but Yincheng has already given it."

Murong Xueying: "There is no need to send out the divorce letter, if Yin Jiuye comes, please let me know."

Mistress Murong looked at Murong Xueying incomprehensibly.

Murong Xueying didn't intend to explain, she turned around and went to bed and continued to lie down.

Mistress Murong: "Then listen to you, when you think it through, let's talk!"

Mistress Murong hurried to stop the announcement.

Murong Xueying lay on the bed and began to try to cultivate. The power of this mass of resentment could actually enter her consciousness and strengthen her spiritual power.

My own cultivation base has been abolished!
But this thing can continue to practice, that is to say, I can use this power to cultivate into a Nian teacher!

I heard that Nian Shi is a more advanced existence than aura monks, but I have never been able to get the method of cultivation before.

Right now, it looks like it was a blessing in disguise.

It doesn't matter if you don't have aura, as long as you can become a mind teacher, who is more powerful is not certain!
Murong Xueying got up quickly and went to Murong's family's Zangshu Pavilion.

Here are all the martial arts and martial arts that the Murong family has treasured for so many years.

But Murong Xueying has never been able to find any books on the cultivation of mind power.

There are very few minders in the Wuji Continent, and there are many minders in Tianwaitian, but they have already come out, and it is difficult to get in. Entering Tianwaitian requires a strong cultivation base, and I have no cultivation base at the moment.

Murong Xueying didn't come out from Zangshu Pavilion. A few days later, when Murong Xueying found that the power in her body was about to dissipate, she started to panic.


(End of this chapter)

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