Chapter 1377 Versailles The Game

Master Ling was willing to say anything, with a proud and arrogant look on his face that he would not pay attention to Li Huan's clichés.

But Li Huan only urged to hurry and didn't ask any more questions.

But if he walked too slowly, Li Huan would use a calfskin whip to whip Master Ling behind like a mule.

Lord Ling suddenly missed the gentle way of asking questions before.

Every time Li Huan pretended not to know what Lord Ling meant, as long as the speed slowed down, he would whip Lord Ling with a small leather whip.

Master Ling is suffering and can't tell.

After walking for a few days, it was almost time for Li Huan to watch, and he induced again.

Li Huan: "You said that this resentful God is not staying in the God Realm, so why did he come to the Mountain of Dead Souls? Is there some secret that cannot be told?"

Li Huan remembered that when he was in the Wuji Desert, he confronted the God of Resentment head-on.

I hope it's not the same God of Resentment, otherwise, isn't Li Huan entering the enemy's base and looking for death?
Li Huan was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe by being promoted to cross the catastrophe.

He offended the God of Resentment, and instead of hiding far away, he even ran towards the holy lake.

Lord Ling: "What do you know! There is no place like the Mountain of Dead Souls in the God Realm, not to mention the fact that there is enough resentment, and there is no one to rule it, so whoever occupies it will own it!"

Li Huan: "So, even if it's against God's will, you still have to interfere with the affairs of the lower realm privately in order to improve your cultivation!"

Lord Ling: "What do you know! The God of Resentment is extremely powerful! He is protecting the Mountain of Dead Souls! If Mountain of Dead Souls didn't have so much power of resentment, these souls would have dissipated long ago!"

Li Huan: "I heard that this was a battlefield before? How many people have died to have such a strong evil spirit and resentment?"

Master Ling: "More people don't mean more resentment! It must be that people died in vain, so that's why."

Li Huan: "It's true, do you know the reason?"

Lord Ling: "I heard from the old man here that it was because he was tricked by his own people and buried alive by an army!"

Li Huan: "Buried alive?"

Master Ling: "I heard that it is like this, but I don't know the details. If you are really curious, just ask the old people here. Those who are over a thousand years old definitely know something inside. on site."

Li Huan: "A thousand-year-old man is really old."

After seeing a [-]-year-old baby like Yan Qing, a [-]-year-old old man doesn't seem so difficult to accept!
After all, the average life expectancy of people who have lived in modern times in Li Huan is just adults here.

Sure enough, the fantasy world is so different.

In fact, in this way, compared to Huaxia, I can be regarded as an old monster!

But Li Huan's age, counted here, has just come of age!
Who is not a baby anymore!

A baby in his twenties, compared to a baby in his [-]s, isn't he still born?
Li Huan instantly felt extremely young.

Lord Ling: "What is this! I heard that people in the God Realm are tens of thousands of years old at every turn! Our lifespan is just a joke to them!"

Li Huan: ...

Can't even find a reason to refute!

live and play...

Speaking of which, Lord Ling is also a resentful soul, and it seems that the resentful soul's thinking is also different.

Most of the grievances are transformed by the power of resentment, and the power of resentment is also cultivated, and the power of resentment is used.

Strictly speaking, the power of resentment is a kind of spiritual power.

Li Huan only felt that after cultivating here, his spiritual power improved a lot faster.

After all, the soul-suppressing pearl helps Li Huan absorb the power of resentment and transform it into the purest spiritual power.

Li Huan felt that cultivating spiritual power in the Dead Soul Mountain was more than twice as fast as before!

This is indeed a paradise for resentful souls.

Master Ling was escorted by Li Huan and walked towards the holy lake.

Passing through the city along the way, Li Huan will pretend to be a messenger and put away the spar stone just like before.

Lord Ling saw it clearly this time, the rune in Li Huan's hand is complete!
Ever since Lord Ling saw the complete rune in Li Huan's hand, he has been in a bad mood!

I didn't speak again, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

Li Huan has been looking at Master Ling and asked him to take him to the holy lake. The free guide he caught seems not very happy recently.

Li Huan: "Don't say I abused slaves, what's not happy about you, tell me, and make me happy?"

Master Ling: "Your hand..."

Master Ling couldn't believe it, but he could see clearly every time.

Li Huan also stretched out his hand deliberately: "Look, the rune is really pretty! It's much bigger than yours!"

Master Ling: ...

Find abuse for yourself!
Li Huan: "Didn't you say that those of us who have been blessed by the God of Resentment don't need to practice, just to please the God of Resentment? Do you think the crystals I have collected along the way are enough to please the God of Resentment?"

Lord Ling looked reluctant, but finally said: "Enough!"

Li Huan: "What kind of expression do you have? I didn't force you to speak."

Master Ling: "You obviously have runes, why do you pretend to be so pitiful? You did it on purpose! Do you want to wait until you go back and torture me until life is worse than death!"

Li Huan: "What are you talking about! At most, you can be beaten half disabled. I don't think that's the kind of person who abuses slaves!"

Master Ling felt even more uncomfortable after hearing Li Huan's words.

He has been getting runes for hundreds of years, and he is the most active one every time he comes out!
It is to collect crystal god stones to please the wrathful god, but right now, a person who has just entered the mountain of dead souls has complete runes, and it is impossible not to be jealous!
Master Ling's stomach is full of sour water, and he is so jealous of Li Huan.

But Li Huan is so unbearable that she doesn't know what to do.

Li Huan: "Why do you think my runes are different from yours? How good is this? I'm not very good at using runes. If the God of Resentment despises me and thinks I don't deserve to get the complete runes, will I use these runes?" Take the rune back?"

Li Huan kept sighing beside Master Ling, how nervous and scared he was.

The proper Versailles game is over!
Master Ling's jealous eyes almost poked a hole in Li Huan's body.

It's a pity that Li Huan just pretended not to see anything.

Master Ling was shown off by Li Huanming secretly, so he stopped talking at all.

Jealousy hurts the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!

Li Huan: "How long does it take to get to the holy lake? Is it possible to use this after entering the organization and going through the ceremony?"

Li Huan showed her hand again.

Master Ling looked at the complete rune that was a full back bigger than him, and his whole body was about to explode with anger.

Master Ling: "Hmph!"

Li Huan: "That's it! You said that you divide the grades according to the size and completeness of the runes. You said what kind of grade is mine?"

Master Ling: "I have only seen one with a rune like yours! But he has been missing for many years."

(End of this chapter)

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