Chapter 1469
Zhili stood in front of the so-called gate of the end, and he beat up all the people who broke through.

Zhili: "It looks like you don't want to honor what you agreed before?"

Kirth was a little shaken. After all, if it wasn't for Zhili, they wouldn't have come this far.

But Ke Erli, like everyone else, felt that the end had come, and if he made it now, he would simply give up what he had already obtained!
"We were robbed by you before, and we had to save our lives! What do you mean by doing this now!"

"That's right! It's just a robber who wants to occupy all our rewards! This appetite is too big!"

"Don't think that you can boss us around because of your high cultivation base. If you really fight to the death, you won't get any benefits!"

Zhili: "It seems that you have repented."

Ke Erli: "It's not that we repent, but that we stand up and resist for our own justice!"

As soon as Ke Erli's words came out, the rest of the people immediately found a valid reason!
They are the party of justice!
"That's right! We are fighting for fairness!"

"This world is not yours alone, but everyone's!"

"You can't just do whatever you want!"

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, we will do it!"

Zhili sighed helplessly: "If this is the case, there is nothing to say! Don't regret it!"

The gift is done.

After a while, everyone was ransacked by Zhili again.

Satisfied, Zhili tied the booty around his neck, all clothes, shoes, and even socks were stripped off by Zhili!

Zhili: "It's good to do it for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Zhili entered through the door, and the first thing Zhili did when entering was to close the door!
The ten-foot-high door was closed by Zhili with brute force!

At this moment, the people outside are really panicking!
"What's going on! How can this door be closed!"

"I've never heard that the door of the playing field can be closed!"

"It must have been done by that person just now! What should we do now?"

For a moment, these people panicked. Some tried to push the door open, but they were bounced away by the formation on the door.

They tried their best to open the door in front of them.

Failure to open this door means that they have completely missed the chance to follow the competition!


Cole cursed sharply, looking at the door in front of him, feeling deeply powerless.

No matter how hard you try, you can't open it, the door is closed!

It's a desperate feeling to have worked so hard to get here, but in the end you can't even get in the door.

Just when everyone was desperate, all the scenery behind them suddenly disappeared!
In its place was an empty square.

There are many others here as well.

And they all looked at this side as confused as they were.

After all the scenery disappeared, it was discovered that the so-called cliffs and magma they experienced before... were all fake!
All are phantoms.

"How is this going!"

"We've just reached the end!"

"Why is it still at the entrance!"

At this time, the system's voice suddenly sounded: "The entrance is closing, the entrance is closing."

Everyone heard a loud noise, followed the sound, and found that a heavy door was slammed shut on a high mountain in the distance!

"That's the last door!"

"That's the real door!"

"So, we have eliminated all of them, haven't we!"


At this time, the person who fell off the cliff first also appeared in front of everyone.

Unscathed, just in a sluggish state, but recovered quickly.

"I'm alive!"

At this time, someone stood up and explained.

"As long as you are firm in your heart, you can break through the illusion in front, but behind the door, you will see real swords and guns! The scenes you saw when you came here before are all real inside!"

"So, the final competition is behind the door?"

"It can be said that, but there are very few people who can come out alive from behind this door."

"It's no wonder that those who can get the ranking in each competition are so famous, and the major families are rushing to win them over."

"It seems that he is indeed capable. If it were me, I wouldn't even be able to pass the cliff."

Many people discussed and expressed their opinions.

Kirth: "Is what the robber said true?"

Ke Erli: "It can't be true! Even if his cultivation level is high, it is impossible to guarantee that all of us can get the ranking he promised!"

Kirth originally wanted to say that he somewhat believed what the man said, but almost everyone didn't believe it, and he didn't speak again.

"You have also seen the road you just walked, it is extremely dangerous."

"Even if it's a mirage, I can feel the feeling that I might die at any time."

"It's really scary!"

"It's disgusting! The bandit didn't tell the illusion he knew, and even used his saliva to draw symbols for us. Thinking about it now is really disgusting!"

"Yes! It's really hateful! Now that I think about it, that person is really a heinous crime!"

"If he hadn't closed the door, how could we have no chance to break through!"

"If it wasn't for him just now, we would definitely be breaking through this time! Maybe we can get a ranking!"

"If I see him again, I must kill him to vent my anger!"

Everyone started to complain about Lily.

Only Kirth did not speak.

Kirth knew they wouldn't even get here without the gift.

When the rest of the team heard their complaints, they couldn't help but said, "It's useless, you see, I knew it was an illusion, but I still didn't go over."


Everyone looked at that person in puzzlement, all of them looked arrogant and arrogant that if you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it either.

Because they came over so easily, they thought that this phantom array could be walked easily!
"You don't know if you really don't know or if you don't know. Once you know that this is a phantom formation, your cultivation will be locked in an instant, and this phantom formation can be set according to everyone's heart. Obstacles, you can't pass them at all! Who do you think you are!"

After the man finished speaking, everyone was still unconvinced, and still felt that it was so easy for him to come over, knowing that it was the phantom formation, it was the same as how easy it was to come over.

The man felt that these people were unreasonable, shook his head, and left.

"What should we do now?"

"It seems like we have to wait until the results come out before we can leave."

"You can see what's going on over there!"

Suddenly a cloud cluster appeared in the sky, and what was played in the cloud cluster happened to be the scene of people who were breaking through the level.

For a while, everyone ran over to see what was going on inside.

(End of this chapter)

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