Chapter 1431 Black Vine
Another is that a certain powerful power is coming!

But I don't know who it is, the person who can get rid of his own blindness must have a high level of cultivation!
No matter who it is, it's not good for Li Huan, it's better to go first!

The deeper it goes, the more Li Huan can feel that there is something in the deep underground that is attracting him!

Dead Soul Mountain is not easy!
When Li Huan was under the holy lake, he discovered that the former Winged Soul Mountain was a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, not a place where there is no vitality but only resentment.

Where there is spiritual energy, there will be beautiful scenery. The surface of the mountain of dead souls has been eroded by the power of resentment, and the changes are relatively large, but this is not necessarily the case in the depths!

Maybe the person here is also here for this underground treasure!
Li Huan possessed psychic skills, so her intuition has always been extremely accurate!
Not long after Li Huan left, she stopped again.

Ling Lin: "Boss, don't stop for a while, leave soon! I'm afraid!"

Li Huan: "Excellent!"

Linglin: "Then what's the matter?"

Li Huan: "I sensed Yan Qing! He's not far from here!"

Linglin: "Li Ming said that he found some treasure and wanted to dig it up for you. Speaking of which, they have been away for a while. Do you mean that they are here?"

Li Huan: "Maybe! Let's hurry up, they might be in trouble."

Li Huan led Ling Lin to the depths of the cave to refuel, and Li Huan sensed that Yan Qing was getting closer and closer to him, Li Huan: "It seems that we are really in trouble! Let's go!"

Finally, I reached the deepest part of the ground, but there were several forks in the road.

Linglin: "Which side to go?"

Li Huan felt it carefully: "Yan Qing?"

Li Huan shouted at one of the fork in the road.


A dragon chant came from one of the forked roads.

Li Huan: "This way!"

Li Huan led Ling Lin inside, Yan Qing must be here.

Linglin: "There's no real baby here, is there?"

Li Huan: "Otherwise, you think I'm full and have nothing to do, so what are you doing here?"

Linglin: "Maybe it's just for leisurely stroll!"

Linglin muttered something in a low voice and found that Li Huan didn't hear it, so he plucked up his courage and started to mutter.

"How could there be a baby in such a place!"

"The inside of this cave has been hollowed out eight times earlier. If it really existed, it would not be your turn!"

"It's okay not to hurry, but to say that there are treasures in such a place, it's a waste of time! It's hopeless!"

Linglin was chattering and thinking, but was suddenly knocked down by Li Huan with a hammer, hitting his head.

"Ouch! It hurts me!"

Linglin looked at Li Huan aggrieved.

Li Huan: "I'm not deaf yet, concentrate on walking! Don't be distracted, if you get caught, I don't have time to save you!"

Ling Lin: "This broken mountain cave is still being arrested, what's there to get caught!"

Just as Ling Lin finished speaking, Li Huan suddenly got short and disappeared in front of Ling Lin's eyes.

Just as Linglin wanted to ask Li Huan why he squatted down, suddenly a black rope came out from nowhere and bound Linglin tightly.

Ling Lin wanted to speak, but his mouth was also blocked by the end of the rope!

That rope is alive!

Linglin: "Mmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Ling Lin looked at Li Huan in horror, wanting Li Huan to save herself.

Li Huan: "I can't figure it out? What kind of broken cave is this, what's so dangerous! It seems that the words are still in my ears! Do you think I have auditory hallucinations?"

Ling Lin shook his head, looked at Li Huan aggrievedly, his innocent little eyes were full of begging for mercy.

Li Huan: "Is it wrong?"

Linglin nodded immediately, his little head shaking like a chicken eating rice.

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, and cut off the rope on Ling Lin's body with one sword: "Okay! Don't cry!"

Ling Lin was suddenly untied, and without paying attention, he leaned forward a little, and fell directly on the ground, falling like a dog eating shit.

When Ling Lin got up from the ground, his delicate face was covered with traces of gravel.

Linglin: "What is this?"

Ling Lin picked up a piece of broken rope, only to realize that it was similar to a vine of a plant, but it was about the same thickness as a rope.

Li Huan: "Don't touch it!"

Li Huan just finished speaking, but it was already too late!
Ling Lin's hand was wrapped around the 'rope' again, and the rope disappeared from Ling Lin's hand in an instant!

Linglin: "Go in! Go in!"

Ling Lin looked at the rope in his hand, as if he had come alive, he got in from the scratched part of his hand!
The frightened Linglin shouted to hell!
Linglin: "Boss! Help me!"

Li Huan's expression was solemn, this rope is definitely something powerful and alive, with such a strong vitality, it might be difficult to deal with.

Linglin was holding a dagger at this time, looking at his arm with death on his face, just when he was about to make a move, Li Huan stopped him.

Li Huan: "What are you doing? Swinging a knife from the palace?"

Linglin wept with a sad face: "Boss, I definitely can't take this hand! Woooooo... Could it be that the current situation is not to abandon the car to protect the handsome man, cut off the hand, and then avoid future troubles?"

Li Huan: ...

Resentment God must have bad eyesight, and chose such an idiot as his emissary!
Li Huan: "Oh! Then cut it off! After you cut it off, you can see if you can rely on future troubles. By the way, I still want to remind you that I'm afraid it won't work if the hand is cut off. There are also body, neck, and legs. Maybe you can't even ask for it!"

Ling Lin: "Why! If they are all cut off, then how can I live!"

Li Huan: "Aren't you trying to avoid future troubles?"

Ling Lin suddenly threw away the dagger: "Boss, help!"

Li Huan looked at Ling Lin speechlessly and disgustedly, and carefully looked at the remaining black vines on the ground.

Li Huan stretched out his hand and picked up a small piece.

Linglin: "Don't! I'll get in!"

Li Huan ignored Ling Lin.

Linglin saw the motionless thing on the ground, but after reaching his hand, he immediately came alive!
Then he kept looking for the taste of blood, wanting to invade into the blood.

Li Huan intentionally scratched his finger a little bit, and then the vine became excited instantly, crawled towards Li Huan's wound, and burrowed into it.

Ling Lin: "It's over, Boss, you can't think about it too much! I know you're doing it for me! You want to suffer with me, but it's so unwise to do this! I die alone! You accompany me I die together, I am really sorry!"

Li Huan: "I'm going to die myself! I'm going to die! I want to live as long as the sky!"

Linglin: "But you just clearly..."

Before Ling Lin finished speaking, he saw the small black section on Li Huan's hand and the wound that had just penetrated, as if fleeing for his life, it came out without hesitation, and then jumped off Li Huan's hand, Run away from the gap in the corner of the cave!
Ling Lin was completely shocked!

It ran away!

(End of this chapter)

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