Chapter 142 Misunderstanding
Unexpectedly, Li Huan came out by himself.

Although a little surprised, he didn't ask much.

Seeing that Li Huan had subdued the pharmacist, he was very surprised.

He went in and looked around, thinking he would find something, but there was nothing!

Not right!

It's not that a pharmacist is as rich as a country!

It's not that pharmacists like hiding treasures the most!

How come there are no children!
Although the captain had doubts, Li Huan's hands were empty.

Even if he felt strange, he couldn't say anything.

Li Huan's portable space is the only one in this family, and no one can think of it.

Li Huan remained silent, and handed Jin Yaoshi to the captain.

Now that he has been caught, he will naturally be taken back and sent by the Zuo family.

After all, the people involved in this operation were all from the Zuo family, and Li Huan was only here to help on the surface.

Just when the captain was about to take Jin Yaoshi away.

The golden boy suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were red like a beast.

He violently attacked the captain.

Li Huan exclaimed: "He's going berserk!"

The captain also felt that Jin Yaoshi's aura was soaring, and he didn't hesitate to step forward to subdue him.

Among the monks, there are some pills that can stimulate the potential of the human body. After making people crazy, their strength will increase exponentially.

Therefore, at this time, Jin Yaoshi was extremely powerful, and the captain suffered a disadvantage in the first round trip.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain was going to knock Jin Tongma out directly.

Li Huan saw the right moment and used his divine sense to control his soul with one move.

He stopped the two people in front of him, and then shouted loudly: "I'll help you!"

Li Huan stepped forward and pushed, and the golden boy directly hit the captain's sword, piercing his heart!
Instant death.

At this time, Jin Tongma's pupils had returned to clarity, but to no avail, he twitched a few times and died.

Don't rest your eyes!

The captain didn't come back to his senses for a while, and saw that the man had been killed by himself.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

But look here it's just the three of them.

Li Huan's Soul Eater Sutra has been used very skillfully, and it can only freeze them for a second.

But one second is enough, it will not make people too suspicious, and it can also solve worries.

She promised Jin Tongma not to kill him, but she didn't promise that others would not.

After Li Huan said goodbye to the captain, he went back to Zuo's house.

The banquet has probably already begun.

Li Huan had told Zuo Moxun not to wait for her before.

After all, Li Huan is not a big shot, if the Zuo family waited for her alone for no reason, it would be too eye-catching.

When Li Huan returned to Zuo's house, the banquet had almost begun.

Li Huan found a corner where no one was paying attention, and was about to sit down and have something to eat.

After a busy morning, I am really hungry.

Li Huan originally wanted to refine some Bigu Pills, but felt that not eating would be a lot less fun.

It seems that when I go back this time, I still have to refine some.

Li Huan sat in the crowd, ate with peace of mind, and listened to the discussions of the people around.

"Have you heard? Concubine Lan Gui will hold a banquet in the palace three days later."

"I know this, it's clearly a banquet, and it's said to invite everyone to get together.

In fact, she wanted to choose the princess concubine for the prince.

Otherwise, those who received the invitation would be young ladies. "

"Prince? The prince has been engaged not long ago?"

"You're blind, that good-for-nothing miss from home, how could it be possible."

"That's right. It is said that Lan Zhizhi of the Nalan family has been promoted to a sixth-rank warrior some time ago."

"My God! A 16-year-old sixth-rank martial artist! Then this princess must be her!"

"No, I heard that the one from Beixian Wang's family just came back, and I heard that his cultivation level is no worse than that of Lan Zhizhi."

Li Huan listened to the crowd's discussion and remained indifferent.

The decree of the divorce has been achieved.

The crown prince, Laoshi, has nothing to do with him.

Li Huan originally wanted to be a little transparent, eat something, and then went back quietly.

After all, I just got a copy of "Poison Classic" and haven't had time to read it yet.

Hurry up and practice, and soon you will be leaving.

But some people just don't let Li Huan eat in peace.

Li Huan was eating, when someone grabbed his shoulder suddenly: "It's you! I finally found you!"

Li Huan looked up and found that it was a young woman who grabbed her shoulder: "Who are you?"

Mu Lanxin didn't expect that the person in front of her didn't recognize her.

In an instant, she became angry, she was one of the most famous ladies in the imperial capital after all.

Besides, he doesn't look bad.

In such a short time, he didn't recognize himself.

The person who recognized the woman in the crowd.

Started to exclaim: "Mu Lanxin, it's Mu Lanxin, she's really back!"

"Could it be that you came back specially for the prince's banquet?"

"It's possible. I heard that her cultivation at the border has gone a step further."

"It's getting lively now. I don't know how Lan Zhizhi will react."

Mu Lanxin gritted her teeth and looked at Li Huan reluctantly and said, "Mu Lanxin!"

"Is something wrong?"

Li Huan asked puzzled.

Mu Lanxin did not expect that this woman would have such an attitude.

But it seems that people are right.

She didn't need to come today.

After all, the Zuo family was very powerful, but they couldn't surpass Beixian King.

She came here specially to find someone. Last time in the tent of His Royal Highness King Yun, she lost to him hastily.

Not reconciled, Mu Lanxin stepped up her practice along the way.

Finally promoted to the seventh-rank martial artist, she wanted to find that person and defeat her.

To prove that he is a good match for His Royal Highness King Yun.

After searching for a long time, I finally found someone today.

Mu Lanxin: "Who are you?"

Li Huan thought it was funny that Mu Lanxin chased her back from the border.

After finding myself, I asked who I was: "Miss, you don't know who I am, so why are you holding me?"


The people sitting next to Li Huan all thought it was funny.

"Don't laugh! Say it!"

Mu Lanxin blushed pretty, and said forcefully.

The rest of the people couldn't see it, so they told her: "This is Miss San who left home, Li Huan."

Mu Lanxin finally knew Li Huan's name.

Can't wait to ask: "What is your relationship with His Highness?"

Li Huan was speechless and didn't want to talk to her.

She hasn't asked her what she was doing in Yunling's tent so early in the morning.

Afterwards, Li Huan thought about it carefully.

Yun Lingding had already left.

Taking advantage of Yun Ling's absence, the woman ran into his tent and was bumped into by Li Huan.

Before Li Huan questioned her, she came to question herself instead.

Anyway, I'm also Yun Ling's serious girlfriend.

Although Li Huan only set a trial period of half a year, it is still in the trial period.

So, I'm the right one, okay?
From what you said, I'm the one who interferes with feelings!

Li Huan was instantly unhappy!
Li Huan didn't know it herself, but now she cared more and more about Yun Ling.

But she will not admit that she is jealous here!

(End of this chapter)

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