Chapter 145 Invitation to Battle

Lan Zhizhi was also very depressed.

As soon as Mu Lanxin came back, it was revealed that she had already had an affair with the prince's brother.

And Li Huan, who occupies the marriage contract, dares to miss the prince's brother.

Now Li Jiao has also shown amazing talent.

Lan Zhizhi looked at Lan Shaohua as if asking for help, and Lan Shaohua signaled her to be calm.

Although Lan Shaohua is Lan Zhizhi's aunt, Yun Xiao is her son.

She naturally hoped that her daughter-in-law would be someone with outstanding talents.

Only in this way can he secure his great career.

Lijiao's side is enjoying the victorious scenery, enjoying everyone's envious eyes.

However, there were two people present who didn't care at all.

Mu Lanxin looked at Li Huan and walked towards her with a smile.

"Miss Li Huan, I didn't expect you to be the prince's fiancée. You really surprised me."

Li Huan: "It won't be soon."

Mu Lanxin thought it was funny, she knew that Li Huan was the one, and she would be so happy after marrying the trash who was bestowed by the prince.

How could His Royal Highness the Prince of Yun like someone whom the crown prince doesn't even want.

Mu Lanxin: "Tell me, what will happen if His Highness finds out that you are already engaged?"

Li Huan: "Does he know, what does it have to do with you? Aren't you here to choose a concubine today?"

"I came to see you, but I don't need it now.

Since you are already married, you are naturally ineligible, Your Highness is mine now! "

Mu Lanxin looked at Li Huan proudly, as if she and Li Huan were no longer on the same level.

His Royal Highness King Yun already belonged to her.

Seeing her smug expression, Li Huan felt unhappy.

Li Huan didn't know why, but when she heard Mu Lanxin say, 'Your Highness is mine now! '

Extremely upset!

Li Huan glanced at her: "Really? Why do I think it's still mine?"

Mu Lanxin: "Hmph, shameless, since you have a marriage contract, just be your princess, and don't have illusions if you can't imagine."

Li Huan looked at Mu Lanxin who was as proud as a peacock in front of him: "This sentence is for you as it is!"

Li Huan walked towards the front of the hall without waiting for Mu Lanxin to react.

At this time, the last person who had performed just now had just left, leaving only Li Huan in the hall.

Li Huan looked at Lan Shaohua reassuringly: "I want to report to the imperial concubine, the minister has something to do!"

Lan Shaohua didn't know why Li Huan came over suddenly.

She looked down on this young lady who left home, even though Li Jiao behaved well just now.

However, Lan Shaohua thought that the position of the main palace was still not her turn.

If Xiao'er likes it, it's not impossible for the side concubine.

After all, the prince needs to win over people's hearts and consolidate his position.

It's not good for Lan Shaohua to show Li Huan's face in front of so many people, she is afraid of offending others.

Lan Shaohua: "It's Huan'er, what's the matter, let's talk."

Li Huan took out the imperial decree: "I would like to report to the imperial concubine, the servant girl knows that her qualifications are mediocre, and she is not suitable for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

So I begged the emperor to break off the engagement with His Royal Highness the Prince.

This is an imperial decree bestowed by the emperor, please have a look at it. "

Lan Shaohua didn't expect that Li Huan would call off the marriage by himself.

A little surprised, but ecstasy followed.

This marriage has dragged on for so long, if she didn't want the remaining pill in Li Huan's hands, she would have been impatient.

I didn't expect Li Huan to be sensible.

Seeing that the one-year period was approaching, she took the initiative to call off the engagement.

Lan Shaohua never heard the emperor mention it.

Of course, the emperor actually didn't want to divorce and divorce.

Therefore, he hoped that if Li Huan regretted it, he would return the imperial decree, so that he would still be his good daughter-in-law.

Therefore, the emperor never told anyone about it.

But it was obviously impossible, Li Huan couldn't wait to retire.

But Lan Shaohua no matter how happy he is.

There is still a look of reluctance on the face: "Oh!

Since you insist on this, I can't force it, it's a debt to you from Aijia.

If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell Aijia. "

Now that Lan Shaohua has spoken.

Naturally, Li Huan would not let go of this opportunity to blackmail: "The minister is short of money, Zhuangzi, shop, and elixir..."

Lan Shaohua didn't expect that Li Huan would not play cards according to common sense.

Directly above this hall, I asked her for something.

Now that this word has been said, there are so many people today.

Lan Shaohua's expression changed again and again, and finally he suppressed his resentment.

Give Li Huan a lot of gold and silver jewelry, two villas, two shops, and some elixir.

Li Huan thanked her with a smile, Lan Shaohua could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, unable to tell what she was suffering.

When Li Huan was thanking him, he took the opportunity to hand over the remaining half of Dan Fang to Lan Shaohua.

Lan Shaohua knew what was in his mind, and his heart became calmer.

It's just money, and it can be earned back.

With this prescription it is different.

Lan Shaohua's ambition is not small, and this prescription is very tempting to her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have agreed to Li Huan's request back then.

Lan Shaohua: "Since the marriage contract is gone, taking this opportunity, the Ai family will also help the prince find a suitable candidate.

After all, Xiao'er is not young anymore, and she needs someone who knows how to take care of her. "

As soon as Lan Shaohua's words fell, the hall immediately became lively.

It was expected that the prince wanted to divorce, but I didn't expect that it was the young lady who left home who proposed it first.

She has no cultivation base, so she cannot be a princess.

Right now, if I take the initiative to propose, not only can I get a good reputation, but I can also get so many rewards, which is not bad.

Although the way to reward this is a bit awkward...

However, Miss Li's third lady is a good-for-nothing, and she must have a bad life in Li's mansion.

After all, everyone knows that Li Huan stayed in Lihuo City for ten years.

Right now, if you directly ask for it in the hall, then these rewards will be cleared and no one will be able to snatch them away.

Although the method is a bit distasteful, it is indeed the most practical and most suitable method for her.

Therefore, everyone knew it well and didn't say much.

Even if she has self-knowledge and withdraws voluntarily, the prince will become the master of nothing.

The young ladies who came today looked at Yun Xiao even hotter.

Yun Xiao enjoys everyone's fiery gaze, and it is very useful, this world will be his in the future!

After Li Huan got the money, he announced the divorce in public.

She didn't want to stay here any longer, so she prepared to resign and leave.

But at this time, Mu Lanxin suddenly shouted loudly: "I heard that Miss Li is extremely talented.

This girl wants to teach me something today, but I don't know whether to appreciate this face or not. "

Mu Lanxin finally seized the opportunity, how could she let Li Huan leave.

Li Huan obviously didn't want to fight with herself, but she was not reconciled.

She just wants to beat her in front of everyone.

To let King Yun know that she is the most powerful among all the ladies in the imperial capital.

"I knew that Mu Lanxin was interested in the position of Crown Princess."

"To challenge in public like this, it seems that Miss Mu's strength is not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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