Chapter 1482

Zhili rubbed his eyes, still can't believe that there is someone who can break the formation with one finger!

Zhili: "How did you do it!"

Li Huan: "That's it! It's very simple! Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

Zhili was a little eager to try, but Li Huan kept watching him and didn't make a move.

Li Huan: "Hmm!"

Zhili looked at Li Huan's outstretched hand, this...

The meaning of Li Huan is obvious, if you want to learn it, you can, but you have to pay the tuition fee!

Zhili: "Everyone is so familiar, it can't be!"

Li Huan: "Then don't even think about it, I can't bear to part with this little thing, so what else do I need to learn!"

Li Huan walked forward after speaking.

Li Ming and Ai Li also followed, Zhili waited for a while, but still followed, but he was still very curious about Li Huan's move just now!
Zhili has been following Li Huan, just to see how Li Huan operates!
But nothing!

No spiritual energy, no thought power, no magic weapon, no spiritual weapon or anything!
Zhili: "This is for you! Tell me!"

Li Huan: "A magic crystal! You sent a beggar!"

Zhili: "Can't it be less? I'm so poor, shouldn't you take care of me!"

Li Huan: "You are poor and you are reasonable, right! My magic crystal was also dug out by my luck! Why should I give it to you!"

Zhili: "Everyone is so familiar! Shouldn't you take care of me!"

Li Huan: "Why? Because you don't take a bath, because you are old?"

Gift: ...

Too heartbreaking!

Zhili: "I didn't take a bath! And! I'm only less than a thousand years old!"

Li Huan: "You are less than a thousand years old! You also know that you are a thousand years old! I am less than a hundred years old! You say you are not older than me! Ten times older! Grandpa!"

Gift: ...

What did you just say?

who I am?where am I?what am i doing?
Question marks kept flashing in Zhili's mind, but he didn't know what more heart-wrenching words Li Huan would say!

In Zhili's opinion, the speed at which Li Huan broke through the formation was a bit abnormal!

Zhili swears that he has lived for 1000 years and has never seen such an formation-breaking speed!

Li Huan: "If you really admire him, you can learn from a teacher!"

The ceremony: "I worship you as a teacher, you are dreaming!"

Li Huan: "Oh, you said that walking at this speed, will we reach the Warcraft Grassland in a few days? I remember betting with someone just now. It seems that if we win, there will be a hundred Where is the magic crystal!"


Zhi Li's voice rang before Li Huan's words were finished!

I'm afraid that Li Huan will ask for the magic crystal later!

One hundred!

How many people would it take to collect a hundred magic crystals!

Absolutely not, it's just a title, it's not as important as the magic crystal!
The gift is simply entering the tiankeng of the magic crystal!

Anything less than a magic crystal cannot make him compromise!

If you compromise, you will definitely lose the magic crystal!
Li Huan: "My dear disciple, you must respect your teacher, this apprenticeship ceremony..."

Zhizhi: "Look, master, if I give you the ceremony of apprenticeship now, will you give me the ceremony of accepting apprentices in return later? Wouldn't it be very troublesome to keep coming and going?"

Li Huan: "That makes sense, then I will put away the apprenticeship ceremony I prepared!"

Seeing Li Huan put away the whole bottle of elixir, Zhili became stiff instantly!
Is that an imperial elixir?

It should be, the elixir of a Huang-level pharmacist, it is very valuable!
Oops, it's a heartache!
Li Huan looked at Zhili and stared at the elixir in his hand without blinking, as if looking at some rare treasure.

Li Huan smiled and said nothing, Zhili found that Li Huan was looking at him all the time, a little embarrassed.

Zhizhi: "Master, I have thought about the apprenticeship ceremony, and it is still possible! Look at this teacher's apprenticeship ceremony, and think about it a little bit."

Zhizhi handed Li Huan his apprentice ceremony, Li Huan looked at it, but still accepted it.

But after accepting it, he still put away the bottle in his hand!

Zhili watched the imperial pill he wanted being put away by Li Huan, and instantly lowered his face.

Zhizhi: "Master, shouldn't there be an apprenticeship gift in return?"

Li Huan: "Oh, yes! I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!"

Zhili looked at Li Huan, and looked eagerly at the place where Li Huan had just received the elixir.

Li Huan took out the few magic crystals given by Zhili, and then took out one of his own magic crystals, and put it on top of the magic crystal given by Zhili.

Zhili: "Master, this is..."

Li Huan: "Student acceptance ceremony!"

Zhili: "I just saw it's not this! It's not this!"

Li Huan: "What is not this, not that, courtesy is reciprocated, this is not what it should be, no need to thank you as a teacher! This is what it should be!"

Zhili: "Master! I just saw that what you took out was a pill! It's not this! There is only one more magic crystal, is this also called the apprenticeship ceremony?"

Li Huan: "Look, the ten magic crystals you just gave me are the apprenticeship ceremony, isn't it just right for me to give you eleven?"

Zhili: "The pill I'm talking about! It's not a magic crystal!"

Li Huan shook his head: "Am I your master?"

Although Zhili didn't really want to admit it, but looking at Li Huan, he still said, "Yes!"

Li Huan: "Does the apprentice want to listen to the master?"

Zhili: "Can you say no?"

Li Huan: "No, in this case, you will get a bad reputation of disrespecting teachers, I can't harm you!"

Zhili: I refuse!

But already in the pit, what else can I do!
I feel cheated, what should I do?
Wait online!
It's a pity that Li Ming is a diehard fan of Li Huan, and sister Huanhuan is right in everything she says!
Sister Huanhuan is always right!
Not to mention Ai Li, who will only stand on Li Huan's side, if Li Huan asks him to cooperate, Ai Li will definitely help Li Huan to cheat the ceremony without hesitation.

Zhili just felt that his life was hopeless.

Li Huan looked at Zhili: "Is there any question?"

Zhili: "Can I have it?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Zhili: "Then you still ask! Is it really okay to hurt my young heart like this?"

Li Huan: "Not good! But I didn't! Do you still want to see how I broke the formation with one finger?"

Zhili: "Think!"

The reason why he apprenticed to a teacher was to know why Li Huan was able to break the formation in front of him by stretching out his hand. After suffering such a big loss, if he still couldn't do it, then he would really be better off smashing his head on the tofu!
Li Huan: "You can't kill someone if you bump into tofu!"

Zhili: "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

Li Huan: "You speak so loudly, no one can hear you!"

Zhili: "I obviously didn't speak!"

Li Huan: "I told you! If you don't believe me, ask everyone!"

Li Ming: "Say it! You said it!"

Ai Li: "You said it!"

Zhili: "I'm not delusional, am I?"

(End of this chapter)

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