Chapter 1440 is back

"Yin family, what do you want from the Yin family? There are only two of us left in the Yin family. I have lost too much in these years for the so-called recovery of the Yin family. I don't want to continue! After you find your body, you can go!"

Yin Jiuye spoke slowly, as if he had already made up his mind to cut himself off from Guangfu Yin's family.

How could Yin Liancheng agree!
If there is only a physical body, if you leave the big tree of Yin Jiuye, everything will have to start over, and the cultivation resources alone cannot compare to half of the Yin family!
Yin Liancheng naturally refused!
To die for a woman!
It's really worthless!
Yin Liancheng scolded Yin Jiuye a thousand times in his heart, but when he opened his mouth, he still had to prepare for himself.

Yin Liancheng: "Who said there are only two of us left in the Yin family."

Yin Jiuye: "What did you say?"

Yin Liancheng: "I once read in an ancient book that our Yin family originated from the Wu clan. We are not ordinary Wu clan. Our ancestors came down from above!"

Yin Jiuye: "You mean..."

Yin Liancheng: "On the top, there may be our clansmen. Our true identity should be the gods and witches!"

Yin Liancheng's words surprised Yin Jiuye: "You mean we might be the god-witch clan among the god clan?"

Seeing that Yin Jiuye obviously believed it, Yin Liancheng immediately said affirmatively, "Yes! I have lived in the Wuji Desert for so many years, so I know a little bit about it! The Wuji Desert has the most complete historical traces."

Yin Liancheng's words shocked Yin Jiuye, and it was impossible not to be excited.

Yin Jiuye's heart, which had been planning to give up, became active again in an instant.

Yin Jiuye: "How do I go to the upper realm?"

Yin Liancheng breathed a sigh of relief, cheating is better than looking for death alone!

Although it may not be possible to go up, but it will not be driven away right now.

If Yin Jiuye really went to the top and got a divine body when he got there, even if Yin Jiuye found out that he had lied to him, at least he would not have nothing!

The divine body is something you can't find here!

But it's different in the Upper Realm, I hope Yin Jiuye won't let him down and can go up the ladder smoothly!

Yin Liancheng: "Although the upper realm is far away and ordinary people cannot go there, it leaves a difficult but feasible path for people!"

Yin Jiuye: "What is it?"

Yin Liancheng: "The road to heaven!"

Yin Jiuye: "After the promotion, go back and go to the road to the sky."

But on Li Huan's side, after following Yun Ling back to the Wujie Tower, he returned to his own body.

After Li Huan came out, she returned to the Prince's Mansion.

When the people in the prince's mansion saw the prince holding a man's hand, they all exploded!
After a while, the imperial city exploded!

Especially Prince Yun's support team:
"What! The prince is back!"

"What! The crown prince led a man in by the hand!"

"What! Prince Yun is a broken sleeve? We are about to get married!"

It has to be said that the trend of this trend is getting more and more outrageous.

When Li Huan realized it, the whole imperial city was discussing this matter.

Li Huan: "Broken sleeve?"

Li Huan touched his face, but he didn't know when Master would come back.

Linglin is a wronged soul who has a certain arrogance in this imperial city, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Ling Lin: "Boss, you should hurry and take me to the underworld! I'm always afraid here!"

Li Huan: "Progress! Go by yourself!"

Linglin: "But you promised me before and said you would send me there! You can't go back on your word! Boss! If you go back on your word, I won't drink Wangyou soup when I reincarnate! I will seek revenge from you in the next life!"

Li Huan: "When did I say I sent you to the underworld?"

Li Huan's rhetorical question directly stunned Ling Lin: "So, you turned your face and denied anyone after you came out? Uh..."

Ling Lin's whole body was in a state of collapse. Sure enough, if he was cheated, he would not admit it!
Li Huan: ...

It's the same as what I did to apologize to you.

Li Huan: "Don't cry! I'll find someone to take you there!"

Ling Lin stopped crying instantly: "Who is it?"

Li Huan didn't speak, the Soul Devourer was activated, and the summoning technique was activated instantly.

After a while, a wandering spirit appeared in the middle of the Prince's Mansion.

The aura of grandeur in the prince's mansion was strong, and the wandering soul trembled all over, but the summoning technique must not be violated, and it came over under the pressure.

Li Huan: "Long time no see, I have something to trouble you."

If Wu Xuanyu was here, he would be able to recognize it, this is his mother!
Li Huan helped Wu Xuanyu fulfill her wish last time. When Wu Xuanyu's mother left, she gave Li Huan a promise.

Li Huan: "He is my friend, he was a resentful soul before, but now he has receded the resentment, I would like to trouble you to take him to the underworld to reincarnate."

The wandering soul nodded, only to see a white shadow waving towards Linglin.

Li Huan: "Go! Have a good pregnancy in your next life, don't be tricked into being a resentful soul, and you will never be reborn forever."

Ling Lin looked at Li Huan with reluctance in his eyes, almost crying.

Ling Lin bid farewell to Li Huan, followed Wandering Soul into the ground and disappeared.

Li Huan placed a super-salvation formation on the spot, and read the Sutra of Rebirth for a while, hoping that Linglin will have good luck!

What Li Huan didn't know was that the rune in his hand was flickering, gathering all the Sutras that Li Huan had recited, and disappeared into the ground.

After Ling Lin left, the Prince's Mansion became quiet again!

During the few days Linglin was here, he was chattering and talking non-stop all day long, but now he suddenly disappeared, and he was still a little unaccustomed to it.

Li Huan looked at Li Ming.

Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan, are you going to send me away now?"

Li Huan: "You don't want to leave?"

Li Ming: "No, but when I think of not seeing you for a long time, I feel a little sad."

Li Huan: "We will definitely meet again! Don't worry! My sister will definitely visit you when she finds her family. You are from the demon clan. After you go to the demon clan, you can try to find your family members and see what kind of family members you were in back then. What is the situation, why was it locked up!"

Li Ming nodded, although he didn't want to know his life experience, nor did he want to know why he was imprisoned there for so many years. For the demons, as long as they can successfully dissect their bodies, they can live again directly. Therefore, lifespan is important to them. As far as I'm concerned, it's not a big deal.

But when Li Huan said he wanted to find his family, Li Ming would naturally be obedient and symbolically look for his family.

Although the family is very strange to Li Ming.

Li Huan: "The cultivation system of the demon race is too different from that of the human race. You can only cultivate on your own. My sister can't help you. This is the magic stone, which can help you hold on to your life when your strength is still low, but Remember, each stone can only be used once, and it can help you resist a magic attack."

(End of this chapter)

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