Chapter 148 Escape
What's more, there is the 'Rejuvenation Pill' that is irresistible to all women.

From what Li Huan could see, the Overlord team was really working hard.

Li Huan came to Yunfu and discussed with Wang Batian and the others.

She will leave sooner or later, and this West Street will be handed over to them in the future.

If there is a profit, share it with them fifty-fifty.

The money will be deposited in Linlang Pavilion, and she will tell Feng Kaiji when she leaves.

Ask him to help convert it into Lingshi in the future, and deposit it directly into her card.

Wang Batian and the others find it hard to accept that Li Huan is leaving.

But Li Huan had a reason to go.

He said that he would definitely come back to see them in the future.

Wang Batian: "Don't worry, we will help you guard this West Street."

Ye Xin: "You must be careful when you go out alone."

Kong Xin: "If you are being bullied outside, come back and tell us, we will fight for you!"

Wang Sulin hit Kong Xin with a hammer: "I don't know what level I am, but if I want to help Li Huan out, then they will come to rescue you instead!"

Kong Xin was so embarrassed, blushed, and looked at Li Huan embarrassedly: "Then we will help you guard West Street."

Li Huan felt warm, and said with a smile: "If there is a chance in the future, it is not impossible for you to come with me.

When I have saved enough money, I will also open a West Street shop over there. Please go over and help me run it.

However, the premise is that you have to improve your own strength first.

Brother Wang is right, there are too many strong people on the other side of the World of Warcraft forest.

I am not completely sure that I will be able to come back intact. "

Wang Sulin: "Don't worry, we will try our best to catch up with you!"

Kong Xin: "Yes! I'm going to practice now!"

Ye Xin: "We promise not to hold you back!"

Feeling the encouragement of Li Huan, Bawang's team started the crazy training mode one after another.

Li Huan returned to Li Mansion, planning to take back the Treasure Pavilion.

But as soon as he entered the mansion, he was stopped by Lin Mumu: "Who do I think this is? I ran out this early in the morning."

Li Huan didn't want to pay attention to her and was going back to Changhuan Pavilion.

But Lin Mumu couldn't bear to meet Li Huan, so she decided to take the opportunity to sarcasm: "Master has an order, before you get married.

Miss San is not allowed to take half a step out of the mansion, so let me take care of it! "

Guard at the gate: "Yes!"

Li Huan had already walked a certain distance, and heard Lin Mumu's words.

Back again: "What did you say?"

Lin Mumu was in a very good mood, smiled and said to Li Huan: "Your marriage has been settled.

The younger brother of the adjutant's family who guards the west of the city.

The day after tomorrow, they will come to welcome their relatives, so prepare well. "

Lin Mumu said with a proud face.

Li Huan turned cold in an instant: "Who arranged it?"

Lin Mumu had a half-smile but not a smile: "Of course the master spoke.

I haven't been running around for you for a few days now.

how?Want to thank me? "

Li Huan: "Oh? It seems that you can't wait for me to disappear?"

Lin Mumu gloated: "Who told you to offend Prince Beixian's mansion, there is a way to heaven and you don't go.

Originally, the master saw that you had cultivated, and wanted to find a good family for you.

But now.

Instead of letting you lose the master's face.

Not as good as before the battle.

marry you off. "

Lin Mumu received a letter from Li An.

Li An said that Li Huan is very evil, not only good at cultivation, but also medical skills.

Originally, Lin Mumu didn't believe it.

But she asked several people who were close friends with the Zuo family before she was sure.

Li Huan does know some medical skills, but it's just a woman's skill.

However, for the unmarried young lady in Yunlong Country.

This is already a good bargaining chip.

Fortunately, the master still doesn't know that this little hoof can heal.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to agree to this marriage.

Lin Mumu couldn't wait to marry Li Huan.

Saved day and night looking at the panic in my heart.

Lin Mumu suspected that Qiu Nannan and Cang Lingling were bewitched by her before.

Otherwise, nothing happened for so many years, but this happened not long after Li Huan came back.

As a result, she suffered a great crime in prison, and now many families do not invite her to banquets.

Although there was no evidence, Lin Mumu looked at Li Huan.

I just feel that the previous incident has nothing to do with this person in front of me.

If this person doesn't like your eyes, even your breath is wrong.

Even though Lin Mumu's intuition was accurate, she had no evidence.

Lin Mumu originally thought of finding someone to assassinate Li Huan directly, but if he died, it would be over.

But she doesn't!

She hates Lin Yunshang.

Lin Yunshang is dead, and she wants to watch Lin Yunshang's daughter live in pain for the rest of her life.

What about the younger brother of the adjutant's family in the west of the city, but Lin Mumu carefully prepared it for Li Huan.

In order to find such a person, Lin Mumu spent a lot of energy.

Li Ge was originally dissatisfied, but whoever made the dowry more than doubled.

When Li Ge saw the dowry list, he naturally didn't say anything more.

For him, as long as there are enough interests, the daughter is not married for nothing.

In order to facilitate this marriage, Lin Mumu often added her private house to the dowry list.

I hope that Li Huan's situation will satisfy her, Lin Mumu feels happy when she thinks about it.

Li Huan looked at Lin Mumu with a smug face, but said nothing.

Back at Changhuan Pavilion, Qiuyue ran over anxiously: "Miss, I just heard that madam is going to marry you off!"

"I already know."

Li Huan said calmly.

Qiuyue hurriedly said: "Miss, why don't you go and beg the master.

You can practice now, maybe the master will change his mind. "

"No, it doesn't matter if you ask or not.

Seeking Li Ge, left and right is just another person to marry. "

Li Huan still doesn't care.

Qiuyue: "Then what should I do?
Miss, why don't you ask the prince, or His Royal Highness King Yun.

Yes, His Royal Highness King Yun is not very kind to you. "

When Li Huan heard Qiuyue mentioning Yun Ling, he didn't feel sour in his heart: "He's gone."

Qiuyue: "Let's go!
Miss, how did he leave!


Why is she not here at such a critical time, or...

His Royal Highness over there..."

Li Huan: "Stop!
The engagement has been retired, miss, I don't want to see him again! "

"Then what to do?
Miss, I heard that the younger brother of the adjutant of the city west guard is crippled.

I heard he has a bad temper.

Already killed three wives.

None of the young ladies from the imperial capital's family would dare to marry into his family, this...

What should I do! "

Seeing Qiuyue getting angry in a hurry, Li Huan wanted to laugh.

This girl is the only person in Li Mansion who is willing to care about her.

Li Huan: "She said she wanted me to marry, Miss, I will marry.

Do not worry.

Miss, I can't make up my own mind about my own marriage.

Then this year was not in vain. "

Qiuyue: "Miss, Madam has sent people to guard the mansion right now.

You can't get out, you don't even have a chance to escape. "

Li Huan: "Qiuyue, do you trust me, Miss?"

(End of this chapter)

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