Chapter 1415
Li Huan took Lin Ling to Furong City. Before entering the city, Li Huan disguised herself and Ling Lin as women.

Ling Lin looked at the dress on her body and felt uncomfortable.

Linglin: "Can't it be different?"

Li Huan: "I can't see that you are still a master of women's clothing! This appearance is a sign!"

Linglin: "What is a female clothing boss?"

Li Huan: "He is someone who looks better in women's clothes than women."

Ling Lin: "How can there be men in this world who like to wear women's clothes?"

Li Huan: "Why not! Look down on people!"

Ling Lin brushed the corner of her skirt, feeling uncomfortable.

Ling Lin: "But I don't want to be a boss in women's clothing, why don't you look uncomfortable at all, why!"

Li Huan: "Rely on talent!"

Linglin: ...

The talent Li Huan mentioned meant that he himself was a woman!

Ling Lin thought that Li Huan was mocking him for his lack of talent, so he raised his chest specially, and waved twice in front of Li Huan's eyes: "Look at me! Who can't do it anymore! Isn't it just a big guy in women's clothing! Who can't do it!"

Li Huan looked at Ling Lin who was walking forward, swaying every step, his appearance was really ridiculous.

Li Huan: "Wait for me!"

Linglin was full of confidence at first, but when he approached the gate of the city, he hesitated again.

Linglin: "You said I won't be discovered if I go in like this?"

Li Huan: "What are you afraid of? With your celestial face, it's going to go smoothly! As long as you don't say it yourself, no one will know about it!"

Linglin: "Must it be like this?"

Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't. If you are captured by the so-called Sister Furong and go back to Caiyang...don't say I won't save you! I don't have that ability!"

Linglin: "You have no skills! You have no skills and you still steal..."

Ling Lin paused for a moment, looked around vigilantly, and then moved closer to Li Huan's side: "Aren't you afraid of being caught if you steal the crystal?"

Li Huan: "What are you afraid of! Being caught is nothing more than being picked up by the sun, and dying under the peony flowers is just as good as a ghost!"

Li Huan shook his head and walked away fearlessly.

The rest of Linglin was in a mess in the wind.

Ling Lin hesitated for a while, but still followed!
Because they were women, no one checked them when they entered the city, and the guards were also women, so they let them in after casual inspection.

After entering the city, it was an eye-opener!

This Hibiscus City is full of women!
Li Huan walked through so many cities, and this was the first time he saw so many women in the Mountain of Dead Souls.

In a place like Dead Soul Mountain, all kinds of resentful souls gather, there are many vicious people, and women are inherently weak, so they are basically the targets of being bullied all the time, but not in Furong City!
All the power in Furong City is in the hands of women, and the owner of the city is also a woman!
After Li Huan entered the city, he found that the status of the women here was extremely high, and almost all of them were walking outside.

But after observing for a while, Li Huan found that there were not many men here.

Linglin: "Didn't you say this is a city of daughters, why are there so many men?"

Li Huan: "Your voice is really...why can't you adjust it?"

Linglin: "Is this not possible?"

Li Huan: "Your voice reminds me of a special profession!"

Linglin: "What?"

Li Huan: "Eunuch!"

Linglin: ...

Ling Lin adjusted, and soon spoke again, but he seemed to have a good look.

Linglin: "Why can't you hear anything wrong with your voice?"

Li Huan: "Rely on talent!"

Linglin: ...

Li Huan: "Let's go, take a look outside the City Lord's Mansion!"

Li Huan took Ling Lin to live in an inn not far from the City Lord's Mansion.

Every day, Li Huan looked at the City Lord's Mansion in front of the window.

But there is no chance to enter.

Li Huan: "It looks like it's more difficult to get in!"

The little milk cat has already woken up, it's just right to make a big ticket at this time before leaving!

Li Huan finally saw an old acquaintance on the fifth day!
Murong Xueying is indeed here!
Murong Xueying's status here is not low, and when Li Huan sees her entering and exiting the city lord's mansion, the guards will salute her.

There are guards in and out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Huan can use the rune in his hand to figure out the situation here, but it will alarm the city lord, so he cannot use it for the time being.

After observing for a few days, Li Huan finally found out where the former Lord of Raging Flame City was.

late at night!

Li Huan changed into night clothes and went to a brothel.

In Furong City, the brothel is specially for women, and it's not women who are entertained inside, but all young ladies.

Late at night was the time when people were buzzing, and Li Huan had inquired about the location of the Lord of Raging Flame City before, and it was here!
Sister Fu Rong didn't kill him, but castrated him and put him here, doing the business of welcoming and sending him every day!
Although they are already half-level disabled, but here, there are some people who don't have fun, but only seek pleasure!

I have to say that the city lord of Qian Lieyan City is not bad!

I heard that many people come to him every day to talk and listen to music.

When Li Huan left, he happened to see him playing the piano on the stage.

After the song was over, someone came forward to tease him. Everyone knew about Lieyan City Lord and Furong City Lord. Women hate such people the most!
So people would come here every day, listening to the music was fake, but bullying him was real!
The Lord of Raging Flame City has no cultivation base, so he is naturally powerless to fight back against these people. In addition, Sister Furong has been looking for someone to watch him to prevent him from committing suicide, so the Lord of Raging Flame City has always lived like this.

Sometimes it is more severe to take revenge on a person than to kill them.

The Lord of Lieyan City was so proud at the beginning, but now he has to endure the insults of all kinds of women every day, and he can't die even if he wants to.

Living a life that is worse than death every day, but Li Huan found that there was still unwillingness hidden in his eyes!

Li Huan sat under the stage and listened to the music until everyone dispersed, and then Li Huan slowly followed the Lord of Lieyan City.

Li Huan: "My lord, please stop!"

The people in front didn't stop, they still walked forward.

Li Huan stepped forward: "I have something to discuss with you!"

The lord of Lieyan City was blocked.

Li Huan: "I have a way to help you restore your cultivation, as long as you tell me the location of the Treasure Pavilion in the City Lord's Mansion!"

The lord of Lieyan City ignored Li Huan, and Li Huan was not angry either.

A finger pointed to a certain place, and there was a sound of something falling not far away!

It was the guard who was knocked out by Li Huan.

Li Huan: "How is it? Are you interested in talking?"

"What do you want to do?"

Li Huan: "I don't want to do anything, it's just a simple transaction! I get rich, and you get what you want!"

"Why should I trust you!"

Li Huan: "Look at this!"

Li Huan lights up the rune in his hand, and the complete rune lights up in Li Huan's hand.

The Lord of Raging Flame City was astonished, and then exulted: "See the messenger!"

Li Huan: "Are you willing to trade?"

"The envoy wants something, just go and get it from her, why come to me?"

Li Huan: "You don't have to worry about this, I only want things, and I don't care about the rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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