Chapter 1443 The Yi Family
Since leaving the Tomb Guard Village, I haven't been in touch with Bruno for a long time. I don't know if Bruno has found Alice.

Li Huan glanced at Li Ming, wondering if he should tell Li Ming his guess.

Li Huan thought about it, and finally shook his head, if he made a mistake, wouldn't Li Ming be happy in vain.

Li Huan: "After I get out, I have an old friend who I want to introduce you to. I won't be around in the future, so you can go to him when you have something to do."

Li Ming: "Is it someone my sister trusts?"

Li Huan: "Yes, but it is a ghost monster."

Li Ming: "As long as my sister trusts me, I can be friends with him. Sister Huanhuan, you don't have to worry about me. I will be able to take good care of myself. When I grow up, I must protect you!"

Li Huan: "You can only leave here after you have cultivated until you don't need the devil energy."

After the high-level demons reach a certain level of strength, they can get rid of the dark devil energy, and it will not affect their own cultivation.

Li Huan gave Li Ming a small goal, otherwise, she might be caught up by Li Ming right after she left!

Li Huan went to Tongtian Road this time, his life and death were unknown, and he didn't want to involve other people.

Li Ming: "I will!"

Li Ming knew what Li Huan was thinking. He had recently practiced spiritism and had achieved some success, but in order not to worry Li Huan, he didn't say anything!

All the spells taught by sister Huanhuan, Li Ming travels day and night without eating or drinking. When Li Huan rests, he is also practicing. He just wants to shorten the distance with Li Huan to the greatest extent so that he can catch up with his sister as soon as possible. , Let’s go together to help my sister find relatives.

Li Huan suddenly heard noisy voices outside.

Feel carefully, it is someone from outside!

After the previous demon general left, the Yi family sent someone.

It was a man, who was directing outside, and went to check the pit next to the pit where Li Huan and the others were.

However, the original stones of magic spar were all good, but as soon as they were dug out, they turned into powder and fell down.

The man was very surprised. When he heard it before, he couldn't believe it. He had never heard of such a thing in so many years.

The man looked solemn, and went to the place where the demon general had checked before.

The demon general told the man that there was movement here before, and something was trying to break out of the formation.

The man immediately gave the order to surround the entire mine without water leaking out!
Then send people to investigate the potholes one by one to see what got in!
Li Huan and the others know invisibility, so every time someone comes.Just hide yourself, and the people who come to investigate will naturally find nothing!
Unwilling to be reconciled, the man walked through all the potholes, and found that the raw magic crystals in some pits were still good, but some had no magic energy at all, and some had a little bit of magic energy remaining.

The man sorted all these stones, and finally found something wrong.

The man circled a general area, gathered everyone together, and carefully searched for this area!
It happened to be around the pothole where Li Huan was!
From the looks of it, this man is quite smart. By comparing the unearthed magic spar stones, he found their whereabouts. However, Li Ming is practicing and cannot be disturbed.

Li Huan set up a blindfold around Li Ming to cover up where he and Li Ming were.

The man took people to check for several days, but there was still nothing!
But he was sure someone was inside and hadn't come out yet.

The man immediately sent a letter back, asking the Yi family to send someone.

Li Huan: "It seems that the people who come this time should be even more powerful."

It took Li Ming a few hours to memorize all the runes that Li Huan had learned for several days.

The natural advantages are indeed incomparable.

Li Huan: "If we dare to leave here before people come, I have a hunch that the people who come this time may be very powerful, we have to leave quickly."

Li Ming nodded.

The little milk cat is ready, and Li Huan and the little milk cat will work together.

Li Huan deliberately made noise on the other side to attract attention, while the little milk cat destroyed the formation, and Li Huan and Li Ming took the opportunity to come out.

In the pit on the other side, Li Huan buried a blasting spirit stone. Although these spirit stones don't have much help in battle, they are more than enough to make noise!
Right now, the entire mine is on alert, and any movement will definitely attract attention immediately.


After Li Huan came out, he immediately detonated the explosive spirit stone in the pit, and immediately there was a sound from another place.

Li Huan was buried in three places in total, only the place where the little milk cat was was not!

The three blasting spirit stones are blasted separately, so that the attention can be attracted to the greatest extent!

After the guards left and went to the other three places, the little milk cat used his fastest speed to eat a gap in the formation.

When Li Huan came out with Li Ming, the whole mine was still in chaos.

Not long after Li Huan escaped with Li Ming, he saw a car pulled by a monster approaching.

The Warcraft vehicle stopped in front of Li Huan Li Ming.

Li Huan followed Li Meditation, but was stopped by someone: "Do you understand the rules, stand aside and wait!"

Seeing that the man was rude to Li Huan, Li Ming was a little angry: "Why! This road does not belong to your house!"

"This entire mountain belongs to our Yi family. Our lady wants to cross, but you still have the guts to stop it. You don't want to live, do you?"

The man's whip was about to hit, but the curtain on the car suddenly opened, and a demon woman inside took a look at Li Huan and Li Ming: "Forget it, stop and let them go first."

Li Huan: "Thank you!"

Li Huan ran away quickly with Li Ming.

The woman looked at the backs of Li Huan and Li Ming, and felt something was wrong: "Does anyone come to this mine usually?"

"Miss, this mine has always belonged to our family! Who dares to come to such a place! Isn't that tired of work!"

The woman's face suddenly changed: "Find someone to capture those two people just now! The rest of the people leave and take a look in the mine."


A few people listened to the woman and went after Li Huan and Li Ming.

Li Huan led Li Ming and ran quickly, using his fastest speed to run forward.

Li Ming: "Sister, why do you have to run so hard when you come out?"

Li Huan: "That person just didn't notice it for a while, but he will react soon and find someone to arrest us."

Li Ming: "Why?"

Li Huan: "Look at this mine, it's such a remote place, no one will come here often, but we are here, isn't it telling people that there is a problem between us, and after a while, the people behind will catch up !"

Li Ming: "Sister, I have already caught up."

Li Huan: "So fast! Let's go! Let's go to the next mine."

The mine map in Li Huan's hands is marked with the most ore and the largest mines.

(End of this chapter)

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