Chapter 1462 Flattered
"Puff, puff..."

Just like making dumplings, the canoe on the water was reduced by half in a short moment.
The rest of the people suddenly panicked and all ran back.

The underwater monster came out!

Everyone exclaimed unlucky!

All the people who fell into the water disappeared!
I saw a shadow suddenly appeared in a certain place in the water, that shadow was like a huge monster, the person who fell down disappeared in the middle of the shadow without even having time to struggle.


With a beast roar, a huge monster with fins that looks like a fish but not a fish suddenly jumped out of the water!

People on the shore: "My God! Come out! Come out!"

People on the shore exclaimed one after another, and ran further away as if fleeing for their lives.

The person who was still on the water just now ran towards the shore at his fastest speed.

But they soon found that they were not advancing but retreating.

The canoe under his feet was out of control!
The wood under his feet kept retreating backwards. He had already almost reached the shore, but now he watched himself retreating to the center of the lake again!

Such a sense of fear swept everyone's heart.

Li Huan and the others are no exception.

Li Ming: "We are retreating!"

Li Huan: "It seems that the monster is trying to bring all of us together."

Li Ming: "What do you gather together for?"

Zhili: "Nonsense, naturally eat it in one bite! For people like us who are only allocated to stuffing his teeth, eat toothpicks one by one, or get together and eat in one bite?"

Li Ming: ...

Li Huan: "Find a way to keep the boat still. In this case, we may still pass before he comes! We will be on the other side soon!"

Zhili: "Try to activate the runes on this ship!"

Li Huan: "I won't!"

Zhili: "You don't know how to use your boat!"

Li Huan: "Whoever stipulates my boat, I will do it!"

Li Ming: "Don't bully my sister!"

Zhili looked at Ai Li: "Will you know?"

Ai Li was stunned for a while.

Zhili instantly became angry: "We are all busy running for our lives, yet you still have time to be in a daze! You really have a big heart!"

Ai Li was hesitating, after all, if he wanted to activate the runes, he had to use the Nine Phantom Bone Fire.

In this way, you will be exposed!
Zhili: "Would you know it! If we don't think about it, we will go back!"

Seeing that the boat is getting closer and closer to the center of the lake, it will be difficult to escape.

Ai Li: "I can't, but you can!"

Ai Li looked at Li Huan.

Li Huan: "I won't!"

Ai Li: "I'll teach you a spell, you use your last flame to activate these runes!"

Li Huan: "Is that okay?"

Ai Li: "Try it!"

Li Huan nodded.

Ai Li passed on a demon spell to Li Huan.

Because Li Huan had learned the language of the demons, he learned it quickly.

After the flame in Li Huan's hand appeared, according to the method Ai Li said, Li Huan started to activate the runes continuously with the flame in his hand!

Sure enough, some runes on the ship suddenly lit up.

Li Huan: "It's really useful!"

Li Huan hurriedly controlled the boat, and the boat that was retreating moved closer to the shore again.

Zhili: "Not bad! Hurry up and row the boat!"

The boat went to the shore again, but at the center of the lake, the people gathered found that they couldn't get out anyway!
I saw that the ships in the distance were going to come, but they suddenly left!

"Why are they out of control!"

"It's a rune! Look!"

"The runes have the power of divine fire!"

"Impossible! Only the Demon Lord can have the divine fire! It cannot appear here!"

Everyone exclaimed, only thinking that the fear of being eaten was not so surprised.

Li Huan controls the Nine Phantom Bone Fire to bring the boat to the shore.

Just as he was about to go ashore, there was a sudden violent shaking.

A huge monster rushed out of the water!
Li Huan was on alert, took out the Divine Phoenix and prepared to fight, but was stunned by the monster's next move!

The monster looked at Li Huan and nodded, then actually laughed!
Yes, just laugh!
Although it's too ugly to smile!

But he was smiling at Li Huan!
Li Huan stood in mid-air holding the Divine Phoenix, not knowing what to do for a while.

Standing behind Li Huan, Ai Li didn't know what message he was sending to the monster.

The monster suddenly spit out a bead from its mouth, and then motioned for Li Huan.

Li Huan: "What do you mean?"

Ai Li: "It seems that I want to give it to you! Go ahead!"

Li Huan subconsciously took the bead, the pure white bead didn't know what it was, it was cold and heavy to the touch.

Li Huan: "Thank you!"

The monster nodded, then looked at Li Huan's love for Li, jumped into the water again, and disappeared!
Li Huan had already prepared for the fight, but it was over before it even started.

Li Huan: "What's the situation?"

Zhili looked at Li Huan: "Who are you?"

Li Huan: ...

Zhili: "He just gave you a look of worship. This is his treasure, the essence of many years of cultivation. How could he give it to you for no reason? Who are you?"

Li Huan: "I..."

Li Huan himself didn't know what was going on, it was so strange!

Finally, Li Huan looked at his hand: "Maybe it's because of the flame that it misunderstood something."

It may be the relationship between Shenhuo, which makes this monster feel familiar.

However, Li Huan didn't know the specific reason.

Li Huan put away the boat, making a false alarm.

Zhili: "Heaven's law is hard to tolerate! Why!"

Li Huan: "I am beautiful."

Gift: ...

Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan is the most beautiful person in the world!"

Li Huan smiled: "Yes, it has the potential to be a magic mirror!"

The people in the lake waited for a long time, but they didn't see any monsters coming to eat them, so they walked towards the shore tremblingly.

When everyone landed on the shore, the monster still did not appear:

"what happened?"

"This is the first time I've heard that a monster appeared and left without eating people!"

"Did you see what happened over there just now?"

"I saw it, the people on the boat let the monster stay!"

"It can't really be a Demon Lord, can it?"

"Impossible! It's obviously a woman!"

"Who is this woman who has such extraordinary abilities?"

"It's really interesting. I've never heard of such a person."

"It seems that we need to investigate carefully. I have never seen anyone who can make the monsters in the lake surrender, except for the Demon Lord."

Without his knowledge, Li Huan had already become a big celebrity in the competition venue.

Ai Li looked at Li Huan with pampering eyes.

Li Huan didn't know what to do with the beads in his hand.

Li Huan: "Zhili, have you seen this?"

Zhili: "No, if you lend me a few days to study, maybe I will know!"

Li Huan: "Do you see a fool written on my face?"

(End of this chapter)

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