Chapter 1363

After Wang Wenpo finished speaking, the voices of the rest of Wenpo's became much quieter.

Li Huan mingled inside silently, waiting for the people from the Yin family to come.

To be precise, in such a big mansion, only Yin Jiuye is the master, and the rest are servants!

Some were given the Yin surname by Yin Jiuye!

Yin Jiuye is the only one left in the Yin family!
If Li Huan guessed correctly, the pregnant woman must be Qiao Qingyun. This is Yin Jiuye's first child, and Yin Jiuye will be extremely cautious.

If poor Murong Xueying knew, would she be pissed to death!
But at this time, Murong Xueying was surrounded by a group of evil spirits, unable to advance or retreat.

Those disgusting things kept rubbing against her body, but Murong Xueying didn't have enough strength to fight against them. She watched herself being insulted, but there was nothing she could do!

The power of endless resentment continuously gathered on Murong Xueying's body.

Murong Xueying's eyes were horrified, and she absorbed the power of resentment faster.

Hatred filled Murong Xueying's soul.

Although they are all soul bodies, these feelings are indeed real!

kill you!
Suddenly a black knife appeared in Murong Xueying's hand.

Without hesitation, Murong Xueying stabbed through the person who was crawling on her chest with this knife.

Then the knife went upwards, splitting the person on Murong Xueying's body in half.

That soul instantly disappeared, and Murong Xueying instantly devoured the soul of the person in front of her.


The person who was eager to try, ran away in an instant.

Murong Xueying looked at the dagger in her hand, very good!

This is indeed the best place to cultivate the power of resentment, she can already transform into a dagger!

All die!
Murong Xueying clenched the dagger in her hand, and caught up with those people who surrounded her before. These people all wanted to fuck her!
Then see if it matches!
Enough to die!

Li Huan mixed in here, keeping a distance from the others all the time, and soon the housekeeper of the Yin family came.

Butler: "You all come here first, there are some assessments here, and those who pass will be hired by us until we don't need them."

Wang Wenpo: "Housekeeper Yin, congratulations, the Yin family is overjoyed! Madam must be the one who needs the most care right now! I will definitely let Madam give birth to the child safely!"

Wang Wenpo wanted to stay, and kept flattering her.

Little did he know that this flattery was on the horse's feet.

Steward Yin glanced at Wang Wenpo displeasedly: "Take this down!"

I really don't know what to say!

The lady hasn't come back yet, how can she conceive a child!
These servants were all under the control of Murong Xueying, the Murong family was rich and powerful, so they naturally wanted to give the servants more money for the sake of fame, as much as they could.

In order to gain a firm foothold in the Yin family, Murong Xueying spent a lot of painstaking efforts, so the servants of the Yin family still respect Murong Xueying, the mistress!
This time, a fox-meizi who doesn't know who came back, angered the mistress away, and put him under house arrest!
Seeing the appearance of the Patriarch, he didn't take it to heart!

Such mobilization of teachers and crowds is just for the children!
When I asked, I only said, no matter what happens, just keep the child first!
This ignorant person, as soon as he came up, he thought about how to flatter Hu Meizi, maybe he would be a moth!

Good morning!

Even though she was pregnant, the Patriarch didn't say how she was promoted to the concubine's room, how she came here and how she lived.

Seeing the butler's expression, Li Huan instantly understood!

Right now, Li Huan is an extremely inconspicuous stable woman.

Li Huan took a step forward: "Please don't worry, housekeeper, the child will be safe and sound! This is our duty as a steady wife!"

Zhang Wenpo: "I'm afraid I'm not a fool! I didn't see the sycophants being driven away!"

Li Wenpo: "Maybe it's stupid! Just think it's taking advantage of us!"

Qin Wenpo: "Oh, isn't that just right! Go one by one and count as one! If you save a while, you will have one more opponent!"

It's a pity that the butler didn't drive away Li Huan, and took a look at Li Huan: "That's right! You stay! You don't have to take part in the assessment like them. Listen, what our Yin family wants is such a stable woman, remember gone?"

Qin Wenpo: "What!?"

Zhang Wenpo: "Why can't I understand? What kind?"

Li Wenpo: "Aren't they all sycophants? Why does this work and that doesn't work?"

Qin Wenpo: "Maybe it all depends on the housekeeper's mood!"

Who knew the housekeeper heard it!

Butler Yin: "Hmph! You idiot!"

Butler Yin got angry, and everyone shut up instantly without making a sound.

Steward Yin said dissatisfiedly: "You all have to be like this one, no matter what happens, keep the little one! When necessary, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice the big one, do you understand?"

"What! Don't you want to keep it big?"

Steward Yin: "Come here, take this down too!"

They drove away two of them at once, and now even a fool understands that the attitude of the Yin family is that no matter what happens, they only want children!
It doesn't mean that Patriarch Yin and his wife are deeply in love with each other, that they are a match made in heaven, that they are a golden boy and a jade girl, that they are made in heaven...

what is this!
As long as children, not mothers?

Sure enough, fairy tales are all lies!
Men can't believe it!

But right now, no one dares to talk nonsense, if they offend the housekeeper, they will be kicked out!
The last group of people, only five left, were arranged in the same courtyard.

After the butler left with his people, the stable women began to chatter.

In the end, the one who knew the truth said: "Don't you know? Miss Murong has returned to Murong's house! The person who lives in this house is not Miss Murong at all! It's the little..."

Qin Wenpo: "What! You said we are here to deliver the concubine?"

Zhang Wenpo: "What a concubine, it's not even a concubine! She's just a wild girl!"

Li Wenpo: "Cut! It's not! I pretended to be so affectionate before, so I turned around and found a new love! Men are big pigs!"

Qin Wen Po: "Exactly! We are also principled Wen Po, who only deliver babies to regular wives! Let's go! This order will not be done!"

Zhang Wenpo: "One thousand spirit stones, don't do it? Are you going to be developed!"

"One thousand spirit stones!!!"

Qin Wenpo just froze where she was, and didn't say she was leaving.

Li Huan: "If the child is not kept, we will all lose our lives!"


As soon as Li Huan finished speaking, all the Wen women gasped.

Looking at Li Huan in horror, he was obviously frightened.

Qin Wenpo: "Do you know something? You just didn't get in before the assessment! How can you get in with just one sentence? What's your relationship with Steward Yin?"

When Qin Wenpo asked, all eyes were on Li Huan.

Li Huan: "I've heard it all. Didn't you realize that there are a lot of people in Yincheng recently? They're all here to watch the show! Let me tell you, the pregnant one is quite high! The head of the Yin family went to Tianwaitian and talked about..."

(small theater)

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Li Wenpo: Support Xiaoyueyue!
Qin Wenpo: Support genuine books!

Zhang Wenpo: Xiaoyueyue has worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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