Chapter 1456 Love

Zhili: "Fuck! These bastards, did they record all the colors of my underwear and sell them! How do you know everything!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan didn't know everything, there was only part of the information on the black market, and the rest was guessed by Li Huan himself based on how he got along with Zhili these days!

Li Huan: "If I said, these are all my guesses, would you believe me?"

Zhili looked at Li Huan with the look that you think I am a fool.

Li Huan: "It's telling the truth, if you don't believe it, forget it!"

Ai Li: "He doesn't believe it, but I believe it! I believe everything you say!"

Li Ming: ...

Brother Big Devil seems to have met a strong opponent!
Hurry up and report, otherwise, sister Huanhuan might be tricked away by this little boy.

Li Ming looked at Ai Li, always felt that the way this man looked at his sister was not right, he was squinting.

At first glance, he is not a good person!
It's just that this cultivation base is not bad, and we can form a team together for the time being.

Only then did Li Huan realize that he was too busy negotiating terms with Zhili, forgetting that there was another person!
Li Huan's startled expression hurt Ai Li very much.

But Ai Li still looked at Li Huan with a smile all the time: "Don't think about me, I have no opinion on what you do."

Li Huan: How come there is an illusion of being teased again.

Ai Li: "It's not an illusion, I really like you!"

Li Huan: "I..."

Ai Li didn't wait for Li Huan to speak, so she walked away without listening to Li Huan's explanation at all.

Zhili: "When did this kid fall in love with you? How far have you guys progressed?"

Li Huan: "Shut up! I already have someone I like! I'm engaged!"

Zhili: "Family flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers. You are wrong. Human feelings are affectionate at first glance. How dare you refuse them? These are too unfeeling!"

Li Huan: "Oh? Do you dare to say that in front of your family?"

Zhili suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained to Li Huan: "I'm just joking! Don't get me wrong! Let me tell you, this journey is covered by my brother, don't worry, I'm number one! I took it 100 years ago! It's not difficult! As long as you don't talk nonsense when I go back with me! This condition is not too much given our friendship!"

Li Huan: "Whispering!"

Zhili: "I'm serious! Don't let your mouth slip!"

Li Huan: "If you don't lead the way, what are you talking about!"

Zhili understood immediately, and took Li Huan to a small path.

Li Ming followed Li Huan, watching Ai Li vigilantly to prevent Ai Li from getting close to her sister, if she was cheated, she would not be hammered to death by the big devil!

Li Ming is like a little guard, staring at Ai Li all the time, not allowing him to take a step closer to Li Huan.

However, after what happened just now, Ai Li did not get closer to Li Huan.

Li Huan just avoided embarrassment.

In this competition, Li Ming must get the No.1 exercise.

No matter it is Zhili or Aili, they are all first-class masters. Zhili Lihuan has inquired clearly from the very beginning, as long as there is a need for Lihuan, it will be easy to handle!

It's just that Ai Li didn't say what he wanted from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know the details of this person, so Li Huan was worried.

Those who want nothing are the hardest to buy.

Li Huan tried to communicate with Ai Li, hoping that he would state his conditions, but Ai Li still said that he didn't want anything.

Li Huan promised to give him all the rewards of No.1, as long as the exercises are kept!
But Ai Li doesn't care at all.

Li Huan really had no choice but to take one step at a time.

What Li Huan didn't know was that Ai Li had been paying attention to her all the time, and his attention never left her.

It's just that he has hidden all of these. Ai Li's cultivation level is much higher than Li Huan's. He deliberately conceals it, but Li Huan can't detect it at all. Only Li Ming, who is sensitive, can sometimes find out a thing or two.

Zhili is someone who has been here before, so you don't need to use force, just look at the eyes of Ai Li and Li Huan to know something is wrong.

It's obviously the look in the eyes of someone you love!
The light in those eyes cannot be concealed no matter what.

But Li Huan seemed to be very dull, he didn't notice it at all.

Zhili felt that this was a good time to get some money from Ai Li, so he immediately pulled Ai Li aside: "I said, are you serious?"

Ai Li looked at Zhi Li in disbelief.

Zhili: "What are you pretending to do! If others can't see it, am I also blind? You like people, don't you?"

Ai Li didn't speak.

Zhili: "No need to explain, that's it! Do you want me to help you?"

Ai Li: "What do you want to do?"

Zhili: "Of course I have my own way. This is a test field. If I say I'm not familiar with it, no one will know the way!"

Ai Li: "What do you want?"

Zhili stretched out his hand, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together, motioning for Ai Li.

Ai Li gave Zhili a magic crystal: "Speak!"

Seeing the magic crystal, Zhili's expression brightened instantly, and he immediately put away the magic crystal, then said a few words in Ai Li's ear, and then said: "After the matter is done, I only want this amount!"

Zhili stretched out a few fingers to Ai Li.

Ai Li: "No need!"

Zhili: "The price is negotiable! Really!"

Ai Li: "No! I love her, and it has nothing to do with her. If it's not willing, I'd rather not have it."

Zhili: "It's so rigid! You still chase after girls like this! You can pull it down! Wannian single dog!"

Ai Li: ...

Zhi Li still didn't give up, and wanted to fight for it, but no matter what he said, Ai Li didn't agree with the so-called method of cooking cooked rice with raw rice.

Zhili: "If you think it's too expensive, you can reduce it by half! This is already the lowest price!"

Ai Li: "She is priceless! You don't need to say any more!"

After saying that, Ai Li left, leaving the rest of the ceremony in a mess.

The final gift is still shaking his head: "There are infatuated people every year, so what, they are not like me! If you want to say that the most harmful thing in this world is the word love! Alas! If I hadn't been touched by love, I would have been flying 800 years ago. year!"

Zhili sighed, but the moment the figure flashed in his mind, the corners of his mouth still raised unconsciously.

The feeling of happiness spreads all over the body!

This is the curse of love, which makes people go on and on, regardless of the consequences.

Under the leadership of Zhili, Li Huan and his group quickly found the exit of the first level.

Li Huan: "This speed is not bad!"

Zhili: "Not against one's heart! Not bad! Look, who else is earlier than us!"

Li Huan: "Yes! Look!"

Zhili followed the direction of Li Huan's finger, and someone really has reached the entrance of the second level!
Zhili: "Who is that in front! It's even faster than me! Let's go! No.1 must be obtained!"

Ever since Li Huan promised Zhili to go back with him to help see the doctor, Zhili has been more active than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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