Chapter 1413 Hibiscus City

Linglin: "No, I'm just very envious!"

Ling Lin looked at Li Huan with a disappointed face, envious.

Li Huan: "I heard that there is a way to transfer your rune to someone else. Are you willing to give up the rune bestowed by the God of Resentment? If you don't have this rune, you can go to the underworld to reincarnate."

Linglin: "Really?"

Ling Lin stroked the rune in his hand. After waiting for so many years, he finally waited for the God of Resentment to bless him again. If he really wants to reincarnate, this rune must be removed before he can leave this mountain of dead souls.

Li Huan: "I'll give you a day to think about it."

Li Huan looked at He Ruidong: "I have something to ask you."

Ling Lin thought alone, frowning, as if this was an extremely difficult decision!

But he's been here for too many years!
Besides, he was blessed by the God of Resentment as soon as he came in. He hasn't practiced the power of resentment much these years, so Linglin actually doesn't have a high degree of recognition for the Mountain of Dead Souls!

His greatest wish is to live again!
Rather than being here, being a dead soul forever, cultivating the power of resentment, and turning yourself into a complete resentment.

But right now this opportunity is in front of him, but Linglin hesitates, obviously it is something he has been looking forward to for a long time.

Why do you get timid when things come to an end!

Ling Lin tapped his head with his hands, he was really useless!
Li Huan and He Ruidong went to another courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, this is Lifang's residence, now that Lifang is dead, He Ruidong naturally took over the courtyard.

From now on, He Ruidong will be the lord of Liwang City!

Although He Ruidong was obsessed with the development of medicines, but with the blessing of being the envoy of the god of resentment, the rest of the city lords did not dare to make mistakes here easily.

Li Huan: "Do you know your uncle's method of rebirth?"

He Ruidong: "I don't know! But some of the medicines he ordered me to develop before seem to be for human use! It seems that he has already prepared."

Li Huan: "What about the method of harvesting the sun?"

He Ruidong: "How do you know this?"

Li Huan told the story of how Li Fang died before.

He Ruidong: "So Li Fang is dead?"

Li Huan nodded.

He Ruidong: "The method of harvesting the sun is the method for the city lord of Furong City to become famous. If you go out, you will not be far from Furong City. It is a happy city for men."

Li Huan: "Aren't they afraid?"

He Ruidong: "Not everyone can learn the method of harvesting yang, only those who are favored by the city lord may have the opportunity to practice, and this thing is not something that everyone can practice.

But because Furong City is a female city lord, there are many women.

In a place like Dead Soul Mountain, there are many women, so it will naturally attract countless lustful people, and these people will naturally bring a lot of resources.

Furong City is considered a very large city. Judging from its scale, it is not inferior to Liwang City. When you go out, you will pass through Furong City. Don't trust everything, especially the women in Furong City!They are all snakes and scorpions who can eat people! "

Li Huan: "Thank you!"

Li Huan set off early the next morning, but Ling Lin finally decided to go to reincarnation!

Li Huan was not surprised. After all, Linglin's performance was very different from that of the Mountain of Wraiths. He was not a Wraith, and he didn't want to be a Wraith, but he had to force himself to adapt.

If there is a chance of reincarnation, it is naturally more suitable for Linglin.

Li Huan: "I can help you remove the rune from your hand, but it is up to you whether you can go to the underworld. After all, you have been dead for so many years, even if you go to the underworld, you may not be able to go to the underworld." You are on the road of reincarnation."

Linglin: "I still want to try!"

Li Huan: "After the rune disappears, I will send you out of the Mountain of Dead Souls, but to go to the underworld, you have to rely on yourself!"

Linglin: "Good!"

Before Li Huan got the notice under the holy lake, this rune was imprinted on it the day after tomorrow!

As long as it is replaced by the power of resentment that is stronger than the god of resentment, this rune will dissipate!

As long as it is not a rune bestowed by the God of Resentment, he can naturally move freely.

The rune in Li Huan's hand is the best proof.

Li Huan wants to use the power of the rune in his hand to completely replace the rune in Ling Lin's hand!

Li Huan: "It may not be successful, but it is worth a try."

Linglin: "I'm ready!"

Li Huan urged the rune in his hand, the word 'curse' suddenly appeared, Li Huan: "Go!"

Under Li Huan's control, a complete spell directly ran towards Linglin.

Ling Lin took a few steps back in fright, but soon, the rune in his hand lit up, trying to resist Li Huan's rune.

Linglin's runes were not complete, at the moment when they collided with Li Huan's complete runes.



Li Huan took the opportunity to control the soul-suppressing pearl between his eyebrows, and continuously absorbed all the fragments in mid-air!
The soul-suppressing bead keeps turning, purifying the power of resentment, and finally turns it into pure thought power and gathers it into Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness!

Li Huan felt that his cultivation base had improved a lot again.

Li Huan: "It's done! Look at your hand!"

Linglin was overwhelmed with surprise: "It's gone! It's completely gone!"

Li Huan: "It seems that this method is still feasible!"

Linglin: "How did you do it?"

Li Huan: "A master has his own tricks! Don't say it!"

Ling Lin: "So mysterious! Don't talk about it! Let's go, I can't wait to go to the underworld! I want to be a new man!"

Li Huan: "Maybe it's a pig!"

Ling Lin: "Impossible! You are human! Ordinary people are fine!"

Li Huan: "Why did you come to Dead Soul Mountain in the first place? Why didn't you go directly to the Underworld?"

Linglin: "I said I went the wrong way, do you believe me?"

Li Huan: ...

Although Li Huan was speechless, but out of respect, he still nodded: "If it were you, I still believe it! After all, you are stupid!"

Linglin: ...

Linglin and Li Huan bid farewell to He Ruidong and walked towards the exit.

To get out of the Dead Soul Mountain from Liwang City, you need to climb over 99 mountains and pass through 77 cities.

Ling Lin: "I'm no longer an emissary, everything is covered by you! Don't leave me alone!"

Li Huan: "That depends on your performance!"

Ling Lin immediately lowered his head: "If I knew it earlier, I would have destroyed the rune when I got to the exit."

Li Huan: "What if it fails? Aren't you going to walk back again?"

Linglin: "Yes! It's better like this! Then I can go on the road with peace of mind!"

Li Huan: ...

These words always give people a feeling of dying!
No, it was already dead!
It's just a few years longer than ordinary ghosts.

Ling Lin: "Counting it all together, my time in the Mountain of Dead Souls is much longer than when I was a human being!"

Li Huan: "Then you are very familiar with the Mountain of Dead Souls?"

Linglin: "Naturally, I am much more familiar with it than others! I have traveled almost all over the Mountain of Dead Souls in order to collect spar stones."

(End of this chapter)

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