Chapter 1450 Never covet
Zhili walked back after saying that, thinking that Li Huan and Li Ming would stop him, after all, there is not much time for the competition!
If you can't catch up, you will lose the qualification for the competition.

But after Zhizhi Li said to leave, Li Huan and Li Ming stood where they were, without saying anything.

Zhili walked a few steps, then stopped, neither walking nor not walking.

Li Huan: "What's wrong? Didn't you want to seek justice?"

Zhili: "I want to go, but it will take a lot of time to go back and forth. It's not worth it for ten magic crystals!"

Li Huan: "Oh? Isn't ten magic crystals worthwhile? I thought you wanted to swallow all twenty magic crystals! Only cheating ten, isn't it too little? After all, my brother hasn't released this one yet! "

Zhili: "I don't understand what you said."

Li Huan: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, but this person, you can't be too greedy, ten magic crystals, how can you rent a car that can be used for three days? How far has it traveled, and it will be scrapped directly. It’s a bit unreasonable!”

Zhili: "What are you talking about! I can't understand a single word!"

Li Huan: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, my sword can make you understand!"

Li Huan shot instantly, Zhili didn't know if he felt guilty, he never fought back but just avoided.

Li Huan: "Are you guilty?"

Zhili: "You have to be reasonable! This is not my fault! I was also deceived!"

Li Huan: "You were deceived? Are you sure?"

Zhili: "Really! I was really deceived!"

Li Huan: "Since you admit that you have been cheated, then you don't care about our affairs. You give me back the ten magic crystals I gave you earlier!"

Zhili: "I said I was cheated! Why are you doing this!"

Li Huan: "Don't want to take it out?"

Zhili: "I was deceived by someone, and I can't get it out!"

Just kidding, how could he spit out the things in his pocket, he is not stupid!

Li Huan: "But you lost our ten magic crystals, what do you say?"

Zhili: "So, after the competition is over, how about I find a way to return it to you?"

After the competition, I ran away, and you can't find me!
At that time, the ten magic crystals will be mine!

Right now, when we still need to form a team, we can't offend them too much.

Li Huan shook his head: "No, if you run away, we won't be able to find you!"

Zhili also knew that Li Huan would say this, but said with a helpless look on his face: "Then there is no other way, I was also deceived, and I didn't intend to trick you!"

Li Huan looked at this gift differently!
The ability to tell nonsense with eyes open is almost as good as myself!
That's right, his cultivation is still barely there.

Li Huan: "There is another way, it depends on whether you are willing or not."

Zhili: "What way?"

Li Huan: "We're going to participate in the competition. If we get the first place, we'll take that exercise! Don't covet it!"

Zhili: "You mean the No.1 reward?"

Li Huan nodded: "Yes!"

Zhili looked at Li Huan, this person is probably not stupid!
No.1 is such a difficult thing, but you still want a reward!

Return the No.1 reward, let me not covet it!


With their level, can they still get No.1?
dreaming too!
Li Huanzhi hesitated, and was about to add fuel to the fire, and said, "If you can't bear it, forget it! Then pay us the ten magic crystals now!"

"Okay! Don't think about it! If we win the first place, the reward will be yours! I don't want it! I definitely don't covet it!"

Zhili spoke immediately, with a firm tone.

Li Huan: "Really, no regrets? You swear!"

Zhili: "No regrets, I swear to the Demon Lord, if we are the first, I will not even reward me! I will never covet it!"

Li Huan nodded in satisfaction.

Zhili just felt that the person in front of him was really overestimated, as far as this level was concerned, he was still number one!

These ten magic crystals are really easy to earn!

Don't come easy!
Li Huan looked at Zhili and felt that Zhili would regret it in the future!
Looking at Li Huan, Zhi Li felt that this person would definitely regret it in the future!
Both sides have their own ghosts, and no one will tell them, and maintain a short-term peace.

"What's going on here?"

A beast cart passing by them stopped suddenly. This beast cart wasn't big, but it was a luxurious six-wheeled beast cart!

The monsters pulling the cart are full of energy.

The car curtain is tightly covered, and the decoration on the outside is not simple.

Li Huan followed the voice and saw the car curtain slowly opened, revealing a clear face.

At first glance, Li Huan thought this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

The man in the car said: "You are also participating in the competition! I left late and couldn't find my teammates. If you are willing, I can provide a beast car to take you there, but the condition is that you form a team with me !"

Zhili is still looking for this person, ready to make a fortune, after all, this car doesn't look cheap, maybe it's another fat sheep!
Li Huan said, "Okay! Welcome to join!"

As Li Huan said, he pulled Li Ming to get into the car.

Zhili: "I haven't agreed yet!"

Li Huan: "Then you just wait here, let's go first."

Gift: ...

The three of them got into the car. The car was much more luxurious than it looked on the outside. The upholstery was luxuriant, comfortable and spacious.

Li Ming: "This good-looking brother, do you also rent this car? How much is it for a day?"

"Three magic crystals a day."

As soon as the man finished speaking, an embarrassing atmosphere began to fill the air.

Li Ming glared at Zhili dissatisfied.

Zhili immediately said innocently: "I was also deceived! I didn't know!"

Li Huan didn't say much, this person was always familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it before, she only knew that this person was harmless to her.

Li Ming leaned on Li Huan: "Sister Huanhuan, when can we arrive?"

Li Huan: "Such a car will arrive tomorrow, so you can sleep for a while!"

Li Huan stroked Li Ming's little head and coaxed him to sleep.

But Li Ming always felt uncomfortable, and the feeling of being stared at by something was really shabby.

Li Ming didn't fall asleep all this time, and finally turned over and leaned against the side of the car, instead of lying beside Li Huan, that feeling disappeared.

Zhili: "My name is Zhili, this is Li Huan, this is Li Ming, what is this brother's name?"

Zhili is very familiar, and soon began to get close to the man in the car. After all, this car is not bad, maybe he can get some benefits after getting familiar with it.

"Ai Li."

Zhili: "It turns out that the surname is Ai, such a surname is rare."

"It's not love, it's love."

The gift is inexplicable, I don't know which word this person said, just smiled to ease my embarrassment.

But Li Huan felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He only looked at the man in front of him. He had never seen this face before, but this feeling was very familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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