Chapter 1438
It was a bit difficult to deal with one older person, but now that there is one more person, Li Huan was quickly defeated.

Just when Li Huan was about to be caught, suddenly a dagger flew from a distance and hit the freshman's heart!
The freshman looked at his chest in disbelief, turned around and saw a little doll appearing in the underground river.

The sophomore was fighting with Li Huan, but found that there was no movement behind him, and turned around to find that the freshman was dead!

Li Huan took the opportunity to go up the wall, took the initiative, and slashed at the sophomore with a sword.

The sophomore hurriedly dodged, but was restrained by Li Ming who jumped out of the water with his thoughts.

Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan, do it!"

Li Huan understood, and without hesitation, he pierced the second student's heart with the Divine Phoenix Sword in his hand.

The sophomore looked at the person in front of him, and was even more anxious than the freshman in disbelief!
Ranked according to self-cultivation, the freshman is the lowest, and the senior is the highest, but the senior is not easy to make a move, and they follow the young master every step of the way, and generally the juniors do things.

But freshmen and sophomores are not low in cultivation!
The sophomore hadn't recovered from the shock of the freshman's death, so he lost his own life!

Li Huan put away the Divine Phoenix Sword and threw the bodies of the two into the underground river, and soon the river washed them down.

Follow the water and disappear!

Li Huan: "Let's go! Hurry up! That group of people came a lot!"

Li Ming: "Sister, do you think I'm doing well?"

Li Huan: "It's too dangerous. The next time you encounter such a situation, you should run quickly. Although I am not very capable, I can still run away quickly!"

Ling Lin: "When this kid saw that you didn't come, he immediately turned his head away. Seriously, if it wasn't for us just now, you might have died."

Li Huan: "Thank you, two great experts, for saving lives! Please lead the way, let's go out!"

Li Ming smiled happily, and finally got praise from sister Huanhuan!

Although Ling Lin was still boasting, the corners of his mouth had already risen to the back of his ears!

Obviously, Li Huan's praise was very useful.

Li Huan cleaned up the traces here, and then took Ling Lin and Li Ming to swim out of the cave that Li Ming found before!
After the three of them walked for a while, the junior followed the route of the freshmen, first and sophomores and found this place.

But at this time, there is no one here.

The junior didn't see the figure of the freshman and the sophomore, and when he was about to leave, he found the sword marks on the wall.

There were signs of a fight just now!

So, someone has fought here before, but the person has disappeared!
What about the freshman and freshman?

The junior searched carefully and found an inconspicuous little powder on the wall!
This is a powder that is specially used to deal with invisibility, and it is impossible for ordinary families to have it.

The junior hesitated for a while, but decided to go back and report to the young master first.

The young master has completed the divination technique, but the expression on his face is not very good!
He just did another divination, and the essence of the earth's core has been missed with him!
This time, I probably won't be able to find it back. The hexagram shows that this time I really made a trip in vain!

I'm really not reconciled!

After working so hard for so long, it all failed!
I have prepared enough!


The young master turned around and saw Junior kneeling on the ground alone.

The young master closed his eyes lightly, with a feeling of calm and prestige: "Say!"

Junior: "Master, there is an underground river ahead, where the traces of junior and senior have disappeared!"


Junior: "'s...dead! But I found a little bit of this in the corner!"

Junior showed the young master the powder scraped off the wall.

After the young master saw it, he sneered: "It seems that some people can't stand it anymore! It's okay, let's go back! This is not all the harvest! At least we know who is the enemy and who is the friend!"

Seeing that the young master didn't bring up the matter of punishing himself, the junior was relieved.

The group is ready to go back!
Speaking of going back, Murong Xueying is naturally the most excited!
The young master looked at Murong Xueying: "Are you really willing to do anything in order to go back with me?"

Murong Xueying's mind is full of rebirth at the moment, she has never thought about what the young master's words mean, she will be reborn after all!
It's okay to be low!

It's just that if Murong Xueying thinks about it in the future, she wonders if she will regret her choice today.

Because the young master didn't get what he wanted most during this trip, he became gloomy along the way.

The team didn't dare to say too much, based on their understanding of the young master, this is a moment when anyone who bumps into it will be in danger of life!
Therefore, no one dares to speak!
But among them, only one person is the most excited!
It was Murong Xueying.

Seeing the journey back, Murong Xueying was so excited that she was about to be reborn!
I must be reborn, and in the future, when I cultivate into a formidable power again, I must come back and kill Yin Jiuye and Qiao Qingyun!

Little did she know that this time, a bigger nightmare was waiting for her!
If people don't die, they won't die!
The path Murong Xueying chose by herself, no matter what the future holds, is all her fault!

After Li Huan and the others came out of the underground river, they continued to walk towards the exit!

And when Yin Jiuye caught up, the slope of the mine was already empty, and there was nothing left.

Yin Liancheng: "You'd better give up! They don't have you in their hearts at all! What are you chasing after!"

Yin Jiuye: "You don't need to take care of my affairs!"

Yin Jiuye found something wrong in the underground river, thought that Murong Xueying had left here, so he jumped down without hesitation.

Linglin: "Are we going out soon?"

Li Huan: "One more day's journey ahead and we're at the exit."

Linglin: "I'm so excited! I didn't expect that I would be able to leave here one day."

Li Huan: "Li Ming, are you willing to practice the Demon Clan Kung Fu?"

Li Ming: "Can I?"

Li Huan: "Of course, if you want, I will help you find a way."

Yin Yun is the Demon Lord of the Demon Race, if Li Ming follows him, even if his background is unknown, he will be taken care of by the Demon Race.

It's just that Li Ming seems unwilling to leave Li Huan.

Li Huan: "You're still young, you can't always follow me, I'm a human, you're a demon."

There were tears in Li Ming's eyes: "Sister Huanhuan, do you dislike me?"

Li Huan shook his head: "No! It's just that I don't understand the exercises of the Demon Race, which will delay your cultivation. Right now is the best time for you to practice. If you follow me, it will delay your cultivation."

Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan, does it mean that my cultivation base is too low?"

Li Huan shook his head: "I'm just afraid of delaying you, you can't always follow me, I have no fixed place, and my life may be in danger at any time, if you follow me, you might die."

Li Ming shook his head, looked at Li Huan firmly, "I'm not afraid! Sister Huanhuan, I'm not afraid of death!"

Li Huan: "But I'm afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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