Chapter 1387 Divine Beast Unicorn
Li Huan is like a strange sorghum who seduces a little girl. He is obviously very insidious, but he keeps pretending that he is a little white rabbit and a big bad wolf.

Li Huan looked at the hesitant Chijinbao: "You've been locked up here for a long time, don't you really want to go out, I have a way, look!"

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword and waved it a few times in front of Chi Jin Bao's eyes.


The artifact can indeed cut off the chains on oneself, but not necessarily.

Chijinbao: If you can take me out, I can promise you!

The Chijin Leopard has been imprisoned here for an unknown amount of time. He just wants to go out, and he doesn’t want to take this dark place any longer. Therefore, Li Huan’s conditions are indeed very exciting, but only artifacts are not enough. This is a soul chain , you need to cooperate with a powerful magic weapon of mind power to have a chance.

Li Huan thought about it for a while, and took out the ancient Buddha that burns the lamp: "Do you think this is enough?"

Xiaoyao Sanxian said before that this is an artifact, and this kind of artifact of mind power is extremely rare.

The Chijin Leopard was astonished. He had already given up hope, but when he saw Li Huan's Buddha statue, his hope was rekindled.

Chi Jinbao: "Okay! As long as you can rescue me, I'm willing to follow you! But you can't hold on to me forever!"

Li Huan: "Let's do this! Only 500 years!"

The Chijin Leopard thought for a while, 500 years was nothing to them.

Red Golden Leopard: "That's 500 years!"

Li Huan: "After 500 years, if you want to leave, I will release the contract and let you go."

The Scarlet Gold Leopard nodded.

After Li Huan reached an agreement with Chi Jin Bao, Li Huan began to try to unlock the chain.

At this moment, Horuixi suddenly moved, it seemed that he was about to wake up!

But Li Huan is currently controlling his mind to cut off the chain, so he can't be distracted.

Li Huan: "Yan Qing!"

Yan Qing stepped forward in an instant, slapped her tail, and He Ruixi was completely knocked out in an instant.


After remembering with a clear voice, Chi Jinbao found that all the chains on his body were untied, and he was very pleasantly surprised!

Red Golden Leopard: "I'll go with you!"

Li Huan: "Have you seen this?"

Red Golden Leopard: "Cat?"

Li Huan: "It's my animal pet."

The Chijin Leopard shook his head.

Li Huan was very disappointed, but the breath of the little milk cat was here!
After Li Huan came out of this floor, he looked at the floor below: "What's down here?"

Red Golden Leopard: "Terrifying existence, let's go!"

Li Huan: "I sense that the little milk cat is below here! Come on, let's go down!"

Red Golden Leopard: "But there are extremely powerful beast souls below, there can't be cats!"

Li Huan: "My feeling can't be wrong!"

The little milk cat has been with me since he was a child.

The little milk cat is Li Huan's first real partner in this world.

Li Huan can't feel wrong.

Li Huan took the Chijin Leopard into her space.

The moment the Chijin Leopard entered, he felt the strong Shiyuan Qi, and his jaw dropped in surprise!

This is the Qi of origin!

The source of energy in the entire space!
What a fairy place this is!
You must know that when he was in the God Realm, Shiyuan Qi was sold by grams!
There is a whole space here!

Chijinbao suddenly felt like a fool. They gave you a mountain of gold, and then you replaced it with a mountain of dirt!

Chi Jinbao instantly decided that after 500 years, as long as Li Huan couldn't remember it, he would never mention the matter of releasing the contract!
This is simply a fairy place!
Li Huan ignored the Chijin Leopard, and Li Huan walked down, the further down he went, the more he could feel the breath of the little milk cat.

All the way down to the last ninth floor, Li Huan finally felt the breath of the little milk cat!
"it's here!"

The Chijin Leopard suddenly exclaimed: "This is a high-level beast!"

Li Huan: "What's the difference?"

Red Golden Leopard: "High-level beasts have their own status in the God Realm! They are not comparable to us! Moreover, the higher the level of beasts, the fewer the number, so generally there is no chance to see them. Yes! There can't be cats here!"

Li Huan: "Then do you know what is locked inside?"

Chijin Leopard: "The movement was a bit loud before, I vaguely heard the voice of the unicorn, but I must have misheard, the unicorn is a holy beast, how could it appear here, the unicorn is one of the highest-ranking beasts in the God Realm, Even the Divine Phoenix Clan may not be able to compare."

Li Huan: "A unicorn?"

Li Huan never knew what breed the little milk cat was, so, was it a unicorn?

Li Huan clearly felt that the little milk cat's breath was inside.

Li Huan tried for a while, but couldn't break through this formation!
Li Huan: "Yan Qing, come and try!"

Yan Qing: "Too strong, no way!"

Chijinbao: "I have the key, and it's in Li Fang's hands!"

Li Huan: "What key do you want?"

Li Huan walked back, dragged Horixi over, and made a huge noise.

Sure enough, Li Fang hurried over after a while.

Li Fang saw Horuixi unconscious on the ground, and the floor of the Chijin Leopard was empty!
Li Fang shook He Ruixi: "Where is the Chijin Leopard! Talk!"


Li Fang slapped Horixi on the face.

Horisi opened his eyes in a daze.

Li Fang roared angrily: "Where is the Chijin Leopard! Why are you here!"

He Ruixi touched his face, felt a little pain, and was already confused by the shaking: "Uncle, what are you talking about?"

With itchy teeth, Li Fang pushed He Ruixi away and opened the formation on the ninth floor.

Li Huan followed immediately.

When Li Fang went inside, he found that the chains were still intact, and the water in this pool hadn't been touched!

Li Fang felt carefully by the pool, and left in peace.

Li Huan waited until Li Fang left, and immediately stepped forward.

There are three chains on the wall, extending into the pool in front of Qiang.

Li Huan felt the strong smell of poison.

It is the poison of spiritual power.

Li Huan quickly pulled up the chain, but it was too heavy, so Li Huan asked Yan Qing to come forward to help.

But the chain remained submerged, motionless.

Li Huan suddenly panicked and drained all the water in the pool.

Finally, a little golden light appeared, but the golden light had already dimmed a lot, and then it was a horn.

Li Huan quickly moved his hands, and finally drained the pool of venom.

A beast is revealed.

Li Huan: "Little milk cat, is that you?"

The unconscious person in front of him is a mythical beast with a lion head, antlers, elk body, ox tail, and dragon scales!
The golden dragon scales had fallen off quite a bit, and they were gray and white from the poisonous potion.

Dying, almost running out of oil and lamps drying up!
Li Huan was sure it was a kitten!
Although he didn't know why the little milk cat became like this, Li Huan jumped into the pool without hesitation and poured the medicine into the little milk cat's mouth desperately.

There was no movement.

Li Huan: "Little milk cat, I'm sorry, I'm late! Wake up!"

Li Huan hugged the little milk cat, tears kept falling down.

Li Huan took out the dagger, separated his wrist a little, and dripped his own blood into the little milk cat's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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